ISO 15364:2021
(Main)Ships and marine technology — Pressure-vacuum valves for cargo tanks and devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks
Ships and marine technology — Pressure-vacuum valves for cargo tanks and devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks
This document is applicable to pressure-vacuum valves and to devices to prevent the passage of flame, both protecting cargo tanks, that can be subject to explosive gas/vapour and/or to gas/vapour pressure or vacuum beyond the design parameters of the system/tank. It specifies the minimum requirements for performance and testing. It also specifies design and in-service performance criteria, operational testing and maintenance requirements. Design or manufacturing in accordance with this document does not imply suitability for any given installation, it indicates that certain minimum requirements have been considered and that information necessary for determination of suitability is provided to the buyer of the equipment. The flame test procedures of ISO 16852:2016 are incorporated in this document. NOTE Minimum requirements for devices to prevent the passage of flame are found in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) "International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as amended" (SOLAS), Chapter II-2, Regulation 4, and IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Circular No. 677 (MSC/Circ. 677), "Revised Standards for the Design, Testing and Locating of Devices to Prevent the Passage of Flame into Cargo Tanks in Tankers", as amended.
Navires et technologie maritime — Soupapes de pression/dépression pour citernes à cargaison et dispositifs pour empêcher le passage des flammes vers les citernes à cargaison
Le présent document s'applique aux soupapes de pression/dépression et aux dispositifs empêchant le passage des flammes, qui assurent tous deux la protection des citernes à cargaison et qui peuvent être soumis à des gaz/vapeurs explosifs et/ou à une pression ou dépression de gaz/vapeur allant au-delà des paramètres de calcul du système/de la citerne. Il spécifie les exigences minimales en matière de performance et d'essais. Il spécifie également les critères de conception et de performance en service, les essais de fonctionnement et les exigences de maintenance. La conception ou la fabrication conformément au présent document n'implique pas l'adéquation à une installation donnée, mais indique qu'un certain nombre d'exigences minimales ont été prises en compte et que les informations nécessaires à l'adéquation d'une installation donnée sont fournies à l'acheteur de l'équipement. Le présent document fait référence aux modes opératoires d'essai d'explosion décrits dans l'ISO 16852:2016. NOTE Les exigences minimales relatives aux dispositifs empêchant le passage des flammes sont fournies dans la « Convention internationale pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer (SOLAS) », telle qu'amendée, de l'Organisation maritime internationale (OMI), Chapitre II-2, Règle 4, et dans la Circulaire n° 677 du Comité de sécurité maritime (MSC) de l'OMI (MSC/Circ. 677), « Normes révisées relatives à la conception, à la mise à l'essai et à l'emplacement des dispositifs empêchant le passage des flammes vers les citernes à cargaison à bord des navires-citernes », telle qu'amendée.
General Information
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Standards Content (Sample)
Fourth edition
Ships and marine technology —
Pressure-vacuum valves for cargo
tanks and devices to prevent the
passage of flame into cargo tanks
Navires et technologie maritime — Soupapes de pression/dépression
pour citernes à cargaison et dispositifs pour empêcher le passage des
flammes vers les citernes à cargaison
Reference number
ISO 15364:2021(E)
ISO 2021
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
© ISO 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
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ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 3
5 Materials . 4
6 Other requirements . 4
7 Type tests . 6
8 Flow and velocity tests . 7
8.1 Determination of capacity . 7
8.2 Capacity data . 7
8.3 Test apparatus . 8
8.4 Flow measurements . 8
9 Undamped oscillation tests . 9
10 Production control and inspections .10
11 Documentation .10
11.1 General .10
11.2 Installation instructions .12
12 Marking .13
13 Quality assurance .13
Annex A (informative) Installation requirements for ships subject to the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as amended (SOLAS) .14
Annex B (normative) Flow test measurements .15
Annex C (normative) Devices to prevent the passage of flame .17
Annex D (informative) Materials selection guidelines .19
Annex E (informative) Corrosion protection guidelines .20
Annex F (informative) Specification information .23
Annex G (informative) Flow graph examples .24
Annex H (informative) Relevant issues for reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC)
losses during cargo handling .28
Annex I (informative) Sizing guidelines .30
Annex J (normative) Limits on valve leakage .31
Annex K (informative) Sizing, location and installation of devices .32
Bibliography .33
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
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Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/ iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology,
Subcommittee SC 3, Piping and machinery.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 15364:2016), which has been technically
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— expansion of the Scope to include devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks;
— inclusion of requirements for flame transmission tests.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
iv © ISO 2021 – All rights reserved
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Ships and marine technology — Pressure-vacuum valves
for cargo tanks and devices to prevent the passage of flame
into cargo tanks
1 Scope
This document is applicable to pressure-vacuum valves and to devices to prevent the passage of flame,
both protecting cargo tanks, that can be subject to explosive gas/vapour and/or to gas/vapour pressure
or vacuum beyond the design parameters of the system/tank. It specifies the minimum requirements
for performance and testing. It also specifies design and in-service performance criteria, operational
testing and maintenance requirements. Design or manufacturing in accordance with this document
does not imply suitability for any given installation, it indicates that certain minimum requirements
have been considered and that information necessary for determination of suitability is provided to the
buyer of the equipment.
The flame test procedures of ISO 16852:2016 are incorporated in this document.
NOTE Minimum requirements for devices to prevent the passage of flame are found in the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) “International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as amended” (SOLAS),
Chapter II-2, Regulation 4, and IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Circular No. 677 (MSC/Circ. 677), “Revised
Standards for the Design, Testing and Locating of Devices to Prevent the Passage of Flame into Cargo Tanks in
Tankers”, as amended.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 16852:2016, Flame arresters — Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use
International Maritime Organization Maritime Safety Committee circular 677 (MSC/Circ. 677), Revised
Standards for the Design, Testing and Locating of Devices to Prevent the Passage of Flame into Cargo Tanks
in Tankers, as amended by IMO MSC/Circ. 1009 and MSC/Circ. 1324
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
flame arrester
device fitted to the opening of an enclosure, or to the connecting pipe work of a system of enclosures,
and whose intended function is to allow flow but to prevent the transmission of flame
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
dual nozzle valve
pressure relief valve that features two high velocity vents with different opening settings integrated
into one valve, the flow characteristics of which can be of one or more of the designs full opening valve
(3.3), modulating valve (3.7) or transition point valve (3.11)
full opening valve
design that opens fully at maximum 2 % above the set pressure
high velocity vent valve
pressure relief valve designed always to have efflux velocities that prevent the flame propagation
against the flow direction
maximum experimental safe gap
maximum gap of a joint of 25 mm in width which prevents any transmission of an explosion during tests
Note 1 to entry: ISO/IEC 80079-20-1 specifies the test apparatus and the test method.
