ISO 7301:2002
(Main)Rice — Specification
Rice — Specification
Riz — Spécifications
L'ISO 7301 fixe les spécifications minimales pour le riz (Oryza sativa L.) faisant l'objet d'un commerce international. Elle est applicable aux types de riz suivants: riz décortiqué et riz usiné, étuvé ou non, destiné à l'alimentation humaine. Elle n'est pas applicable à d'autres produits dérivés du riz, ni au riz gluant.
Riž - Specifikacija
General Information
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Second edition
Rice — Specification
Riz — Spécifications
Reference number
ISO 7301:2002(E)
ISO 2002
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Specifications . 4
4.1 General, organoleptic and health specifications . 4
4.2 Physical and chemical specifications . 4
4.3 Contract specifications . 4
5 Test methods . 5
6 Packaging . 5
A Methods of analysis for rice specifications. 6
A.1 Principle . 6
A.2 Apparatus . 6
A.3 Sampling . 6
A.4 Procedure . 6
A.5 Expression of results . 9
A.6 Test report . 10
B Determination of waxy rice in parboiled rice . 15
B.1 Principle . 15
B.2 Apparatus . 15
B.3 Reagents . 15
B.4 Sampling . 15
B.5 Determination . 15
Bibliography. 17
ISO 2002 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 7301 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee
SC 4, Cereals and pulses.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 7301:1988), which has been technically revised.
Annexes A and B form a normative part of this International Standard.
iv ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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Rice — Specification
1 Scope
This International Standard gives the minimum specifications for rice (Oryza sativa L.) which is the subject of
international trade. It is applicable to the following types: husked rice and milled rice, parboiled or not, intended for
direct human consumption. It is not applicable to other products derived from rice, nor to waxy rice (glutinous rice).
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 712, Cereals and cereal products — Determination of moisture content — Routine reference method
ISO 5223, Test sieves for cereals
ISO 13690:1999, Cereals, pulses and milled products — Sampling of static batches
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
paddy rice
rough rice
rice retaining its husk after threshing
husked rice
brown rice
cargo rice
paddy from which the husk only has been removed
NOTE The processes of husking and handling may result in some loss of bran.
milled rice
white rice
husked rice from which all or part of the bran and embryo have been removed by milling
NOTE It should further be classified into the following degrees of milling.
undermilled rice
rice obtained by milling husked rice but not to the degree necessary to meet the requirements of well-milled rice
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
well-milled rice
rice obtained by milling husked rice in such a way that most of the bran and part of the embryo have been removed
extra-well-milled rice
rice obtained by milling husked rice in such a way that all of the bran and almost all of the embryo have been removed
parboiled rice
husked or milled rice processed from paddy or husked rice that has been soaked in water and subjected to a heat
treatment so that the starch is fully gelatinized, followed by a drying process
waxy rice
glutinous rice
varieties of rice whose kernels have a white and opaque appearance
NOTE The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after
whole kernel
husked or milled kernel without any broken part, or part of kernel with a length greater than or equal to nine-tenths of
the average length (3.12) of the test sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
head rice
whole kernel (3.6) or part of kernel with a length greater than or equal to three-quarters of the average length (3.12)
of the test sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
large broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than three-quarters but greater than one-half of the average length (3.12) of the test
sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
medium broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than or equal to one-half but greater than one-quarter of the average length (3.12) of
the test sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
small broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than or equal to one-quarter of the average length (3.12) of the test sample kernels
but which does not pass through a metal sieve with round perforations 1,4 mm in diameter
NOTE See Figure 1.
part of kernel which passes through a metal sieve with round perforations 1,4 mm in diameter
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
Not passing through a round perforation of 1,4 mm in diameter.
is the average length (3.12)
Figure 1 — Size of kernels, broken kernels and chips
average length
arithmetic mean of the length of the test sample kernels that are not immature or malformed (3.16) and without any
broken parts
NOTE Calculation of the average length is given in A.4.3.2.
extraneous matter
organic and inorganic components other than kernels of rice
NOTE 1 Organic extraneous matter are: foreign seeds, husks, bran, parts of straw, etc.
