Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP) — Part 4: Mapping to STEP application protocol 239

ISO/TS 21308-4:2007 describes the mapping to STEP application protocol 239 for the exchange of dimensional data between truck chassis manufacturers and bodywork manufacturers. It applies to commercial vehicles, as defined in ISO 3833, which have a maximum gross vehicle mass greater than 3 500 kg. The process of exchanging the above information can involve the chassis manufacturer, the chassis importer, the chassis dealer, one or more bodywork manufacturers, and bodywork component suppliers, e.g. manufacturers of demountable bodies, cranes and loading equipment, tipping equipment.

Véhicules routiers — Échange de données de produit entre les fabricants de châssis et de carrosseries (BEP) — Partie 4: Élaboration en accord avec le protocole d'application 239 de STEP

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ISO/TS 21308-4:2007 - Road vehicles -- Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP)
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First edition
Road vehicles — Product data exchange
between chassis and bodywork
manufacturers (BEP) —
Part 4:
Mapping to STEP application
protocol 239
Véhicules routiers — Échange de données de produit entre les
fabricants de châssis et de carrosseries (BEP) —
Partie 4: Élaboration en accord avec le protocole d'application 239
Reference number
ISO 2007
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Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
0.1 General. v
0.2 Intentions of this Technical Specification. v
0.3 Relationship with STEP. v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Abbreviated terms . 2
5 Overview . 3
5.1 General. 3
5.2 Mapping techniques and instantiation diagrams . 4
6 Exchange specification. 4
6.1 General. 4
6.2 Data exchange sets and capabilities . 6
6.3 Type and individual data. 7
6.4 External_class_library. 7
6.5 Attributes . 7
6.6 Partitioning of mapping examples. 8
7 Instantiation diagrams and related part files . 8
7.1 Part/type root. 8
7.2 Classification of part . 10
7.3 Individual root . 11
7.4 Classification of individual root . 12
7.5 Type properties . 13
7.6 Individual properties. 14
7.7 Organization information . 15
7.8 Project information – Example 1 . 16
7.9 Project information – Example 2 . 17
7.10 Purchase order information. 18
7.11 Delivery information . 19
7.12 Legal reference . 20
Annex A (informative) STEP information background . 22
Annex B (informative) Complete Part 21 text file (with data taken from earlier examples) . 23
Annex C (informative) Complete Part 28 OSEB XML file (with data taken from earlier examples). 26
Bibliography . 32

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In other circumstances, particularly when there is an urgent market requirement for such documents, a
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⎯ an ISO Publicly Available Specification (ISO/PAS) represents an agreement between technical experts in
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TS 21308-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 6,
Terms and definitions of dimensions and masses.
ISO/TS 21308 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Product data exchange
between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP):
⎯ Part 1: General principles [Publicly Available Specification]
⎯ Part 2: Dimensional bodywork exchange parameters
⎯ Part 3: General, mass and administrative exchange parameters
⎯ Part 4: Mapping to STEP application protocol 239 [Technical Specification]
iv © ISO 2007 – All rights reserved

0.1 General
Truck chassis manufacturers deal with the configuration of chassis in infinite numbers of possible
combinations, and bodywork manufacturers produce highly customized superstructures on these chassis.
Bodywork manufacturers build their superstructures on chassis of several different truck brands.
The production efficiency of a specific truck chassis and its body combinations can be greatly improved by
ensuring that the correct technical and commercial information about the specific chassis is communicated
with the bodywork manufacturer in advance. The information needs to be reliable such that the bodywork
manufacturer has sufficient confidence to prefabricate the body or the superstructure before the chassis is
delivered. With uniform conditions, unambiguous dimensions and supplementary information can be
established, transferred and correctly interpreted by the receiver. Increased information efficiency improves
quality and reduces lead times.
The ISO 21308 series specifies a system of codes to exchange specific data between chassis and bodywork
manufacturers, providing a platform for efficient communication between the parties. The process of
exchanging data according to the ISO 21308 series is not dependent on the degree of IT sophistication. Any
medium can be used, from fax or e-mail to a STEP (standard for the exchange of product model data)
Exchanging codes in accordance with the ISO 21308 series is useful in various situations, e.g. for design and
manufacturing, technical specifications, technical drawings and leaflets.
The codes provide the basic information level, and are also the basic input parameters for a data exchange
system based on the STEP protocol. This Technical Specification covers the mapping of these data to STEP
application protocol 239 (STEP AP 239).
0.2 Intentions of this Technical Specification
This Technical Specification is aimed at those parties interested in using STEP for their transmission of
product data. STEP can be implemented in different ways when used for the exchange of BEP (bodywork
exchange parameter) data. The intention with this Technical Specification is to create a basis for compatible
STEP applications when used for exchanging BEP data. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to map the
BEP properties to the STEP application in a uniform way. This Technical Specification specifies the general
principles of this mapping and shows examples of mapping of specific properties, as well as a complete STEP
file for the transmission of data.
This Technical Specification is intended for use by implementation and software design experts with in-depth
knowledge of the ISO 10303 series on STEP product data. Special knowledge of object-oriented syntaxes and
the data descriptive language of STEP, EXPRESS and EXPRESS-G (the graphical notation) is necessary for
the understanding and assimilation of this Technical Specification.
0.3 Relationship with STEP
The product data model schema of main interest is the ARM (application reference model) contained in STEP
application protocol 239 (ISO 10303-239), published in 2005.
In addition, complementary standards and documentation are developed within OASIS (a part of W3C) to
further assist in a successful usage and implementation of STEP AP 239 based solutions, referred to as data
exchange sets (DEXs).

Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis
and bodywork manufacturers (BEP) —
Part 4:
Mapping to STEP application protocol 239
1 Scope
This Technical Specification describes the mapping to STEP application protocol 239 for the exchange of
dimensional data between truck chassis manufacturers and bodywork manufacturers. It applies to commercial
vehicles, as defined in ISO 3833, which have a maximum gross vehicle mass greater than 3 500 kg.
The process of exchanging the above information can involve
⎯ the chassis manufacturer,
⎯ the chassis importer,
⎯ the chassis dealer,
⎯ one or more bodywork manufacturers, and
⎯ bodywork component suppliers, e.g. manufacturers of demountable bodies, cranes and loading
equipment, tipping equipment.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents a

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