maximum intended pressure drop
largest pressure drop generated over a device for which the test laboratory verifies the corresponding
flow capacity
modulating valve
design that opens proportionally with rise in pressure
pressure-vacuum valve
device to relieve the pressure or vacuum formed inside the cargo tanks by opening the valves at the
designated setting value to protect the tank from over-pressure or vacuum exceeding the design
parameters of the tanks
standard conditions
dry air at 288,15 K (15,00 °C; 59,00 °F) and 101,325 kPa
third party inspection body
organization independent from the manufacturer and user, that is qualified to perform or witness the
tests and inspections
transition point valve
design where the valve characteristics change from modulating to full opening at a particular pressure
verified drawing
drawing certified to be authentic and complete by the third party inspection body (3.10) issuing the
test report
verified flow chart
pressure versus flow volume presented in a chart certified by the third party inspection body (3.10)
issuing the test report
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
D pipe inner diameter at device connection
D minimum inner diameter of the piping between the device and the tank allowed for non-os-
cillating performance
L maximum length of the piping between the device and the tank allowed for non-oscillating
L pipe length between the test tank and the device for flow testing
L pipe length between the test tank and the device during non-oscillation testing
P value of inlet pressure at which the valve disk re-establishes contact with the seat or at which
lift becomes zero, when the valve is closing and pressure is decreasing
P value of inlet pressure at which the valve disk re-establishes contact with the seat or at which
lift becomes zero, when the main valve is closing and pressure is decreasing
P value of inlet pressure at which the valve disk re-establishes contact with the seat or at which
lift becomes zero, when the extra valve is closing and pressure is decreasing
P maximum pressure corresponding to the maximum flow volume (Q )
max 3
P gauge pressure at the device inlet at which the valve is designed to start opening
P gauge pressure at the device inlet at which the main valve is designed to start opening
P gauge pressure at the device inlet at which the extra valve is designed to start opening
P pressure at which a transition point valve changes from modulating to full opening
Q flow volume needed to open a full opening valve
Q flow volume needed to open the second nozzle
Q flow volume needed for a valve to remain fully open
Q flow volume needed to maintain a full opening valve fully open at P
2-fov set
Q flow volume needed to open a modulating valve
Q flow volume needed to maintain a modulating valve fully open
Q flow volume at which a transition point valve changes from modulating to full opening
Q flow volume needed to maintain a transition point valve fully open at P
2-tpv 1-tpv
Q flow volume corresponding to the maximum intended pressure drop over the device
Q minimum flow required to keep the valve partially open with no contact between the disc
and the seat
Q flow volume needed to maintain the main and extra valves fully open at P
2 total set1
Q flow volume corresponding to the maximum intended pressure drop over the dual nozzle valve
3 total
V minimum volume of the tank allowed for non-oscillating performance
© ISO 2021 – All rights reserved 3
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
5 Materials
5.1 The device housing, and other parts or bolting used for pressure retention, shall be constructed of
materials suitable for the intended service and listed in a recognized national standard or International
Standard. Housings, discs, spindles, seats, springs, gaskets, seals, flame arresters (when included in the
design) and all other integral parts, including parts with coatings to prevent corrosion, shall be resistant
to attack by sea water and the liquids and vapours contained in the tank being protected (see Annex D for
guidance on the material selection). Springs plated with corrosion resistant material are not acceptable.
5.2 Non-metallic materials, other than gaskets, seals and diaphragms as allowed by 6.11, shall not be
used in the construction of pressure retaining components of the device. Resilient seals may be installed
only if the device is still capable of effectively performing its flame arresting function when the seals
are worn down, partially or completely damaged or burned. Non-metallic gaskets shall be made of non-
combustible material and suitable for the service intended.
5.3 The possibility of galvanic corrosion shall be considered in the selection of materials (see Annex E
for additional considerations on corrosion protection).
5.4 The verified drawings shall include a complete bill of materials showing conformity with this
subclause and any other material requirements listed in Clause 6.
6 Other requirements
6.1 The maximum gas leakage rate shall be provided and expressed as the volume in standard
conditions that can leak from the valve at 75 % of the nominal setting as determined by the manufacturer.
Maximum leakage rates are given in Annex J.
6.2 Housings, elements, and seal gasket materials shall be capable of withstanding the maximum and
minimum pressures and temperatures to which the device may be exposed under normal operating
conditions. Flat surfaces of flanges shall be machined to provide for adequate joint integrity.
6.3 Where welded construction is used for pressure retaining components, welded joint design details,
welding and non-destructive testing shall be in accordance with national standards or International
Standards. Welding procedures should be in accordance with the ISO 15607 series. Welders should be
qualified according to the ISO 9606 series. Non-destructive testing should comply with ISO 5817.
Alternative equivalent national standards or International Standards may be used.
6.4 Pressure-vacuum valves shall be designed, such that condensed vapour and water in the pressure-
retaining zone drain from the device into the tank and do not impair the efficiency of the device. The
design shall also prevent the accumulation of water inside the device and subsequent blockage due to
freezing. The design shall prevent pockets of water or product from accumulating.
6.5 All fasteners essential to the operation of the device shall be protected against loosening.
6.6 Devices shall be designed and constructed to minimize the effect of fouling under normal operating
6.7 Devices shall be capable of operating over the full range of ambient air temperatures anticipated
and in freezing conditions, provided that the check-lift is operated to break the ice layer. If a heating
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
arrangement is applied, the surface temperature developed may not exceed the maximum design
Where a valve is intended to be fitted in a ship that will be operated in climate conditions that might
hamper its operation, e.g. seawater icing, the instruction manual shall contain appropriate information
to ensure continued operation.
6.8 End-of-line devices are required to direct the efflux vertically upward. Further, for high velocity
vent valves, the minimum average velocity of efflux through a cross section of the valve’s outlet to
atmosphere shall not be less than 30 m/s for all flow rates.
6.9 A manual means (e.g. check-lift) shall be provided to verify that any valve disc and other moving
elements lift freely and fully and do not remain in the open position. The manual means shall be part
of the valve assembly and be operated without the need to add or remove parts. The design shall be
such that the device is verified not to be inoperable due to corrosion, residue build-up or icing, when the
aforementioned manual means is used in combination with the manufacturer’s requirements for visual
6.10 Valve discs and other moving parts shall be guided by a suitable means to prevent binding and to
ensure proper self-closing (seating), taking into account the possible build-up of condensed vapours.
NOTE Maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements is normally necessary to ensure
proper valve operation.
Valve discs and other moving parts shall close against the valve seat by metal to metal contact. Where
the valve closes against a metal seat and a resilient seal is added to reduce gas leakage, the valve’s
performance in terms of flow shall not be affected if the seal is destroyed, damaged or is otherwise
carried away.
Valve discs may be solid or made hollow so that weight material can be added to vary the lifting pressure.
