ISO/TR 17801:2014
(Main)Plastics — Standard table for reference global solar spectral irradiance at sea level — Horizontal, relative air mass 1
Plastics — Standard table for reference global solar spectral irradiance at sea level — Horizontal, relative air mass 1
ISO/TR 17801:2014 provides a reference spectrum to the field of weathering degradation in order to classify solar simulators in the UV, visible and infrared wavelength range.
Plastiques — Table de référence pour l'irradiance solaire spectrale totale au niveau de la mer — Horizontale, masse d'air relative 1
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
REPORT 17801
First edition
Plastics — Standard table for
reference global solar spectral
irradiance at sea level — Horizontal,
relative air mass 1
Plastiques — Table de référence pour l’irradiance solaire spectrale
totale au niveau de la mer — Horizontale, masse d’air relative 1
Reference number
ISO 2014
© ISO 2014
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ii © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 References . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Reference global solar spectral irradiance at sea level . 2
Annex A (informative) Input file to generate the reference spectrum .14
Bibliography .15
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iv © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
The effect of solar radiation on surface of the earth (global radiation) is the most important primary
weathering factor. The photons absorbed by the molecules during radiation exposure are often
sufficient to split chemical bonds, start photochemical reactions and cause an electron transfer .
The spectral irradiance of the solar radiation is variable locally and in time. A reference spectrum is
therefore required as a basis for the simulation of the spectral irradiance of solar radiation with artificial
radiation sources/radiation systems. Data of the CIE (Commission Internationale de L’Éclairage)
Publication (No. 85, 1989) have been used as a basis for years. Table 4 specifies the spectral irradiance
of global radiation (direct and diffuse radiation) for a cloudless sky, zenith position of the sun by day
and night comparisons at the equator at sea level. But in CIE 85, the data of the global solar irradiance
only begins at 305 nm, the step width is very rough and the calculation code got unexplainably lost.
Therefore, there have been efforts to revise CIE No. 85 for many years. The new Table 1 gives modelled
data (using the SMARTS model version 2.9.2) generated using an air mass zero (AM0) spectrum based
on extraterrestrial spectrum of Gueymard .
Plastics — Standard table for reference global solar
spectral irradiance at sea level — Horizontal, relative air
mass 1
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides a reference spectrum to the field of weathering degradation (see Table 1)
in order to classify solar simulators in the UV, visible and infrared wavelength range.
The photochemical ageing which occurs in practice is simulated with time compression in laboratory
weathering instruments by sequencing maximum stress climate episodes. To give a spectral irradiance
target, the table specifies the spectral irradiance of global radiation (direct and diffuse radiation) with
a cloudless sky, zenith position of the sun by day and night comparisons at the equator at sea level as
defined in Table 4 of CIE No. 85 .This is a realistic maximum exposure under representative clear sky
The data contained in Table 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 were generated using the SMARTS2 Version 2.9.2
to recalculate the CIE No. 85, Table 4.
Table 2 contains the original data from CIE No. 85, Table 4. The numbers are shown in Figure 2 and
Figure 3 as well.
2 References
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
CIE No. 85, Technical Report; Solar Spectral Irradiance; 1989
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
global solar irradiance
solar radiant flux, both direct and diffuse, received on a horizontal plane unit area from a solid angle of
2π steradians
Note 1 to entry: It is measured in watts per square metre (W⋅m ).
spectral irradiance
radiant flux per unit area per wavelength interval
–2 –1
Note 1 to entry: It is measured in watts per square metre per nanometre (W⋅m ⋅nm ).
air mass
relative optical path length of solar radiation through Earth’s atmosphere for the purpose of this
Technical Report
Note 1 to entry: As solar radiation passes through the atmosphere, it is attenuated by scattering and absorption.
The more atmosphere through which it passes, the greater is the attenuation.
4 Reference global solar spectral irradiance at sea level
The reference global solar spectral irradiance for air mass 1.0 (illustration see Figure 1) is given in
Table 1 and Figure 2 and Figure 3. This is the global distribution (direct and diffuse) of the solar radiation
corresponding to an integrated irradiance of 1 092 W m incident on a sun-facing horizontal plane
considering the ground reflection of 0,2 under the following atmospheric conditions.