NOTE 2 Inorganic extraneous matter are: stones, sand, dust, etc.
heat-damaged kernel
head rice or broken kernel that has changed its normal colour as a result of a microbiological heating
NOTE This category includes kernel that is yellow/dark yellow in the case of non-parboiled rice and orange/dark orange in the
case of parboiled rice, due to a microbiological alteration.
damaged kernel
head rice or broken kernel showing evident deterioration due to moisture, pests, disease or other causes, but
excluding heat-damaged kernels (3.14)
immature kernel
malformed kernel
head rice or broken kernel which is unripe and/or badly developed
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
chalky kernel
head rice or broken kernel of non-parboiled rice, except waxy rice (3.5), whose whole surface has an opaque and
floury appearance
red kernel
head rice or broken kernel having a red bran covering more than one-quarter of its surface
red-streaked kernel
head rice or broken kernel with red bran streaks of length greater than or equal to one-half of that of the whole kernel,
but where the surface covered by these red streaks is less than one-quarter of the total surface
partly gelatinized kernel
head rice or broken kernel of parboiled rice which is not fully gelatinized and shows a distinct white opaque area
head rice or broken kernel of parboiled rice of which more than one-quarter of the surface is dark brown or black in
colour due to the parboiling process
4 Specifications
4.1 General, organoleptic and health specifications
Kernels of rice, husked or milled, broken or not, shall be sound, clean and free from foreign odours or odour which
indicates deterioration. They shall also be free from toxic or any harmful matter.
The levels of additives and pesticides and other contaminants shall not exceed the maximum limits permitted by the
national regulations of the country of destination or, in their absence, by the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius.
The presence of living insects which are visible to the naked eye is not allowed.
4.2 Physical and chemical specifications
4.2.1 The mass fraction of moisture shall be not greater than 15,0 % [previously designed as 15,0 %(m/m)].
NOTE Lower moisture contents may be required for certain destinations depending on the climate, duration of transport and
storage. For further details, see ISO 6322-1, ISO 6322-2 and ISO 6322-3 [2], [3], [4].
4.2.2 The defect tolerance for the categories considered, and determined in accordance with the method described
in annex A, shall not exceed the limits given in Table 1.
4.3 Contract specifications
All commercial contracts shall show clearly the following:
a) the total percentage of broken kernels permitted, classified according to the agreed categories, and the relative
proportion of each category.
b) the total percentage permitted of the categories detailed in Table 1, determined in accordance with the method
described in annex A.
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
Table 1 — Specification of rice
Husked rice Milled rice Husked rice Milled rice
Reference to the non-parboiled non-parboiled parboiled parboiled
definition max. max. max. max.
(mass fraction) (mass fraction) (mass fraction) (mass fraction)
Extraneous matter:
organic 3.13, Note 1 1,0 0,5 1,0 0,5
inorganic 3.13, Note 2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Paddy 3.1 2,5 0,3 2,5 0,3
Husked rice, non-parboiled 3.2 Not applicable 1,0 1,0 1,0
Milled rice, non-parboiled 3.3 1,0 Not applicable 1,0 1,0
Husked rice, parboiled 3.2 and 3.4 1,0 1,0 Not applicable 1,0
Milled rice, parboiled 3.3 and 3.4 1,0 1,0 1,0 Not applicable
Chips 3.11 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
a a
Heat-damaged kernels 3.14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Damaged kernels 3.15 4,0 3,0 4,0 3,0
Immature and/or malformed
3.16 8,0 2,0 8,0 2,0
Chalky kernels 3.17 5,0 5,0 Not applicable Not applicable
Red kernels and red-streaked
b b
3.18 and 3.19 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0
Partly gelatinized kernels 3.20 Not applicable Not applicable 11,0 11,0
Pecks 3.21 Not applicable Not applicable 4,0 2,0
a a
Waxy rice 3.5 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
After milling.
Only full red husked (cargo) rice is considered here.
5 Test methods
The moisture content shall be determined in accordance with ISO 712.
The other tests shall be carried out using the methods specified in annexes A and B.
6 Packaging
The packaging material shall not transmit any smell or taste, and shall not contain substances which may damage
the product or constitute a health risk. If bags are used, they shall be clean, sufficiently strong and well stitched.