If hollow discs are employed, a watertight bolted cover shall be fitted to encase the weight material. A
clear indication, visible from the outside of the valve, shall be employed to indicate the position of the
valve disc(s). The indicator shall be visible from below and from the side of the valve at deck level.
6.11 Valves may be actuated by non-metallic diaphragms except where failure would result in
unrestricted flow of tank vapours to the atmosphere or in an increase in the pressure or vacuum at which
the valve normally releases.
6.12 Relief pressure adjusting mechanisms shall be permanently secured by lockwire, locknuts, or other
suitable means to prevent devices from becoming misadjusted due to handling, installation, or vibration.
6.13 The design shall be such that the device can be examined for any build-up of residue due to vapour
condensation. For certain cargoes that solidify, heating arrangements may be necessary.
6.14 Devices shall not be bypassed or blocked open unless they are tested in the bypassed or blocked
open position in accordance with Annex C.
6.15 Flame arrester elements shall fit in the housing in such a way that flame cannot pass between the
element and the housing.
6.16 Resilient seals shall be installed only if their design is such that if the seals are partially or
completely damaged or burned, the device is still capable of effectively preventing the passage of flame.
6.17 Devices shall allow for efficient drainage of moisture without impairing their efficiency to prevent
the passage of flame.
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
6.18 The casing and element and gasket materials shall be capable of withstanding the highest
pressure and temperature to which the device may be exposed under both normal and specified fire test
6.19 Detonation arresters shall be able to withstand, without damage or permanent deformation, the
internal pressure resulting from detonation when tested in accordance with Annex C.
6.20 Flame arresting elements shall be:
1) designed in such a manner that they cannot be inserted improperly in the opening;
2) securely fitted in openings so that flames cannot circumvent the screen;
3) protected against mechanical damage.
6.21 Means to offset the opening of a pressure or vacuum valve beyond the set pressure shall be
designed in a failsafe manner and shall not prevent any required inspection procedures to be carried out.
The offset opening pressure shall be verified and clearly marked.
7 Type tests
7.1 Type tests shall be conducted by a laboratory acceptable to a third party inspection body. The
laboratory shall be qualified to conduct the tests provided for by this document and shall have (or shall
have access to) the apparatus, facilities, personnel and calibrated instruments necessary for the tests.
Alternatively, the tests provided for by this document may be conducted by the manufacturer when
the tests are witnessed by a third party inspection body who can certify that the tests are conducted in
accordance with this document.
Note For certain tankers, the Laboratory must be acceptable to the Administration under whose authority
the ship operates and/or a valve is intended to be fitted.
7.2 One of each model device and each size shall be tested in accordance with Clauses 7, 8 and 9. A
change of material or coating system that negatively affects the corrosion resistance shall be considered a
change of model for the purpose of this paragraph. A change of design or construction shall be considered
a change of model for the purpose of this paragraph. Each size of each model shall be submitted for type
testing. For end-of-line deflagration flame arresters of the same design series, testing may be limited
to the smallest and the largest sizes. Devices should have the same dimensions and most unfavourable
clearances expected in the production model. If a device is modified during the test programme, or at a
later date, such that the functions of the valve or its performance characteristics are affected, the third
party inspection body shall be informed. An appropriate test related to the modified part may be required
by the third party inspection body.
Devices shall be tested in accordance with 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 and thereafter shown to meet the test
requirements of Annex C, as appropriate.
7.2.1 A corrosion test shall be conducted. In this test, a complete device shall be exposed to a 5 %
sodium chloride solution spray at a temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) for a period of 240 h, and allowed to
dry for 48 h. Following this exposure, all movable parts shall operate properly and there shall be no
corrosion deposits that cannot be washed off.
7.2.2 The pressure retaining boundary of the device shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test
of at least 150 % of maximum rated pressure or a minimum pressure of 345 kPa gauge (50 psig ),
whichever is greater, for 10 min without rupturing, leaking, or showing permanent distortion. For the
purposes of this test, the disc may be gagged or blocked.
1) 1 psig = 1 lbf/in gauge.
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ISO 15364:2021(E)
7.2.3 Performance characteristics as declared by the manufacturer, such as flow rates under both
positive and negative pressure, operating sensitivity, working stability for dual nozzle valve, leakage,
flow resistance and velocity, shall be verified by laboratory tests.
7.2.4 An external ice test shall be conducted for pressure-vacuum valves to verify the allowable
accumulation of an external layer of ice at which the valve check-lift will still operate. In this test, a
complete device shall be exposed to a temperature of -10 °C (14 °F) for a period of 24 h. Following this
initial exposure, 1 l (1,7 pints) of water at no more than 2 °C (35,6 °F) shall be sprayed every 10 min
on to the outside of the valve until the specified ice thickness is achieved. After achieving the specified
thickness, proper operation of the valve check-lift shall be verified. The maximum ice thickness at which
the valve check-lift will operate properly shall be noted in the instruction manual (see Clause 11).
7.2.5 Devices to prevent the passage of flame shall also be tested for flame transmission according to
ISO 16852:2016 (see Annex C).
7.3 A test report with documentation for each prototype test shall be prepared by the laboratory.
Further to the requirements given in ISO/IEC 17025:2017, 7.8, the test report shall as a minimum,
— types of test conducted, and results obtained with such recorded data to allow verification of the
tests. Where detonation arresters are tested, this information shall include
Quatrième édition
Navires et technologie maritime —
Soupapes de pression/dépression
pour citernes à cargaison et dispositifs
pour empêcher le passage des
flammes vers les citernes à cargaison
Ships and marine technology — Pressure-vacuum valves for cargo
tanks and devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks
Numéro de référence
ISO 15364:2021(F)
ISO 2021
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
© ISO 2021
Tous droits réservés. Sauf prescription différente ou nécessité dans le contexte de sa mise en œuvre, aucune partie de cette
publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique,
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ISO copyright office
Case postale 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Genève
Tél.: +41 22 749 01 11
Publié en Suisse
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Symboles et abréviations . 3
5 Matériaux . 4
6 Autres exigences . 4
7 Essais de type . 6
8 Essais de débit et de vitesse . 8
8.1 Détermination de la capacité . 8
8.2 Données relatives à la capacité . 8
8.3 Appareillage d’essai . 8
8.4 Mesures de débit . 9
9 Essais d’oscillations non amorties .11
10 Contrôle de la production et inspections .12
11 Documentation .12
11.1 Généralités .12
11.2 Instructions d’installation .14
12 Marquage .15
13 Assurance qualité .15
Annexe A (informative) Exigences relatives à l’installation pour les navires concernés par
la Convention internationale pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer (SOLAS),
telle qu’amendée .16
Annexe B (normative) Essais et mesures de débits .17
Annexe C (normative) Dispositifs empêchant le passage des flammes .19
Annexe D (informative) Lignes directrices pour le choix des matériaux .21
Annexe E (informative) Lignes directrices en matière de protection contre la corrosion .22
Annexe F (informative) Informations de spécification .26
Annexe G (informative) Exemples de courbes de débit .27
Annexe H (informative) Questions importantes liées à la réduction des pertes de composés
organiques volatils (COV) pendant les manipulations de cargaison .31
Annexe I (informative) Lignes directrices pour le dimensionnement .33
Annexe J (normative) Débits de fuite limites des soupapes .34
Annexe K (informative) Dimensionnement, implantation et installation des dispositifs .35
Bibliographie .36
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d’organismes
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Le présent document a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 8, Navires et technologie maritime,
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Cette quatrième édition annule et remplace la troisième édition (ISO 15364:2016), qui a fait l’objet d’une
révision technique.