— The United States Standard Atmosphere Profile of 1976 (USSA76) except for the prescribed
parameters below:
— total hemispherical horizontal component;
— total column water vapour 1,42 cm;
— total column ozone 0,34 cm;
— aerosol optical depth at 500 nm 0,1.
— The rural aerosol distribution of Shettle and Fenn was assumed.
— A carbon dioxide concentration of 370 ppm by volume was assumed.
— The direct beam included a circumsolar component, as if seen with a 5,6° field of view pyrheliometer.
Annex A contains the SMARTS2 input files used to generate the tabular data in Table 1.
Figure 1 — Air mass coefficient defines the direct optical path length through the Earth’s
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved
Table 1 — Reference global solar irradiance recalculated with SMART2 (input data from CIE
No. 85, Table 4)
Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral
length irradiance length irradiance length irradiance length irradiance length irradiance
−2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1
(nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm )
285,0 1,85E-11 305,5 0,0760 326,0 0,6710 346,5 0,7450 367,0 1,0310
285,5 6,67E-11 306,0 0,0740 326,5 0,7030 347,0 0,7560 367,5 1,0100
286,0 1,84E-10 306,5 0,0820 327,0 0,6900 347,5 0,7280 368,0 0,9490
286,5 8,17E-10 307,0 0,1010 327,5 0,6710 348,0 0,7240 368,5 0,9410
287,0 2,11E-09 307,5 0,1210 328,0 0,6270 348,5 0,7340 369,0 0,9830
287,5 6,13E-09 308,0 0,1270 328,5 0,6420 349,0 0,7060 369,5 1,0540
288,0 2,35E-08 308,5 0,1350 329,0 0,7130 349,5 0,7230 370,0 1,0670
288,5 5,24E-08 309,0 0,1290 329,5 0,7860 350,0 0,7970 370,5 0,9630
289,0 1,38E-07 309,5 0,1290 330,0 0,7920 350,5 0,8560 371,0 0,9770
289,5 3,99E-07 310,0 0,1470 330,5 0,7290 351,0 0,8310 371,5 1,0130
290,0 9,48E-07 310,5 0,1860 331,0 0,6880 351,5 0,7990 372,0 0,9470
290,5 1,84E-06 311,0 0,2290 331,5 0,7050 352,0 0,7780 372,5 0,9010
291,0 3,81E-06 311,5 0,2300 332,0 0,7220 352,5 0,7330 373,0 0,8670
291,5 9,09E-06 312,0 0,2420 332,5 0,7200 353,0 0,7780 373,5 0,7800
292,0 1,80E-05 312,5 0,2480 333,0 0,7050 353,5 0,8540 374,0 0,7770
292,5 2,53E-05 313,0 0,2640 333,5 0,6760 354,0 0,9010 374,5 0,7700
293,0 4,37E-05 313,5 0,2680 334,0 0,6880 354,5 0,9090 375,0 0,8210
293,5 9,18E-05 314,0 0,2870 334,5 0,7270 355,0 0,9080 375,5 0,9060
294,0 1,45E-04 314,5 0,2980 335,0 0,7510 355,5 0,8750 376,0 0,9370
294,5 2,04E-04 315,0 0,3080 335,5 0,7290 356,0 0,8190 376,5 0,9210
295,0 3,29E-04 315,5 0,2730 336,0 0,6670 356,5 0,7670 377,0 0,9870
295,5 6,18E-04 316,0 0,2740 336,5 0,6170 357,0 0,6730 377,5 1,0990
296,0 9,36E-04 316,5 0,3220 337,0 0,6050 357,5 0,6800 378,0 1,1830
296,5 1,23E-03 317,0 0,3670 337,5 0,6490 358,0 0,6320 378,5 1,1510
