Biotechnology — Biobanking — Implementation guide for ISO 20387

This document provides guidance to biobanks on how to implement the quality management, management, and technical requirements of ISO 20387. It expands on aspects of ISO 20387 and provides examples for illustration purposes. The aim of this document is to assist biobanks to address competency of personnel and appropriate quality of biological material and data collections. This document is equally applicable to newly established and existing biobanks. This document is applicable to all organizations performing biobanking, including biobanking of biological material from multicellular organisms (e.g., human, animal, fungus and plant) and microorganisms for research and development. This document does not apply to biological material intended for feed/food production, laboratories undertaking analysis for food/feed production and/or therapeutic use.

Biotechnologie — Biobanking — Guide de mise en oeuvre de l'ISO 20387

Le présent document fournit des recommandations à l'attention des biobanques quant à la façon de mettre en œuvre les exigences techniques, de gestion et de management de la qualité de l'ISO 20387. Il développe des aspects de l'ISO 20387 et produit des exemples à des fins d'illustration. L'objet du présent document est d'assister les biobanques autour de la compétence du personnel et de la qualité appropriée des collections de matériels biologiques et de données. Le présent document s'applique aussi bien aux biobanques émergentes qu'aux biobanques existantes. Le présent document est applicable à toutes les organisations qui pratiquent le «biobanking» pour la recherche et le développement, y compris le «biobanking» de matériels biologiques issus d'organismes pluricellulaires (par exemple humains, animaux, champignons et végétaux) et de micro-organismes. Le présent document ne s'applique pas aux matériels biologiques destinés à la production de denrées alimentaires/d'aliments pour animaux, aux laboratoires effectuant des analyses pour la production de denrées alimentaires/d'aliments pour animaux et/ou à une utilisation thérapeutique.

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ISO/TR 22758:2020 - Biotechnology -- Biobanking -- Implementation guide for ISO 20387
English language
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REPORT 22758
First edition
Biotechnology — Biobanking —
Implementation guide for ISO 20387
Biotechnologie — Biobanking — Guide de mise en oeuvre de l'ISO
Reference number
ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)
ISO 2020

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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

© ISO 2020
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Background information for the development of ISO 20387 . 1
4.1 General . 1
4.2 Intended audience for ISO 20387 and this document . 2
4.3 Implementation of ISO 20387 . 2
5 Fitness for the intended purpose (FIP) (ISO 20387:2018, 3.24) in biobanking .3
5.1 General . 3
5.2 Fitness for the intended purpose and biological material and/or associated data
(BMaD) life cycle . 3
5.3 Factors affecting fitness for the intended purpose . 4
5.4 Determination of the pre-arranged requirements for FIP . 5
5.5 Decision whether the biological material and associated data is truly fit for an
intended purpose . 5
6 Process landscape . 5
7 Conformity with ISO 20387 . 7
7.1 Scopes of Conformity . 7
7.1.1 General. 7
7.1.2 Determination of the scope of conformity . 7
7.2 Conformity Assessment (CA) Practices (General aspects and applicability for biobanks) . 8
8 Guidance on the interpretation of selected ISO 20387:2018 text parts .8
8.1 General Requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 4) . 8
8.1.1 General. 8
8.1.2 Impartiality (ISO 20387:2018, 4.2) . 9
8.1.3 Confidentiality (ISO 20387:2018, 4.3) . 9
8.2 Structural requirements (20387:2018, Clause 5) . 9
8.2.1 General. 9
8.2.2 ISO 20387:2018, 5.1 . 9
8.2.3 ISO 20387:2018, 5.3 . 9
8.2.4 ISO 20387:2018, 5.5 . 9
8.2.5 ISO 20387:2018, 5.7 .10
8.2.6 ISO 20387:2018, 5.8, a) .10
8.2.7 ISO 20387:2018, 5.9 .10
8.3 Resource requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 6) .11
8.3.1 General.11
8.3.2 ISO 20387:2018, 6.1.2 .11
8.3.3 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.4 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.5 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.6 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.7 ISO 20387:2018, 6.2.3 .12
8.3.8 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.9 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3 .12
8.3.10 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.2 .13
8.3.11 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.3 .14
8.3.12 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.5 .14
8.3.13 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.7 .14
8.3.14 ISO 20387:2018, .14
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8.3.15 ISO 20387:2018, .14
8.3.16 ISO 20387:2018, .15
8.3.17 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.1 .15
8.3.18 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.3 .15
8.3.19 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.6 .15
8.3.20 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.10 .15
8.3.21 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.11 .15
8.3.22 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.12 .15
8.4 Process requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 7) .16
8.4.1 General.16
8.4.2 ISO 20387:2018, 7.1.1 .16
8.4.3 ISO 20387:2018, .16
8.4.4 ISO 20387:2018, .16
8.4.5 ISO 20387:2018, .16
8.4.6 ISO 20387:2018, .17
8.4.7 ISO 20387:2018, .17
8.4.8 ISO 20387:2018, .18
8.4.9 ISO 20387:2018, 7.4.2 .18
8.4.10 ISO 20387:2018, 7.4.5 .18
8.4.11 ISO 20387:2018, 7.6.2 .18
8.4.12 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.1 .18
8.4.13 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.3 .19
8.4.14 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.5 .19
8.4.15 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.7 .19
8.4.16 ISO 20387:2018, .19
8.4.17 ISO 20387:2018, .20
8.4.18 ISO 20387:2018, 7.10.5 .20
8.4.19 ISO 20387:2018, .20
8.4.20 ISO 20387:2018, 7.13.2 .20
8.5 Quality management system requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 8) .20
8.5.1 General.20
8.5.2 ISO 20387:2018, 8.1.1, 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 . .20
8.5.3 ISO 20387:2018, 8.3.1 .21
8.5.4 ISO 20387:2018, 8.4.1, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 . .21
8.5.5 ISO 20387:2018, 8.5.1, 8.5.2 and 8.5.3 . .22
8.5.6 ISO 20387:2018, 8.6.1 .22
8.5.7 ISO 20387:2018, 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 .22
Bibliography .23
iv © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 276, Biotechnology.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
© ISO 2020 – All rights reserved v