Les principales modifications par rapport à l’édition précédente sont les suivantes:
— élargissement du domaine d’application de façon à inclure les dispositifs empêchant le passage des
flammes vers les citernes à cargaison;
— ajout d’exigences relatives aux essais de transmission de la flamme.
Il convient que l’utilisateur adresse tout retour d’information ou toute question concernant le présent
document à l’organisme national de normalisation de son pays. Une liste exhaustive desdits organismes
se trouve à l’adresse www .iso .org/ fr/ members .html.
iv © ISO 2021 – Tous droits réservés
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Navires et technologie maritime — Soupapes de pression/
dépression pour citernes à cargaison et dispositifs pour
empêcher le passage des flammes vers les citernes à
1 Domaine d’application
Le présent document s’applique aux soupapes de pression/dépression et aux dispositifs empêchant
le passage des flammes, qui assurent tous deux la protection des citernes à cargaison et qui peuvent
être soumis à des gaz/vapeurs explosifs et/ou à une pression ou dépression de gaz/vapeur allant au-
delà des paramètres de calcul du système/de la citerne. Il spécifie les exigences minimales en matière
de performance et d’essais. Il spécifie également les critères de conception et de performance en
service, les essais de fonctionnement et les exigences de maintenance. La conception ou la fabrication
conformément au présent document n’implique pas l’adéquation à une installation donnée, mais
indique qu’un certain nombre d’exigences minimales ont été prises en compte et que les informations
nécessaires à l’adéquation d’une installation donnée sont fournies à l’acheteur de l’équipement.
Le présent document fait référence aux modes opératoires d’essai d’explosion décrits dans
l’ISO 16852:2016.
NOTE Les exigences minimales relatives aux dispositifs empêchant le passage des flammes sont fournies
dans la « Convention internationale pour la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer (SOLAS) », telle qu’amendée,
de l’Organisation maritime internationale (OMI), Chapitre II-2, Règle 4, et dans la Circulaire n° 677 du Comité de
sécurité maritime (MSC) de l’OMI (MSC/Circ. 677), « Normes révisées relatives à la conception, à la mise à l’essai
et à l’emplacement des dispositifs empêchant le passage des flammes vers les citernes à cargaison à bord des
navires-citernes », telle qu’amendée.
2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants sont cités dans le texte de sorte qu’ils constituent, pour tout ou partie de leur
contenu, des exigences du présent document. Pour les références datées, seule l’édition citée s’applique.
Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s’applique (y compris les
éventuels amendements).
ISO 16852:2016, Arrête-flammes — Exigences de performance, méthodes d'essai et limites d'utilisation
Organisation maritime internationale, Circulaire n° 677 du Comité de sécurité maritime (MSC/
Circ. 677), Normes révisées relatives à la conception, à la mise à l’essai et à l’emplacement des dispositifs
empêchant le passage des flammes vers les citernes à cargaison à bord des navires-citernes, telle
qu’amendée par la MSC/Circ. 1009 et la MSC/Circ. 1324 de l’OMI.
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
L’ISO et l’IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l’adresse https:// www .iso .org/ obp;
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l’adresse http:// www .electropedia .org/ .
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
dispositif monté sur l’évent d’une enceinte ou sur la tuyauterie de raccordement d’un ensemble
d’enceintes permettant le passage d’un débit tout en empêchant la transmission d’une flamme
soupape à double sortie
soupape de surpression équipée de deux soupapes à haute vitesse dont les réglages d’ouverture
diffèrent et intégrées à une seule soupape dont les caractéristiques d’écoulement peuvent correspondre
à l’une ou plusieurs des conceptions suivantes: soupape à passage intégral (3.3), soupape à ouverture
progressive (3.7) ou soupape à point de transition (3.11)
soupape à passage intégral
type de conception dans lequel la soupape s’ouvre complètement à 2 % maximum au-dessus de la
pression de tarage
soupape à haute vitesse
soupape de surpression conçue pour toujours présenter des vitesses de flux empêchant la propagation
des flammes dans le sens inverse de l’écoulement
interstice expérimental maximal de sécurité
interstice maximal d’un joint de 25 mm de largeur qui empêche toute transmission d’une explosion
pendant les essais
Note 1 à l'article: L’ISO/IEC 80079-20-1 spécifie l’appareil et la méthode d’essai.