297,0 1,52E-03 317,5 0,3930 338,0 0,6940 358,5 0,5860 379,0 1,0260
297,5 2,53E-03 318,0 0,3700 338,5 0,7230 359,0 0,6880 379,5 0,9190
298,0 3,52E-03 318,5 0,3740 339,0 0,7340 359,5 0,8280 380,0 0,9640
298,5 3,99E-03 319,0 0,4030 339,5 0,7500 360,0 0,8740 380,5 1,0320
299,0 5,06E-03 319,5 0,3970 340,0 0,7960 360,5 0,8250 381,0 1,0480
299,5 7,77E-03 320,0 0,4170 340,5 0,7920 361,0 0,7580 381,5 0,9440
300,0 8,60E-03 320,5 0,4780 341,0 0,7410 361,5 0,7410 382,0 0,8030
300,5 1,00E-02 321,0 0,4700 341,5 0,7340 362,0 0,7750 382,5 0,6940
301,0 1,40E-02 321,5 0,4460 342,0 0,7640 362,5 0,8470 383,0 0,6210
301,5 1,80E-02 322,0 0,4300 342,5 0,7900 363,0 0,8690 383,5 0,6010
302,0 1,80E-02 322,5 0,4180 343,0 0,8010 363,5 0,8440 384,0 0,6940
302,5 2,50E-02 323,0 0,3980 343,5 0,7560 364,0 0,8730 384,5 0,8350
303,0 3,80E-02 323,5 0,4470 344,0 0,6530 364,5 0,8630 385,0 0,9150
303,5 4,60E-02 324,0 0,4910 344,5 0,6250 365,0 0,8950 385,5 0,8730
304,0 4,70E-02 324,5 0,5120 345,0 0,7090 365,5 0,9830 386,0 0,8410
304,5 0,056 325,0 0,517 345,5 0,753 366,0 1,052 386,5 0,874
305,0 0,071 325,5 0,588 346,0 0,733 366,5 1,052 387,0 0,880
Table 1 (continued)
Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral Wave- Spectral
length irradiance length irradiance length irradiance length irradiance length irradiance
−2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1 −2 −1
(nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm ) (nm) (W·m ·nm )
387,5 0,867 416,0 1,606 457,0 1,903 498,0 1,790 539,0 1,727
388,0 0,857 417,0 1,564 458,0 1,861 499,0 1,788 540,0 1,667
388,5 0,850 418,0 1,494 459,0 1,844 500,0 1,781 541,0 1,603
389,0 0,922 419,0 1,552 460,0 1,830 501,0 1,726 542,0 1,745
389,5 1,021 420,0 1,420 461,0 1,892 502,0 1,725 543,0 1,713
390,0 1,070 421,0 1,610 462,0 1,907 503,0 1,805 544,0 1,774
390,5 1,078 422,0 1,586 463,0 1,912 504,0 1,686 545,0 1,732
391,0 1,140 423,0 1,533 464,0 1,851 505,0 1,801 546,0 1,717
391,5 1,155 424,0 1,522 465,0 1,825 506,0 1,872 547,0 1,737
392,0 1,062 425,0 1,566 466,0 1,861 507,0 1,790 548,0 1,687
392,5 0,884 426,0 1,519 467,0 1,777 508,0 1,742 549,0 1,738
393,0 0,640 427,0 1,465 468,0 1,853 509,0 1,823 550,0 1,723
393,5 0,508 428,0 1,478 469,0 1,859 510,0 1,773 551,0 1,720
394,0 0,659 429,0 1,366 470,0 1,786 511,0 1,804 552,0 1,754
394,5 0,909 430,0 1,088 471,0 1,814 512,0 1,850 553,0 1,704
395,0 1,072 431,0 0,986 472,0 1,906 513,0 1,736 554,0 1,736
395,5 1,141 432,0 1,638 473,0 1,831 514,0 1,698 555,0 1,745
396,0 1,002 433,0 1,522 474,0 1,851 515,0 1,746 556,0 1,715
396,5 0,728 434,0 1,404 475,0 1,911 516,0 1,761 557,0 1,673
397,0 0,563 435,0 1,539 476,0 1,846 517,0 1,433 558,0 1,709
397,5 0,831 436,0 1,684 477,0 1,856 518,0 1,638 559,0 1,617
398,0 1,124
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