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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

This document is intended to be a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, ISO 20387; as such, it is
not a stand-alone document. It can be helpful for the reader to first review ISO 20387, and refer to this
technical report in parallel or thereafter.
The following is noted in regards to the contents of this document:
— A technical report, by definition, contains no requirements. For this reason, the language is
intentionally non-prescriptive to avoid the introduction of new requirements.
— This document does not address those clauses and subclauses of ISO 20387 which are considered to
be self-explanatory (e.g. ISO 20387:2018, Clauses 1, 2, and 3, and Annexes A, B, and C, etc.).
— Clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this document address some general concepts that underlie the requirements
of ISO 20387.
— Clause 8 of this document addresses a selection of the specific requirements in ISO 20387, as
noted above.
— Examples are provided throughout the text of this document, and are used to illustrate a non-
exhaustive list of possibilities.
— Acronyms are used to simplify the text:
1) BMaD: ISO 20387 defines biological material (ISO 20387:2018, 3.7) and associated data
(ISO 20387:2018, 3.3). For the purpose of this document the terms are combined as "biological
materials and/or associated data" (BMaD). There are places where references are made to
either biological material or associated data. The term is spelled out in these cases.
2) FIP: Fit for purpose or fitness for intended purpose (ISO 20387:2018, 3.24) is also defined by
ISO 20387. For the purpose of this document this term is denoted by FIP.
The term biobank has been previously defined in a number of ways and no single definition has yet
been universally accepted by the scientific community.
ISO 20387 defines a biobank (ISO 20387:2018, 3.5) as a legal entity or part of a legal entity that performs
biobanking, and the term biobanking (ISO 20387:2018, 3.6) as the process of acquisitioning and storing,
together with some or all of the activities related to collection, preparation, preservation, testing, analysing
and distributing defined biological material as well as related information and data. For the purposes of
this document, the term biobank includes the personnel performing biobanking activities on behalf of
the biobank, as well as the entity itself.
Biobanks can vary widely in:
— domains that are managed, e.g., human, animal, fungus, microbial, and/or plant, etc. or a multiple
of these;
— types of biological material and data in the biobank, e.g. nucleic acids, tissue, etc.;
— activities being performed;
— types of organizations that are involved; and
— structure, governance, oversight, and operation.
At the time of acquisition, biobanks can perform acquisition, processing and storage of BMaD for not-
yet-identified future use(s). In these cases, the biobank can acquire the BMaD according to standard
operating procedures (SOPs) appropriate for the projected end-use(s). Alternatively, biobanks can
acquire BMaD in response to a request from a user. The user can specify criteria for the BMaD and/or
SOPs developed or applied for that specific use.
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Biobanks can acquire BMaD for investigators studying new methods of collecting, storing, or processing
biological materials and the effects of these new methods on various analytes. In these cases, the
biobank can tailor the procedures to specifically meet the investigator’s needs rather than following
widely-accepted SOPs for handling of the BMaD.
Biobanks vary in the types of activities they perform. They can either perform the full range of
activities included in the definition of biobanking in ISO 20387, i.e. collecting/acquisitioning, preparing,
preserving, testing, storage, analysing and distributing BMaD or a subset of these activities for example
collecting/acquisitioning and distributing.
Biobanks can involve different types of organizations. They can be independent legal entities or reside
within governmental entities, academic institutions, hospitals, non-profit or commercial organizations.
Biobanks can include multiple sites of operation and can sometimes involve parties at multiple
institutions or organizations. In addition, they can involve sites of operations within different regions
or sometimes even different countries.
It is up to the biobank to identify the scope of biobank activities for which it wants to implement
ISO 20387.
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Biotechnology — Biobanking — Implementation guide for
ISO 20387
1 Scope
This document provides guidance to biobanks on how to implement the quality management,
management, and technical requirements of ISO 20387. It expands on aspects of ISO 20387 and
provides examples for illustration purposes. The aim of this document is to assist biobanks to address
competency of personnel and appropriate quality of biological material and data collections. This
document is equally applicable to newly established and existing biobanks.