perte de charge maximale attendue
plus grande perte de charge produite à travers un dispositif dont le laboratoire d’essai vérifie la capacité
soupape à ouverture progressive
type de conception dans lequel l’ouverture de la soupape est proportionnelle à la montée en pression
soupape de pression/dépression
dispositif destiné à évacuer la pression ou la dépression présente dans les citernes à cargaison en
ouvrant les soupapes à la valeur de tarage définie, afin de protéger les citernes d’une surpression ou
d’une dépression dépassant les paramètres de résistance des citernes
conditions normales
air sec à 288,15 K (15,00 °C; 59,00 °F) et sous une pression de 101,325 kPa
organisme tiers chargé de l’inspection
organisme indépendant du fabricant et de l’utilisateur, qualifié pour réaliser ou assister aux essais et
soupape à point de transition
type de conception dans lequel les caractéristiques d’écoulement de la soupape passent de l’ouverture
progressive à une ouverture complète à une pression spécifique
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
plan contrôlé
plan certifié authentique et exhaustif par l’organisme tiers chargé de l’inspection (3.10) qui publie le
rapport d’essai
courbe de débit contrôlé
courbe représentant la pression en fonction du débit volumique, certifié par l’organisme tiers chargé de
l’inspection (3.10) qui publie le rapport d’essai
4 Symboles et abréviations
D diamètre intérieur de la tuyauterie au niveau du raccord du dispositif
D diamètre intérieur minimal de la tuyauterie entre le dispositif et la citerne permettant d’éviter
toute oscillation
L longueur maximale de la tuyauterie entre le dispositif et la citerne permettant d’éviter toute
L longueur de conduite entre la citerne d’essai et le dispositif pour les essais d’écoulement
L longueur de conduite entre la citerne d’essai et le dispositif pour les essais d’oscillations non
P valeur de la pression d’entrée à laquelle la palette de la soupape revient au contact du siège
avec une levée nulle, juste au moment où la soupape se ferme et que la pression diminue
P valeur de la pression d’entrée à laquelle la palette de la soupape revient au contact du siège avec
une levée nulle, juste au moment où la soupape principale se ferme et que la pression diminue
P valeur de la pression d’entrée à laquelle la palette de la soupape revient au contact du siège
avec une levée nulle, juste au moment où la soupape supplémentaire se ferme et que la pres-
sion diminue
P pression maximale correspondant au débit volumique maximal (Q )
max 3
P pression relative à l’entrée du dispositif à laquelle la soupape est réglée pour commencer à
P pression relative à l’entrée du dispositif à laquelle la soupape principale est réglée pour
commencer à s’ouvrir
P pression relative à l’entrée du dispositif à laquelle la soupape supplémentaire est réglée pour
commencer à s’ouvrir
P pression à laquelle une soupape à point de transition passe de l’ouverture progressive à
l’ouverture complète
Q débit volumique requis pour ouvrir une soupape à passage intégral
Q débit volumique requis pour ouvrir la deuxième buse
Q débit volumique requis pour maintenir une soupape en position entièrement ouverte
Q débit volumique requis pour maintenir une soupape à passage intégral en position entière-
ment ouverte à P
Q débit volumique requis pour ouvrir une soupape à ouverture progressive
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
Q débit volumique requis pour maintenir une soupape à ouverture progressive en position
entièrement ouverte
Q débit volumique auquel une soupape à point de transition passe de l’ouverture progressive
à l’ouverture complète
Q débit volumique requis pour maintenir une soupape à point de transition en position entiè-
rement ouverte à P
Q débit volumique correspondant à la perte de charge maximale attendue à travers le dispositif
Q débit minimal requis pour maintenir la soupape partiellement ouverte, sans aucun contact
entre le disque et le siège
Q débit volumique requis pour maintenir la soupape principale et les soupapes supplémentaires
2 total
en position entièrement ouverte à P
Q débit volumique correspondant à la perte de charge maximale attendue à travers la soupape
3 total
à double sortie
V volume minimal de la citerne admis pour éviter toute oscillation
5 Matériaux
5.1 Le corps du dispositif, ainsi que les autres parties ou la boulonnerie utilisées pour le maintien
sous pression, doivent être construits dans des matériaux adaptés à l’utilisation prévue et décrits dans
une norme nationale ou une Norme internationale reconnue. Les corps, palettes, tiges guidées, sièges,
ressorts, garnitures, joints, arrête-flammes (lorsqu’ils sont inclus dans la conception) et toutes les autres
pièces intégrées, y compris celles pourvues de revêtements anticorrosion, doivent être résistants à
l’attaque par l’eau de mer et les liquides et vapeurs contenus dans la citerne protégée (voir l’Annexe D
pour des recommandations relatives au choix des matériaux). Les ressorts revêtus d’un matériau
anticorrosion ne sont pas acceptables.
5.2 Les matériaux non métalliques autres que les garnitures, joints et diaphragmes admis en 6.11
ne doivent pas être utilisés pour la construction des composants sous pression du dispositif. Des joints
souples ne peuvent être installés que si le dispositif reste capable de remplir efficacement sa fonction
d’arrête-flammes lorsque les joints sont usés, partiellement ou totalement endommagés ou brûlés. Les
garnitures non métalliques doivent être en matériau non combustible et adaptées à l’utilisation prévue.
5.3 L’éventualité d’une corrosion galvanique doit être envisagée lors du choix des matériaux
(voir l’Annexe E pour les aspects complémentaires à prendre en compte concernant la protection contre
la corrosion).
5.4 Les plans contrôlés doivent inclure une nomenclature complète des matériaux démontrant la
conformité au présent paragraphe ainsi qu’à toute autre exigence relative aux matériaux, énumérée à
l’Article 6.
6 Autres exigences
6.1 Le débit de fuite maximal de gaz doit être indiqué, et défini comme le volume qui peut s’échapper
de la soupape à 75 % du réglage nominal déterminé par le fabricant, dans des conditions normales. Les
débits de fuite maximaux sont fournis dans l’Annexe J.
6.2 Les corps, éléments et matériaux de garnitures d’étanchéité doivent pouvoir résister aux pressions
et températures maximales et minimales auxquelles le dispositif peut être soumis en conditions de
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
fonctionnement normal. Les surfaces planes des brides doivent être usinées pour assurer une intégrité
adéquate des assemblages.
6.3 Lorsqu’une construction soudée est utilisée pour des composants sous pression, les détails de la
conception des soudures, le soudage et les essais non destructifs doivent être conformes aux normes
nationales ou aux Normes internationales. Il convient que les modes opératoires de soudage soient
conformes à la série ISO 15607. Il convient que les soudeurs soient qualifiés conformément à la série
ISO 9606. Il convient que les essais non destructifs soient conformes à l’ISO 5817.
D’autres normes nationales ou Normes internationales équivalentes peuvent être utilisées.
6.4 Les soupapes de pression/dépression doivent être conçues pour que la vapeur condensée et l’eau
présentes dans la zone sous pression s’évacuent du dispositif dans la citerne et n’altèrent pas l’efficacité
du dispositif. La conception doit également empêcher l’accumulation d’eau à l’intérieur du dispositif
et un blocage ultérieur par le gel. La conception doit empêcher l’accumulation de poches d’eau ou de
6.5 Tout desserrage des fixations essentielles au fonctionnement du dispositif doit être empêché.
6.6 Les dispositifs doivent être conçus et construits de manière à réduire le plus possible l’effet
d’encrassement en conditions de fonctionnement normal.
6.7 Les dispositifs doivent pouvoir fonctionner sur toute la plage de températures ambiantes ainsi que
dans des conditions de gel, à condition que le système de contrôle d’ouverture soit actionné pour briser
la couche de glace. Si un système de chauffe est utilisé, la température superficielle générée ne peut pas
dépasser la température maximale de conception.
Lorsqu’une soupape est destinée à être montée dans un navire qui sera manœuvré dans des conditions
climatiques susceptibles d’entraver son fonctionnement (gel de l’eau de mer, par exemple), le manuel
d’entretien doit fournir les informations appropriées pour garantir un fonctionnement continu.
6.8 Des dispositifs sont requis en bout de ligne afin de diriger les émanations verticalement vers le
haut. En outre, pour les soupapes à haute vitesse, la vitesse moyenne minimale des effluents déchargés à
l’atmosphère par l’orifice de la soupape ne doit pas être inférieure à 30 m/s pour tous les débits.