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ISO 7301:2002(E)
SIST ISO 7301:2003
Riž - Specifikacija
Rice -- Specification
Riz -- Spécifications
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 7301:2002
67.060 äLWDVWURþQLFHLQSURL]YRGLL] Cereals, pulses and derived
QMLK products
SIST ISO 7301:2003 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
Second edition
Rice — Specification
Riz — Spécifications
Reference number
ISO 7301:2002(E)
ISO 2002
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
ISO 7301:2002(E)
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Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Printed in Switzerland
ii ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
ISO 7301:2002(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Specifications . 4
4.1 General, organoleptic and health specifications . 4
4.2 Physical and chemical specifications . 4
4.3 Contract specifications . 4
5 Test methods . 5
6 Packaging . 5
A Methods of analysis for rice specifications. 6
A.1 Principle . 6
A.2 Apparatus . 6
A.3 Sampling . 6
A.4 Procedure . 6
A.5 Expression of results . 9
A.6 Test report . 10
B Determination of waxy rice in parboiled rice . 15
B.1 Principle . 15
B.2 Apparatus . 15
B.3 Reagents . 15
B.4 Sampling . 15
B.5 Determination . 15
Bibliography. 17
ISO 2002 – All rights reserved iii
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
ISO 7301:2002(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 7301 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee
SC 4, Cereals and pulses.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 7301:1988), which has been technically revised.
Annexes A and B form a normative part of this International Standard.
iv ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
Rice — Specification
1 Scope
This International Standard gives the minimum specifications for rice (Oryza sativa L.) which is the subject of
international trade. It is applicable to the following types: husked rice and milled rice, parboiled or not, intended for
direct human consumption. It is not applicable to other products derived from rice, nor to waxy rice (glutinous rice).
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 712, Cereals and cereal products — Determination of moisture content — Routine reference method
ISO 5223, Test sieves for cereals
ISO 13690:1999, Cereals, pulses and milled products — Sampling of static batches
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
paddy rice
rough rice
rice retaining its husk after threshing
husked rice
brown rice
cargo rice
paddy from which the husk only has been removed
NOTE The processes of husking and handling may result in some loss of bran.
milled rice
white rice
husked rice from which all or part of the bran and embryo have been removed by milling
NOTE It should further be classified into the following degrees of milling.
undermilled rice
rice obtained by milling husked rice but not to the degree necessary to meet the requirements of well-milled rice
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
ISO 7301:2002(E)
well-milled rice
rice obtained by milling husked rice in such a way that most of the bran and part of the embryo have been removed
extra-well-milled rice
rice obtained by milling husked rice in such a way that all of the bran and almost all of the embryo have been removed
parboiled rice
husked or milled rice processed from paddy or husked rice that has been soaked in water and subjected to a heat
treatment so that the starch is fully gelatinized, followed by a drying process
waxy rice
glutinous rice
varieties of rice whose kernels have a white and opaque appearance
NOTE The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after
whole kernel
husked or milled kernel without any broken part, or part of kernel with a length greater than or equal to nine-tenths of
the average length (3.12) of the test sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
head rice
whole kernel (3.6) or part of kernel with a length greater than or equal to three-quarters of the average length (3.12)
of the test sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
large broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than three-quarters but greater than one-half of the average length (3.12) of the test
sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
medium broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than or equal to one-half but greater than one-quarter of the average length (3.12) of
the test sample kernels
NOTE See Figure 1.
small broken kernel
part of kernel with a length less than or equal to one-quarter of the average length (3.12) of the test sample kernels
but which does not pass through a metal sieve with round perforations 1,4 mm in diameter
NOTE See Figure 1.
part of kernel which passes through a metal sieve with round perforations 1,4 mm in diameter
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
ISO 7301:2002(E)
Not passing through a round perforation of 1,4 mm in diameter.
is the average length (3.12)
Figure 1 — Size of kernels, broken kernels and chips
average length
arithmetic mean of the length of the test sample kernels that are not immature or malformed (3.16) and without any
broken parts
NOTE Calculation of the average length is given in A.4.3.2.
extraneous matter
organic and inorganic components other than kernels of rice
NOTE 1 Organic extraneous matter are: foreign seeds, husks, bran, parts of straw, etc.