This document is applicable to all organizations performing biobanking, including biobanking
of biological material from multicellular organisms (e.g., human, animal, fungus and plant) and
microorganisms for research and development.
This document does not apply to biological material intended for feed/food production, laboratories
undertaking analysis for food/feed production and/or therapeutic use.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 20387:2018, Biotechnology — Biobanking — General requirements for biobanking
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 20387 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Background information for the development of ISO 20387
4.1 General
ISO 20387 was developed to benefit biobanks of all sizes, types, resources and levels of maturity and/or
complexity as covered by the scope.
The motivation for the development of ISO 20387 was to enable robustness and reliability of research
undertaken with these BMaD, supporting quality and reproducibility in research and development. This
in turn can contribute to increased and broader utilization of biological materials and associated data.
It is intended that conformity to ISO 20387 can help demonstrate a commitment to professionalism
within biobanking, promoting trust for key stakeholders, such as the public, donors, patients, users,
or funders. Benefits such as increased efficiency of biobank operations and interoperability among
biobanks, and improved marketability can result from a commitment to ISO 20387. These benefits can
also facilitate sustainability at a time of increasing complexity of research requirements.
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4.2 Intended audience for ISO 20387 and this document
Because ISO 20387 covers a wide variety of biobanks, the intended audience is broad. This document
serves as a tool to assist with implementation of ISO 20387 for the spectrum of biobanks and their
activities, such as:
a) multicellular organism (e.g., human, animal, plant) and microorganism biobanks (for
implementation and self-assessment);
b) biobanks with a wide range of processes such as collecting/procuring and/or acquiring and
receiving, tagging, accessioning/logging, cataloguing/classifying, examining, preparing,
preserving, storing, managing data, destroying, packaging as well as safeguarding, distributing
and transporting (ISO 20387:2018, 4.1.1);
c) biobanks with a focus on some of the above processes such as acquisition and storage;
d) biobanks at different stages of implementation, such as newly established and existing biobanks;
e) biobanks located in countries of diverse economical scales, such as high, middle or low-income
f) biobanks, assessors and others interested in biobanking conformity assessment schemes, such as
first party (self-declaration), second party (contract/agreement), and third party (certification/
accreditation) approaches;
g) biobanks that wish to incorporate innovative approaches such as biological material-related data
repositories (virtual biobanking).
Biological material from multicellular organisms and microorganisms share many common
requirements in the implementation of ISO 20387, but each of these fields has its own needs. Domain
specificity can influence biobanking and subsequently the quality management due to the different
nature of biological material, special regulations, ethical guidelines, procedural needs or scientific and
user-based requirements. More specific biobanking-related standards are currently under development
in ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology.
4.3 Implementation of ISO 20387
Implementing ISO 20387 and the guidance as set out in this document can provide confidence in the
quality of the samples and subsequent data analysis. However, implementing the standard will require
resources. A gap analysis of a biobank’s current practice against these standard requirements can be
beneficial, and can lead to a plan for implementation of requirements. This can be done in a phased
approach and can take some time, particularly for smaller organizations where resources can be
Each biobank can identify and implement corresponding requirements according to its defined and
documented individual activities (ISO 20387:2018, 5.7). ISO 20387, as a conformity assessment enabling
standard, can be described as having three types of requirements – general, QMS, and competence:
a) General requirements are found in all standards by definition. By demonstrating that a product
or service meets specific requirements in a standard, a potential user has a basis for assessing a
product’s fitness for an intended purpose.
b) A Quality Management System (QMS) addresses quality policies and objectives in its processes,
thus enabling the demonstration of efficient use of resources, improved risk management, and
increased robustness of practices, plans, and records, all of which serves to further increase user
c) Technical competence adds the assessment of personnel to the evaluation, and provides means of
demonstrating that an entity has the ability to apply knowledge and skill to successfully achieve