6.9 Un moyen manuel (système de contrôle d’ouverture par exemple) doit être prévu afin de vérifier
que tout disque de soupape et autre élément mobile se soulèvent librement et entièrement, et ne restent
pas en position ouverte. Le moyen manuel doit faire partie de la soupape et être actionné sans nécessiter
l’ajout ou le retrait de pièces. La conception doit permettre de vérifier que le dispositif n’est pas rendu
inopérant en raison de la corrosion, de l’accumulation de résidus ou du givrage lorsque le moyen manuel
susmentionné est utilisé en association avec les exigences du fabricant relatives à l’inspection visuelle.
6.10 Les disques de soupape et autres pièces en mouvement doivent être guidés par un moyen adapté
pour empêcher le blocage et garantir la fermeture automatique (appui), en tenant compte d’une
éventuelle accumulation de condensats.
NOTE Une maintenance conforme aux exigences du fabricant est normalement nécessaire pour garantir le
fonctionnement correct de la soupape.
Les disques de soupape et autres pièces en mouvement doivent permettre la fermeture de la soupape
par un contact métal – métal avec le siège. Lorsque la soupape se ferme contre un siège en métal et
qu’un joint souple est ajouté afin de réduire les fuites de gaz, la performance de la soupape en termes
d’écoulement ne doit pas être affectée en cas de destruction, d’endommagement ou de dépose du joint.
Les disques de soupape peuvent être pleins ou creux afin de pouvoir ajouter un matériau de lestage pour
faire varier la pression de levée. En cas d’utilisation de disques creux, un couvercle boulonné étanche à
l’eau doit être monté pour enfermer le matériau de lestage. Une indication claire, visible de l’extérieur
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
de la soupape doit préciser la position du (des) disque(s) de soupape. Cet indicateur doit être visible par
le dessous et par le côté de la soupape au niveau du pont.
6.11 Les soupapes peuvent être équipées de sièges non métalliques, sauf lorsque leur défaillance
entraînerait une décharge non contrôlée des effluents de la citerne à l’atmosphère ou une augmentation
de la pression ou de la dépression au-delà des valeurs auxquelles la soupape s’ouvre normalement.
6.12 Les mécanismes d’ajustement de la pression de décharge doivent être maintenus à l’aide de freins-
filets, d’écrous autofreinés ou de tout autre moyen adapté afin d’éviter un déréglage des dispositifs dû à
la manutention, à l’installation ou aux vibrations.
6.13 La conception doit permettre l’examen du dispositif afin de détecter l’accumulation de condensats.
Pour certaines cargaisons pouvant se solidifier, des systèmes de chauffe peuvent être nécessaires.
6.14 Les dispositifs ne doivent pas être contournés ou bloqués en position ouverte, à moins qu’ils
ne soient soumis à essai dans la position contournée ou bloqués en position ouverte conformément à
l’Annexe C.
6.15 Les éléments des arrête-flammes doivent être ajustés au corps, de sorte que la flamme ne puisse
pas passer entre l’élément et le corps.
6.16 Des joints souples doivent être installés uniquement si leur conception permet au dispositif de
continuer à empêcher efficacement le passage des flammes, même si les joints sont partiellement ou
intégralement endommagés ou brûlés.
6.17 Les dispositifs doivent permettre une bonne évacuation de l’humidité sans compromettre leur
capacité à empêcher efficacement le passage des flammes.
6.18 Les matériaux du corps, de l’élément et des garnitures d’étanchéité doivent pouvoir résister à la
pression et à la température maximales auxquelles le dispositif peut être soumis en conditions normales
et d’essai au feu spécifiées.
6.19 Les arrête-flammes antidétonation doivent pouvoir résister, sans dommage ni déformation
permanente, à la pression interne résultant de la détonation lorsqu’ils sont soumis à essai conformément
à l’Annexe C.
6.20 Les éléments de l’arrête-flammes doivent être:
1) conçus de sorte qu’ils ne puissent pas être insérés de manière incorrecte dans l’ouverture;
2) fixés en toute sécurité dans les ouvertures, de manière que les flammes ne puissent pas contourner
le corps;
3) être protégés contre les dommages mécaniques.
6.21 Les moyens permettant de décaler l’ouverture d’une soupape de pression ou de dépression au-
delà de la pression de tarage doivent être conçus de sorte qu’ils soient intrinsèquement sûrs et ils ne
doivent pas empêcher les procédures d’inspection exigibles. La pression d’ouverture décalée doit être
vérifiée et clairement indiquée.
7 Essais de type
7.1 Les essais de type doivent être réalisés par un laboratoire agréé par l’organisme tiers chargé de
l’inspection. Le laboratoire doit être qualifié pour effectuer les essais prévus par le présent document
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ISO 15364:2021(F)
et il doit disposer de (ou avoir accès à) l’appareillage, les installations, le personnel et les instruments
étalonnés nécessaires aux essais. Les essais prévus par le présent document peuvent également être
réalisés par le fabricant, à condition qu’ils soient réalisés en présence d’un organisme tiers chargé de
l’inspection qui peut certifier que ces essais s
Ships and marine technology —
Secretariat: ANSI
Pressure-vacuum valves for cargo
Voting begins on:
20201113 tanks and devices to prevent the
passage of flame into cargo tanks
Voting terminates on:
Navires et technologie maritime — Soupapes de pression/dépression
pour citernes à cargaison et dispositifs pour empêcher le passage des
flammes vers les citernes à cargaison
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 15364:2020(E)
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ISO/FDIS 15364:2020(E)
© ISO 2020
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
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CH1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
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ISO/FDIS 15364:2020(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 3
5 Materials . 4
6 Other requirements . 4
7 Type tests . 6
8 Flow and velocity tests . 7
8.1 Determination of capacity . 7
8.2 Capacity data . 7
8.3 Test apparatus . 8
8.4 Flow measurements . 8
9 Undamped oscillation tests . 9
10 Production control and inspections .10
11 Documentation .10
11.1 General .10
11.2 Installation instructions .12
12 Marking .13
13 Quality assurance .13
Annex A (informative) Installation requirements for ships subject to the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as amended (SOLAS) .14
Annex B (normative) Flow test measurements .15
Annex C (normative) Devices to prevent the passage of flame .17
Annex D (informative) Materials selection guidelines .19
Annex E (informative) Corrosion protection guidelines .20
Annex F (informative) Specification information .23
Annex G (informative) Flow graph examples .24
Annex H (informative) Relevant issues for reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC)
losses during cargo handling .28
Annex I (informative) Sizing guidelines .30
Annex J (normative) Limits on valve leakage .31
Annex K (informative) Sizing, location and installation of devices .32
Bibliography .33
© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO/FDIS 15364:2020(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the WTO
principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/ iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology,
Subcommittee SC 3, Piping and machinery.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 15364:2016), which has been technically
The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— expansion of the Scope to include devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks;
— inclusion of requirements for flame transmission tests.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
iv © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
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Ships and marine technology — Pressure-vacuum valves
for cargo tanks and devices to prevent the passage of flame
into cargo tanks
1 Scope
This document is applicable to pressure-vacuum valves and to devices to prevent the passage of flame,
both protecting cargo tanks, that can be subject to explosive gas/vapour and/or to gas/vapour pressure
or vacuum beyond the design parameters of the system/tank. It specifies the minimum requirements
for performance and testing. It also specifies design and in-service performance criteria, operational
testing and maintenance requirements. Design or manufacturing in accordance with this document
does not imply suitability for any given installation, it indicates that certain minimum requirements
have been considered and that information necessary for determination of suitability is provided to the
buyer of the equipment.
The flame test procedures of ISO 16852:2016 are incorporated in this document.
NOTE 1 Minimum requirements for devices to prevent the passage of flame are found in the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) “International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, as amended” (SOLAS),
Chapter II-2, Regulation 4, and IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Circular No. 677 (MSC/Circ. 677), “Revised
Standards for the Design, Testing and Locating of Devices to Prevent the Passage of Flame into Cargo Tanks in
Tankers”, as amended.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 16852:2016, Flame arresters — Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use
International Maritime Organization Maritime Safety Committee circular 677 (MSC/Circ. 677), Revised
Standards for the Design, Testing and Locating of Devices to Prevent the Passage of Flame into Cargo Tanks
in Tankers, as amended by IMO MSC/Circ. 1009 and MSC/Circ. 1324
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
flame arrester
device fitted to the opening of an enclosure, or to the connecting pipe work of a system of enclosures,
and whose intended function is to allow flow but to prevent the transmission of flame
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ISO/FDIS 15364:2020(E)
dual nozzle valve
pressure relief valve that features two high velocity vents with different opening settings integrated
into one valve, the flow characteristics of which can be of one or more of the designs full opening valve
(3.3), modulating valve (3.7) or transition point valve (3.11)
full opening valve
design that opens fully at maximum 2 % above the set pressure
high velocity vent valve
pressure relief valve designed always to have efflux velocities that prevent the flame propagation
against the flow direction
maximum experimental safe gap
maximum gap of a joint of 25 mm in width which prevents any transmission of an explosion during tests
Note 1 to entry: ISO/IEC 80079-20-1 specifies the test apparatus and the test method.
maximum intended pressure drop
largest pressure drop generated over a device for which the test laboratory verifies the corresponding
flow capacity
modulating valve
design that opens proportionally with rise in pressure
pressure-vacuum valve
device to relieve the pressure or vacuum formed inside the cargo tanks by opening the valves at the
designated setting value to protect the tank from over-pressure or vacuum exceeding the design
parameters of the tanks
standard conditions
dry air at 288,15 K (15,00 °C; 59,00 °F) and 101,325 kPa
third party inspection body
organization independent from the manufacturer and user, that is qualified to perform or witness the
tests and inspections
transition point valve
design where the valve characteristics change from modulating to full opening at a particular pressure
verified drawing
drawing certified to be authentic and complete by the third party inspection body (3.10) issuing the
test report
verified flow chart
pressure versus flow volume presented in a chart certified by the third party inspection body (3.10)
issuing the test report
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4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
D pipe inner diameter at device connection
D minimum inner diameter of the piping between the device and the tank allowed for nonos
cillating performance
L maximum length of the piping between the device and the tank allowed for non-oscillating
L pipe length between the test tank and the device for flow testing
L pipe length between the test tank and the device during nonoscillation testing
P value of inlet pressure at which the valve disk reestablishes contact with the seat or at which
lift becomes zero, when the valve is closing and pressure is decreasing
P value of inlet pressure at which the valve disk reestablishes contact with the seat or at which
lift becomes zero, when the main valve is closing and pressure is decreasing
P value of inlet pressure at which the valve disk reestablishes contact with the seat or at which
lift becomes zero, when the extra valve is closing and pressure is decreasing
P maximum pressure corresponding to the maximum flow volume (Q )
max 3
P gauge pressure at the device inlet at which the valve is designed to start opening
P gauge pressure at the device inlet at which the main valve is designed to start opening
P gauge pressure at the device inlet at which the extra valve is designed to start opening
P pressure at which a transition point valve changes from modulating to full opening
Q flow volume needed to open a full opening valve
Q flow volume needed to open the second nozzle
Q flow volume needed for a valve to remain fully open
Q flow volume needed to maintain a full opening valve fully open at P
2fov set
Q flow volume needed to open a modulating valve
Q flow volume needed to maintain a modulating valve fully open
Q flow volume at which a transition point valve changes from modulating to full opening
Q flow volume needed to maintain a transition point valve fully open at P
2tpv 1tpv
Q flow volume corresponding to the maximum intended pressure drop over the device
Q minimum flow required to keep the valve partially open with no contact between the disc
and the seat
Q flow volume needed to maintain the main and extra valves fully open at P
2 total set1
Q flow volume corresponding to the maximum intended pressure drop over the dual nozzle valve
3 total
V minimum volume of the tank allowed for nonoscillating performance
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5 Materials
5.1 The device housing, and other parts or bolting used for pressure retention, shall be constructed of
materials suitable for the intended service and listed in a recognized national standard or International
Standard. Housings, discs, spindles, seats, springs, gaskets, seals, flame arresters (when included in the
design) and all other integral parts, including parts with coatings to prevent corrosion, shall be resistant
to attack by sea water and the liquids and vapours contained in the tank being protected (see Annex D for
guidance on the material selection). Springs plated with corrosion resistant material are not acceptable.
5.2 Non-metallic materials, other than gaskets, seals and diaphragms as allowed by 6.11, shall not be
used in the construction of pressure retaining components of the device. Resilient seals may be installed
only if the device is still capable of effectively performing its flame arresting function when the seals
are worn down, partially or completely damaged or burned. Non-metallic gaskets shall be made of non-
combustible material and suitable for the service intended.
5.3 The possibility of galvanic corrosion shall be considered in the selection of materials (see Annex E
for additional considerations on corrosion protection).
5.4 The verified drawings shall include a complete bill of materials showing conformity with this
subclause and any other material requirements listed in Clause 6.
6 Other requirements
6.1 The maximum gas leakage rate shall be provided and expressed as the volume in standard
conditions that can leak from the valve at 75 % of the nominal setting as determined by the manufacturer.
Maximum leakage rates are given in Annex J.
6.2 Housings, elements, and seal gasket materials shall be capable of withstanding the maximum and
minimum pressures and temperatures to which the device may be exposed under normal operating
conditions. Flat surfaces of flanges shall be machined to provide for adequate joint integrity.
6.3 Where welded construction is used for pressure retaining components, welded joint design details,
welding and nondestructive testing shall be in accordance with national standards or International
Standards. Welding procedures should be in accordance with the ISO 15607 series. Welders should be
qualified according to the ISO 9606 series. Non-destructive testing should comply with ISO 5817.
Alternative equivalent national standards or International Standards may be used.