REPORT 22758
First edition
Biotechnology — Biobanking —
Implementation guide for ISO 20387
Reference number
ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)
ISO 2020

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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

© ISO 2020
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii PROOF/ÉPREUVE © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved

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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Background information for the development of ISO 20387 . 1
4.1 General . 1
4.2 Intended audience for ISO 20387 and this document . 2
4.3 Implementation of ISO 20387 . 2
5 Fitness for the intended purpose (FIP) (ISO 20387:2018, 3.24) in biobanking .3
5.1 General . 3
5.2 Fitness for the intended purpose and biological material and/or associated data
(BMaD) life cycle . 3
5.3 Factors affecting fitness for the intended purpose . 4
5.4 Determination of the pre-arranged requirements for FIP . 5
5.5 Decision whether the biological material and associated data is truly fit for an
intended purpose . 5
6 Process landscape . 5
7 Conformity with ISO 20387 . 7
7.1 Scopes of Conformity . 7
7.1.1 General. 7
7.1.2 Determination of the scope of conformity . 7
7.2 Conformity Assessment (CA) Practices (General aspects and applicability for biobanks) . 8
8 Guidance on the interpretation of selected ISO 20387:2018 text parts .8
8.1 General Requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 4) . 8
8.1.1 General. 8
8.1.2 Impartiality (ISO 20387:2018, 4.2) . 9
8.1.3 Confidentiality (ISO 20387:2018, 4.3) . 9
8.2 Structural requirements (20387:2018, Clause 5) . 9
8.2.1 General. 9
8.2.2 ISO 20387:2018, 5.1 . 9
8.2.3 ISO 20387:2018, 5.3 . 9
8.2.4 ISO 20387:2018, 5.5 . 9
8.2.5 ISO 20387:2018, 5.7 .10
8.2.6 ISO 20387:2018, 5.8, a) .10
8.2.7 ISO 20387:2018, 5.9 .10
8.3 Resource requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 6) .11
8.3.1 General.11
8.3.2 ISO 20387:2018, 6.1.2 .11
8.3.3 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.4 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.5 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.6 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.7 ISO 20387:2018, 6.2.3 .12
8.3.8 ISO 20387:2018, .12
8.3.9 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3 .12
8.3.10 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.2 .13
8.3.11 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.3 .14
8.3.12 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.5 .14
8.3.13 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.7 .14
8.3.14 ISO 20387:2018, .14
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8.3.15 ISO 20387:2018, .14
8.3.16 ISO 20387:2018, .15
8.3.17 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.1 .15
8.3.18 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.3 .15
8.3.19 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.6 .15
8.3.20 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.10 .15
8.3.21 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.11 .15
8.3.22 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.12 .15
8.4 Process requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 7) .16
8.4.1 General.16
8.4.2 ISO 20387:2018, 7.1.1 .16
8.4.3 ISO 20387:2018, .16
8.4.4 ISO 20387:2018, .16
8.4.5 ISO 20387:2018, .16
8.4.6 ISO 20387:2018, .17
8.4.7 ISO 20387:2018, .17
8.4.8 ISO 20387:2018, .18
8.4.9 ISO 20387:2018, 7.4.2 .18
8.4.10 ISO 20387:2018, 7.4.5 .18
8.4.11 ISO 20387:2018, 7.6.2 .18
8.4.12 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.1 .18
8.4.13 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.3 .19
8.4.14 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.5 .19
8.4.15 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.7 .19
8.4.16 ISO 20387:2018, .19
8.4.17 ISO 20387:2018, .20
8.4.18 ISO 20387:2018, 7.10.5 .20
8.4.19 ISO 20387:2018, .20
8.4.20 ISO 20387:2018, 7.13.2 .20
8.5 Quality management system requirements (ISO 20387:2018, Clause 8) .20
8.5.1 General.20
8.5.2 ISO 20387:2018, 8.1.1, 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 . .20
8.5.3 ISO 20387:2018, 8.3.1 .21
8.5.4 ISO 20387:2018, 8.4.1, 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 . .21
8.5.5 ISO 20387:2018, 8.5.1, 8.5.2 and 8.5.3 . .22
8.5.6 ISO 20387:2018, 8.6.1 .22
8.5.7 ISO 20387:2018, 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 .22
Bibliography .23
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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 276, Biotechnology.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html.
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ISO/TR 22758:2020(E)

This document is intended to be a supplement to, rather than a substitute for, ISO 20387; as such, it is
not a stand-alone document. It can be helpful for the reader to first review ISO 20387, and refer to this
technical report in parallel or thereafter.
The following is noted in regards to the contents of this document:
— A technical report, by definition, contains no requirements. For this reason, the language is
intentionally non-prescriptive to avoid the introduction of new requirements.
— This document does not address those clauses and subclauses of ISO 20387 which are considered to
be self-explanatory (e.g., ISO 20387:2018, Clauses 1, 2, and 3, and Annexes A, B, and C etc.).
— Clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7 of this document address some general concepts that underlie the requirements
of ISO 20387.
— Clause 8 of this document addresses a selection of the specific requirements in ISO 20387, as
noted above.
— Examples are provided throughout the text of this document, and are used to illustrate a non-
exhaustive list of possibilities.
— Acronyms are used to simplify the text:
1) BMaD: ISO 20387 defines biological material (3.7) and associated data (3.3). For the purpose
of this document the terms are combined as "biological materials and/or associated data"
(BMaD). There are places where references are made to either biological material or associated
data. The term is spelled out in these cases.
2) FIP: Fit for purpose or fitness for intended purpose (3.24) is also defined by ISO 20387. For the
purpose of this document this term is denoted by FIP.
The term biobank has been previously defined in a number of ways and no single definition has yet
been universally accepted by the scientific community.
ISO 20387 defines a biobank (ISO 20387:2018, 3.5) as a legal entity or part of a legal entity that performs
biobanking, and the term biobanking (ISO 20387:2018, 3.6) as the process of acquisitioning and storing,
together with some or all of the activities related to collection, preparation, preservation, testing, analysing
and distributing defined biological material as well as related information and data. For the purposes of
this document, the term biobank includes the personnel performing biobanking activities on behalf of
the biobank, as well as the entity itself.
Biobanks can vary widely in:
— domains that are managed, e.g., human, animal, fungus, microbial, and/or plant, etc. or a multiple
of these;
— types of biological material and data in the biobank, e.g. nucleic acids, tissue, etc.;
— activities being performed;
— types of organizations that are involved; and
— structure, governance, oversight, and operation.
At the time of acquisition, biobanks can perform acquisition, processing and storage of BMaD for not-
yet-identified future use(s). In these cases, the biobank can acquire the BMaD according to standard
operating procedures (SOPs) appropriate for the projected end-use(s). Alternatively, biobanks can
acquire BMaD in response to a request from a user. The user can specify criteria for the BMaD and/or
SOPs developed or applied for that specific use.
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Biobanks can acquire BMaD for investigators studying new methods of collecting, storing, or processing
biological materials and the effects of these new methods on various analytes. In these cases, the
biobank can tailor the procedures to specifically meet the investigator’s needs rather than following
widely-accepted SOPs for handling of the BMaD.
Biobanks vary in the types of activities they perform. can either perform the full range of activities
included in the definition of biobanking, that is, collecting/acquisitioning, preparing, preserving,
testing, storage, analysing and distributing BMaD, in ISO 20387 or a subset of these activities for
example collecting/acquisitioning and distributing.
Biobanks can involve different types of organizations. They can be independent legal entities or reside
within governmental entities, academic institutions, hospitals, non-profit or commercial organizations.
Biobanks can include multiple sites of operation and can sometimes involve parties at multiple
institutions or organizations. In addition, they can involve sites of operations within different regions
or sometimes even different countries.
It is up to the biobank to identify the scope of biobank activities for which it wants to implement
ISO 20387.
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Biotechnology — Biobanking — Implementation guide for
ISO 20387
1 Scope
This document provides guidance to biobanks on how to implement the quality management,
management, and technical requirements of ISO 20387. It expands on aspects of ISO 20387 and
provides examples for illustration purposes. The aim of this document is to assist biobanks to address
competency of personnel and appropriate quality of biological material and data collections. This
document is equally applicable to newly established and existing biobanks.
This document is applicable to all organizations performing biobanking, including biobanking
of biological material from multicellular organisms (e.g., human, animal, fungus and plant) and
microorganisms for research and development.
This document does not apply to biological material intended for feed/food production, laboratories
undertaking analysis for food/feed production and/or therapeutic use.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 20387:2018, Biotechnology — Biobanking — General requirements for biobanking
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 20387 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Background information for the development of ISO 20387
4.1 General
ISO 20387 was developed to benefit biobanks of all sizes, types, resources and levels of maturity and/or
complexity as covered by the scope.
The motivation for the development of ISO 20387 was to enable robustness and reliability of research
undertaken with these BMaD, supporting quality and reproducibility in research and development. This
in turn can contribute to increased and broader utilization of biological materials and associated data.
It is intended that conformity to ISO 20387 can help demonstrate a commitment to professionalism
within biobanking, promoting trust for key stakeholders, such as the public, donors, patients, users,
or funders. Benefits such as increased efficiency of biobank operations and interoperability among
biobanks, and improved marketability can result from a commitment to ISO 20387. These benefits can
also facilitate sustainability at a time of increasing complexity of research requirements.
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4.2 Intended audience for ISO 20387 and this document
Because ISO 20387 covers a wide variety of biobanks, the intended audience is broad. This document
serves as a tool to assist with implementation of ISO 20387 for the spectrum of biobanks and their
activities, such as:
a) multicellular organism (e.g., human, animal, plant) and microorganism biobanks (for
implementation and self-assessment);
b) biobanks with a wide range of processes such as collecting/procuring and/or acquiring and
receiving, tagging, accessioning/logging, cataloguing/classifying, examining, preparing,
preserving, storing, managing data, destroying, packaging as well as safeguarding, distributing
and transporting (ISO 20387:2018, 4.1.1);
c) biobanks with a focus on some of the above processes such as acquisition and storage;
d) biobanks at different stages of implementation, such as newly established and existing biobanks;
e) biobanks located in countries of diverse economical scales, such as high, middle or low-income
f) biobanks, assessors and others interested in biobanking conformity assessment schemes, such as
first party (self-declaration), second party (contract/agreement), and third party (certification/
accreditation) approaches;
g) biobanks that wish to incorporate innovative approaches such as biological material-related data
repositories (virtual biobanking).
Biological material from multicellular organisms and microorganisms share many common
requirements in the implementation of ISO 20387, but each of these fields has its own needs. Domain
specificity can influence biobanking and subsequently the quality management due to the different
nature of biological material, special regulations, ethical guidelines, procedural needs or scientific and
user-based requirements. More specific biobanking-related standards are currently under development
in ISO/TC 276 Biotechnology.
4.3 Implementation of ISO 20387
Implementing ISO 20387 and the guidance as set out in this document can provide confidence in the
quality of the samples and subsequent data analysis. However, implementing the standard will require
resources. A gap analysis of a biobank’s current practice against these standard requirements can be
beneficial, and can lead to a plan for implementation of requirements. This can be done in a phased
approach and can take some time, particularly for smaller organizations where resources can be
Each biobank can identify and implement corresponding requirements according to its defined and
documented individual activities (ISO 20387:2018, 5.7). ISO 20387, as a conformity assessment enabling
standard, can be described as having three types of requirements – general, QMS, and competence:
a) General requirements are found in all standards by definition. By demonstrating that a product
or service meets specific requirements in a standard, a potential user has a basis for assessing a
product’s fitness for an intended purpose.
b) A Quality Management System (QMS) addresses quality policies and objectives in its processes,
thus enabling the demonstration of efficient use of resources, improved risk management, and
increased robustness of practices, plans, and records, all of which serves to further increase user
c) Technical competence adds the assessment of personnel to the evaluation, and provides means of
demonstrating that an entity has the ability to apply knowledge and skill to successfully achieve an