6.4 Pressurevacuum valves shall be designed, such that condensed vapour and water in the pressure
retaining zone drain from the device into the tank and do not impair the efficiency of the device. The
design shall also prevent the accumulation of water inside the device and subsequent blockage due to
freezing. The design shall prevent pockets of water or product from accumulating.
6.5 All fasteners essential to the operation of the device shall be protected against loosening.
6.6 Devices shall be designed and constructed to minimize the effect of fouling under normal operating
6.7 Devices shall be capable of operating over the full range of ambient air temperatures anticipated
and in freezing conditions, provided that the check-lift is operated to break the ice layer. If a heating
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arrangement is applied, the surface temperature developed may not exceed the maximum design
Where a valve is intended to be fitted in a ship that will be operated in climate conditions that might
hamper its operation, e.g. seawater icing, the instruction manual shall contain appropriate information
to ensure continued operation.
6.8 End-of-line devices are required to direct the efflux vertically upward. Further, for high velocity
vent valves, the minimum average velocity of efflux through a cross section of the valve’s outlet to
atmosphere shall not be less than 30 m/s for all flow rates.
6.9 A manual means (e.g. check-lift) shall be provided to verify that any valve disc and other moving
elements lift freely and fully and do not remain in the open position. The manual means shall be part
of the valve assembly and be operated without the need to add or remove parts. The design shall be
such that the device is verified not to be inoperable due to corrosion, residue build-up or icing, when the
aforementioned manual means is used in combination with the manufacturer’s requirements for visual
6.10 Valve discs and other moving parts shall be guided by a suitable means to prevent binding and to
ensure proper selfclosing (seating), taking into account the possible buildup of condensed vapours.
NOTE Maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements is normally necessary to ensure
proper valve operation.
Valve discs and other moving parts shall close against the valve seat by metal to metal contact. Where
the valve closes against a metal seat and a resilient seal is added to reduce gas leakage, the valve’s
performance in terms of flow shall not be affected if the seal is destroyed, damaged or is otherwise
carried away.
Valve discs may be solid or made hollow so that weight material can be added to vary the lifting pressure.
If hollow discs are employed, a watertight bolted cover shall be fitted to encase the weight material. A
clear indication, visible from the outside of the valve, shall be employed to indicate the position of the
valve disc(s). The indicator shall be visible from below and from the side of the valve at deck level.
6.11 Valves may be actuated by non-metallic diaphragms except where failure would result in
unrestricted flow of tank vapours to the atmosphere or in an increase in the pressure or vacuum at which
the valve normally releases.
6.12 Relief pressure adjusting mechanisms shall be permanently secured by lockwire, locknuts, or other
suitable means to prevent devices from becoming misadjusted due to handling, installation, or vibration.
6.13 The design shall be such that the device can be examined for any build-up of residue due to vapour
condensation. For certain cargoes that solidify, heating arrangements may be necessary.
6.14 Devices shall not be bypassed or blocked open unless they are tested in the bypassed or blocked
open position in accordance with Annex C.
6.15 Flame arrester elements shall fit in the housing in such a way that flame cannot pass between the
element and the housing.
6.16 Resilient seals shall be installed only if their design is such that if the seals are partially or
completely damaged or burned, the device is still capable of effectively preventing the passage of flame.
6.17 Devices shall allow for efficient drainage of moisture without impairing their efficiency to prevent
the passage of flame.
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6.18 The casing and element and gasket materials shall be capable of withstanding the highest
pressure and temperature to which the device may be exposed under both normal and specified fire test
6.19 Detonation arresters shall be able to withstand, without damage or permanent deformation, the
internal pressure resulting from detonation when tested in accordance with Annex C.
6.20 Flame arresting elements shall be:
1) designed in such a manner that they cannot be inserted improperly in the opening;
2) securely fitted in openings so that flames cannot circumvent the screen;
3) protected against mechanical damage.
6.21 Means to offset the opening of a pressure or vacuum valve beyond the set pressure shall be
designed in a failsafe manner and shall not prevent any required inspection procedures to be carried out.
The offset opening pressure shall be verified and clearly marked.
7 Type tests
7.1 Type tests shall be conducted by a laboratory acceptable to a third party inspection body. The
laboratory shall be qualified to conduct the tests provided for by this document and shall have (or shall
have access to) the apparatus, facilities, personnel and calibrated instruments necessary for the tests.
Alternatively, the tests provided for by this document may be conducted by the manufacturer when
the tests are witnessed by a third party inspection body who can certify that the tests are conducted in
accordance with this document.
Note For certain tankers, the Laboratory must be acceptable to the Administration under whose authority
the ship operates and/or a valve is intended to be fitted.
7.2 One of each model device and each size shall be tested in accordance with Clauses 7, 8 and 9. A
change of material or coating system that negatively affects the corrosion resistance shall be considered a
change of model for the purpose of this paragraph. A change of design or construction shall be considered
a change of model for the purpose of this paragraph. Each size of each model shall be submitted for type
testing. For end-of-line deflagration flame arresters of the same design series, testing may be limited
to the smallest and the largest sizes. Devices should have the same dimensions and most unfavourable
clearances expected in the production model. If a device is modified during the test programme, or at a
later date, such that the functions of the valve or its performance characteristics are affected, the third
party inspection body shall be informed. An appropriate test related to the modified part may be required
by the third party inspection body.
Devices shall be tested in accordance with 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 and thereafter shown to meet the test
requirements of Annex C, as appropriate.
7.2.1 A corrosion test shall be conducted. In this test, a complete device shall be exposed to a 5 %
sodium chloride solution spray at a temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) for a period of 240 h, and allowed to
dry for 48 h. Following this exposure, all movable parts shall operate properly and there shall be no
corrosion deposits that cannot be washed off.
7.2.2 The pressure retaining boundary of the device shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test
of at least 150 % of maximum rated pressure or a minimum pressure of 345 kPa gauge (50 psig ),
whichever is greater, for 10 min without rupturing, leaking, or showing permanent distortion. For the
purposes of this test, the disc may be gagged or blocked.
1) 1 psig = 1 lbf/in gauge.
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7.2.3 Performance characteristics as declared by the manufacturer, such as flow rates under both
positive and negative pressure, operating sensitivity, working stability for dual nozzle valve, leakage,
flow resistance and velocity, shall be verified by laboratory tests.
7.2.4 An external ice test shall be conducted for pressure-vacuum valves to verify the allowable
accumulation of an external layer of ice at which the valve check-lift will still operate. In this test, a
complete device shall be exposed to a temperature of -10 °C (14 °F) for a period of 24 h. Following this
initial exposure, 1 l (1,7 pints) of water at no more than 2 °C (35,6 °F) shall be sprayed every 10 min
on to the outside of the valve until the specified ice thickness is achieved. After achieving the specified
thickness, proper operation of the valve check-lift shall be verified. The maximum ice t
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