Première édition
Biotechnologie — Biobanking — Guide
de mise en oeuvre de l'ISO 20387
Biotechnology — Biobanking — Implementation guide for ISO 20387
Numéro de référence
ISO/TR 22758:2020(F)
ISO 2020

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© ISO 2020
Tous droits réservés. Sauf prescription différente ou nécessité dans le contexte de sa mise en œuvre, aucune partie de cette
publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique,
y compris la photocopie, ou la diffusion sur l’internet ou sur un intranet, sans autorisation écrite préalable. Une autorisation peut
être demandée à l’ISO à l’adresse ci-après ou au comité membre de l’ISO dans le pays du demandeur.
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Publié en Suisse
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Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .v
Introduction .vi
1 Domaine d'application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Informations relatives au contexte de développement de l'ISO 20387 .1
4.1 Généralités . 1
4.2 Public visé par l'ISO 20387 et le présent document . 2
4.3 Mise en œuvre de l'ISO 20387 . 2
5 Adéquation à l'usage prévu (AUP) (FIP) (ISO 20387:2018, 3.24) dans le domaine du
«biobanking» . 3
5.1 Généralités . 3
5.2 Adéquation à l'usage prévu et cycle de vie du matériel biologique et/ou des
données associées (MaBiDa) . 4
5.3 Facteurs ayant une incidence sur l'adéquation à l'usage prévu . 5
5.4 Détermination des exigences préétablies pour l'AUP . 5
5.5 Décision relative à l'adéquation réelle du matériel biologique et des données
associées à l'usage prévu. 6
6 Paysage de processus . 6
7 Conformité à l'ISO 20387 . 8
7.1 Périmètres de la conformité . 8
7.1.1 Généralités . 8
7.1.2 Détermination du périmètre de la conformité . 9
7.2 Pratiques d'évaluation de la conformité (EC) (aspects généraux et applicabilité aux
biobanques) . 9
8 Recommandations sur l'interprétation de certaines parties du texte de
l'ISO 20387:2018 .10
8.1 Exigences générales (ISO 20387:2018, Article 4) .10
8.1.1 Généralités .10
8.1.2 Impartialité (ISO 20387:2018, 4.2) .10
8.1.3 Confidentialité (ISO 20387:2018, 4.3) .10
8.2 Exigences structurelles (20387:2018, Article 5) .10
8.2.1 Généralités .10
8.2.2 ISO 20387:2018, 5.1 .10
8.2.3 ISO 20387:2018, 5.3 .11
8.2.4 ISO 20387:2018, 5.5 .11
8.2.5 ISO 20387:2018, 5.7 .11
8.2.6 ISO 20387:2018, 5.8, a) .11
8.2.7 ISO 20387:2018, 5.9 .11
8.3 Exigences relatives aux ressources (ISO 20387:2018, Article 6) .12
8.3.1 Généralités .12
8.3.2 ISO 20387:2018, 6.1.2 .13
8.3.3 ISO 20387:2018, .13
8.3.4 ISO 20387:2018, .13
8.3.5 ISO 20387:2018, .13
8.3.6 ISO 20387:2018, .14
8.3.7 ISO 20387:2018, 6.2.3 .14
8.3.8 ISO 20387:2018, .14
8.3.9 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3 .14
8.3.10 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.2 .15
8.3.11 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.3 .16
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8.3.12 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.5 .16
8.3.13 ISO 20387:2018, 6.3.7 .16
8.3.14 ISO 20387:2018, .17
8.3.15 ISO 20387:2018, .17
8.3.16 ISO 20387:2018, .17
8.3.17 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.1 .17
8.3.18 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.3 .17
8.3.19 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.6 .17
8.3.20 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.10 .17
8.3.21 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.11 .18
8.3.22 ISO 20387:2018, 6.5.12 .18
8.4 Exigences relatives aux processus (ISO 20387:2018, Article 7) .18
8.4.1 Généralités .18
8.4.2 ISO 20387:2018, 7.1.1 .18
8.4.3 ISO 20387:2018, .18
8.4.4 ISO 20387:2018, .19
8.4.5 ISO 20387:2018, .19
8.4.6 ISO 20387:2018, .20
8.4.7 ISO 20387:2018, .20
8.4.8 ISO 20387:2018, .20
8.4.9 ISO 20387:2018, 7.4.2 .20
8.4.10 ISO 20387:2018, 7.4.5 .21
8.4.11 ISO 20387:2018, 7.6.2 .21
8.4.12 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.1 .21
8.4.13 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.3 .21
8.4.14 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.5 .21
8.4.15 ISO 20387:2018, 7.7.7 .22
8.4.16 ISO 20387:2018, .22
8.4.17 ISO 20387:2018, .22
8.4.18 ISO 20387:2018, 7.10.5 .23
8.4.19 ISO 20387:2018, .23
8.4.20 ISO 20387:2018, 7.13.2 .23
8.5 Exigences relatives au système de management de la qualité (ISO 20387:2018,
Article 8) .23
8.5.1 Généralités .23
8.5.2 ISO 20387:2018, 8.1.1, 8.1.2 et 8.1.3 .23
8.5.3 ISO 20387:2018, 8.3.1 .24
8.5.4 ISO 20387:2018, 8.4.1, 8.4.2 et 8.4.3 .24
8.5.5 ISO 20387:2018, 8.5.1, 8.5.2 et 8.5.3 .25
8.5.6 ISO 20387:2018, 8.6.1 .25
8.5.7 ISO 20387:2018, 8.8.1 et 8.8.2 .25
Bibliographie .26
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L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes
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L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (IEC) en ce qui
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Les procédures utilisées pour élaborer le présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont
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L'attention est attirée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
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Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données
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Pour une explication de la nature volontaire des normes, la signification des termes et expressions
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Le présent document a été élaboré par le comité technique ISO/TC 276, Biotechnologie.
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se trouve à l'adresse www .iso .org/ fr/ members .html.
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Le présent document est destiné à compléter l'ISO 20387 plutôt qu'à s'y substituer; à cet effet, il ne
constitue pas en soi un document autonome. Il peut être utile pour le lecteur de consulter l'ISO 20387 au
préalable et de se référer au présent Rapport technique en parallèle ou ultérieurement.
Les remarques suivantes se rapportent au contenu du présent document:
— Un rapport technique, par définition, ne contient aucune exigence. Le langage employé n'a donc
volontairement aucun caractère directif afin d'éviter l'introduction de nouvelles exigences.
— Le présent document ne traite pas des articles et paragraphes de l'ISO 20387 jugés suffisamment
explicites (par exemple, l'ISO 20387:2018, Articles 1, 2 et 3, et Annexes A, B et C etc.).
— Les Articles 4, 5, 6 et 7 du présent document abordent certains concepts généraux qui sous-tendent
les exigences de l'ISO 20387.
— L'Article 8 du présent document couvre une sélection d'exigences spécifiques de l'ISO 20387, comme
indiqué ci-dessus.
— Des exemples sont donnés dans l'ensemble du corps du présent document afin d'illustrer une liste
non exhaustive de possibilités.
— Des acronymes sont utilisés afin de simplifier le texte:
1) MaBiDa: l'ISO 20387 définit les termes matériel biologique (3.7) et données associées (3.3).
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes sont combinés sous la forme jointe «matériel
biologique et/ou données associées» (MaBiDa). Certains articles ou paragraphes font référence
soit au matériel biologique soit aux données associées. Dans ces cas de figure, le terme est
donné en toutes lettres.
2) AUP: les termes «adapté à l'usage prévu ou finalité» ou «adéquation à l'usage prévu» (3.24) sont
également définis dans l'ISO 20387. Pour les besoins du présent document, ces termes sont
désignés par l'abréviation AUP.
Le terme biobanque a été précédemment défini de multiples manières et aucune définition spécifique
n'a encore été universellement acceptée par la communauté scientifique.
L'ISO 20387 définit une biobanque (ISO 20387:2018, 3.5) comme une entité juridique ou partie d'entité
juridique pratiquant le «biobanking», et le terme biobanking (ou mise en banque de matériel biologique)
(ISO 20387:2018, 3.6) comme le processus d'acquisition et de stockage, ainsi que tout ou partie des
activités liées au prélèvement, à la préparation, à la préservation, aux tests, à l'analyse et à la distribution
de matériels biologiques définis, y compris les informations et les données associées. Pour les besoins
du présent document, le terme biobanque englobe à la fois le personnel qui mène des activités de
«biobanking» pour le compte de la biobanque et l'entité elle-même.
Les biobanques peuvent présenter d'importantes différences sur divers plans:
— les domaines gérés, par exemple humain, animal, fongique, microbien et/ou végétal, etc., ou une
combinaison de ces domaines;
— les types de matériel biologique et de données se trouvant dans la biobanque, par exemple acides
nucléiques, tissus, etc.;
— les activités réalisées;
— les types d'organismes impliqués; et
— la structure, la gouvernance, la supervision et l'exploitation.
Au moment de l'acquisition, les biobanques peuvent entreprendre des activités d'acquisition, de
traitement et de stockage de MaBiDa dans le cadre d'une ou plusieurs utilisations qui n'a pas encore
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été identifiées. Dans ces cas, la biobanque peut acquérir les MaBiDa conformément à des procédures
normalisées qui conviennent au vu de la ou des utilisations finales prévues. Les biobanques peuvent
également acquérir des MaBiDa en réponse à une demande d'un utilisateur. L'utilisateur peut spécifier
des critères pour les MaBiDa et/ou les procédures normalisées qui ont été développés ou appliqués
pour cette utilisation spécifique.
Les biobanques peuvent acquérir des MaBiDa pour des chercheurs qui étudient de nouvelles méthodes
de prélèvement, de stockage ou de traitement de matériel biologique, ainsi que les effets de ces nouvelles
méthodes sur les divers analytes. Dans ces cas, la biobanque peut adapter les procédures pour les
aligner spécifiquement sur les besoins du chercheur, plutôt que de suivre les procédures normalisées
largement acceptées pour le traitement des MaBiDa.
Les biobanques entreprennent des types d'activité très variables. Elles peuvent assurer soit l'ensemble
des activités couvertes par la définition du «biobanking», à savoir le prélèvement/l'acquisition, la
préparation, la préservation, les tests, le stockage, l'analyse et la distribution de MaBiDa, donnée dans
l'ISO 20387, soit un sous-ensemble de ces activités, par exemple le prélèvement/l'acquisition et la
Les biobanques peuvent impliquer différents types d'organismes. Elles peuvent former des entités
juridiques indépendantes ou être attachées à des entités gouvernementales, des institutions
académiques, des hôpitaux, des organismes à but non lucratif ou des organisations commerciales.
Les biobanques peuvent comprendre plusieurs sites d'exploitation et peuvent parfois impliquer des
parties intervenant dans plusieurs institutions ou organismes. Elles peuvent également détenir des
sites d'exploitation dans différentes régions, voire parfois dans différents pays.
Il appartient à la biobanque d'identifier le périmètre des activités biobancaires pour lesquelles elle
souhaite mettre en œuvre l'ISO 20387.
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Biotechnologie — Biobanking — Guide de mise en oeuvre
de l'ISO 20387
1 Domaine d'application
Le présent document fournit des recommandations à l'attention des biobanques quant à la façon de
mettre en œuvre les exigences techniques, de gestion et de management de la qualité de l'ISO 20387. Il
développe des aspects de l'ISO 20387 et produit des exemples à des fins d'illustration. L'objet du présent
document est d'assister les biobanques autour de la compétence du personnel et de la qualité appropriée
des collections de matériels biologiques et de données. Le présent document s'applique aussi bien aux
biobanques émergentes qu'aux biobanques existantes.
Le présent document est applicable à toutes les organisations qui pratiquent le «biobanking» pour la
recherche et le développement, y compris le «biobanking» de matériels biologiques issus d'organismes
pluricellulaires (par exemple humains, animaux, champignons et végétaux) et de micro-organismes.
Le présent document ne s'applique pas aux matériels biologiques destinés à la production de denrées
alimentaires/d'aliments pour animaux, aux laboratoires effectuant des analyses pour la production de
denrées alimentaires/d'aliments pour animaux et/ou à une utilisation thérapeutique.
2 Références normatives
Les documents suivants cités dans le texte constituent, pour tout ou partie de leur contenu, des
exigences du présent document. Pour les références datées, seule l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les
références non datées, la dernière édition du document de référence s'applique (y compris les éventuels
ISO 20387:2018, Biotechnologie — «Biobanking» — Exigences générales relatives au «biobanking»
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions donnés dans l'ISO 20387 s'appliquent.
L'ISO et l'IEC tiennent à jour des bases de données terminologiques destinées à être utilisées en
normalisation, consultables aux adresses suivantes:
— ISO Online browsing platform: disponible à l'adresse https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: disponible à l'adresse http:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Informations relatives au contexte de développement de l'ISO 20387
4.1 Généralités
L'ISO 20387 a été élaborée afin que les biobanques en bénéficient, quels que soient leur taille, leur type,
leurs ressources et leurs niveaux de maturité et/ou de complexité dans la mesure où elles entrent dans
son domaine d'application.
L'élaboration de l'ISO 20387 a été motivée par la volonté de garantir la robustesse et la fiabilité des
recherches entreprises autour de ces MaBiDa, en soutenant la qualité et la reproductibilité de la
recherche et du développement. Cette approche peut, à son tour, contribuer à renforcer et élargir
l'utilisation de matériel biologique et des données associées. Une conformité à l'ISO 20387 peut aider
à démontrer un engagement de professionnalisme dans le domaine du «biobanking», en instillant un
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sentiment de confiance chez les principales parties prenantes, telles que le public, les donateurs, les
patients, les utilisateurs ou les organismes de financement. Un engagement à se conformer à l'ISO 20387
peut apporter divers avantages, notamment une plus grande efficacité des opérations d'une biobanque,
une meilleure interopérabilité entre les biobanques et davantage de possibilités de commercialisation.
Ces avantages peuvent également soutenir le développement durable à une époque marquée par des
exigences de plus en plus complexes en matière de recherche.
4.2 Public visé par l'ISO 20387 et le présent document
L'ISO 20387 couvre une grande diversité de biobanques et, à ce titre, elle s'adresse à un vaste public.
Le présent document tient lieu d'outil conçu pour faciliter la mise en œuvre de l'ISO 20387 pour les
biobanques et leurs activités dans toute leur diversité, à savoir:
a) les biobanques d'organismes multicellulaires (par exemple, humains, animaux et végétaux) et de
micro-organismes (pour la mise en œuvre et pour l'auto-évaluation);
b) les biobanques qui appliquent divers processus, tels que le prélèvement/l'achat et/ou l'acquisition et
la réception, le marquage, l'inscription/l'enregistrement,

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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