NOTE 2 Inorganic extraneous matter are: stones, sand, dust, etc.
heat-damaged kernel
head rice or broken kernel that has changed its normal colour as a result of a microbiological heating
NOTE This category includes kernel that is yellow/dark yellow in the case of non-parboiled rice and orange/dark orange in the
case of parboiled rice, due to a microbiological alteration.
damaged kernel
head rice or broken kernel showing evident deterioration due to moisture, pests, disease or other causes, but
excluding heat-damaged kernels (3.14)
immature kernel
malformed kernel
head rice or broken kernel which is unripe and/or badly developed
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
ISO 7301:2002(E)
chalky kernel
head rice or broken kernel of non-parboiled rice, except waxy rice (3.5), whose whole surface has an opaque and
floury appearance
red kernel
head rice or broken kernel having a red bran covering more than one-quarter of its surface
red-streaked kernel
head rice or broken kernel with red bran streaks of length greater than or equal to one-half of that of the whole kernel,
but where the surface covered by these red streaks is less than one-quarter of the total surface
partly gelatinized kernel
head rice or broken kernel of parboiled rice which is not fully gelatinized and shows a distinct white opaque area
head rice or broken kernel of parboiled rice of which more than one-quarter of the surface is dark brown or black in
colour due to the parboiling process
4 Specifications
4.1 General, organoleptic and health specifications
Kernels of rice, husked or milled, broken or not, shall be sound, clean and free from foreign odours or odour which
indicates deterioration. They shall also be free from toxic or any harmful matter.
The levels of additives and pesticides and other contaminants shall not exceed the maximum limits permitted by the
national regulations of the country of destination or, in their absence, by the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius.
The presence of living insects which are visible to the naked eye is not allowed.
4.2 Physical and chemical specifications
4.2.1 The mass fraction of moisture shall be not greater than 15,0 % [previously designed as 15,0 %(m/m)].
NOTE Lower moisture contents may be required for certain destinations depending on the climate, duration of transport and
storage. For further details, see ISO 6322-1, ISO 6322-2 and ISO 6322-3 [2], [3], [4].
4.2.2 The defect tolerance for the categories considered, and determined in accordance with the method described
in annex A, shall not exceed the limits given in Table 1.
4.3 Contract specifications
All commercial contracts shall show clearly the following:
a) the total percentage of broken kernels permitted, classified according to the agreed categories, and the relative
proportion of each category.
b) the total percentage permitted of the categories detailed in Table 1, determined in accordance with the method
described in annex A.
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SIST ISO 7301:2003
ISO 7301:2002(E)
Table 1 — Specification of rice
Husked rice Milled rice Husked rice Milled rice
Reference to the non-parboiled non-parboiled parboiled parboiled
definition max. max. max. max.
(mass fraction) (mass fraction) (mass fraction) (mass fraction)
Extraneous matter:
organic 3.13, Note 1 1,0 0,5 1,0 0,5
inorganic 3.13, Note 2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Paddy 3.1 2,5 0,3 2,5 0,3
Husked rice, non-parboiled 3.2 Not applicable 1,0 1,0 1,0
Milled rice, non-parboiled 3.3 1,0 Not applicable 1,0 1,0
Husked rice, parboiled 3.2 and 3.4 1,0 1,0 Not applicable 1,0
Milled rice, parboiled 3.3 and 3.4 1,0 1,0 1,0 Not applicable
Chips 3.11 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
a a
Heat-damaged kernels 3.14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Damaged kernels 3.15 4,0 3,0 4,0 3,0
Immature and/or malformed
3.16 8,0 2,0 8,0 2,0
Chalky kernels 3.17 5,0 5,0 Not applicable Not applicable
Red kernels and red-streaked
b b
3.18 and 3.19 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0
Partly gelatinized kernels 3.20 Not applicable Not applicable 11,0 11,0
Pecks 3.21 Not applicable Not applicable 4,0 2,0
a a
Waxy rice 3.5 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
After milling.
Only full red husked (cargo) rice is considered here.
5 Test methods
The moisture content shall be determined in accordance with ISO 712.
The other tests shall be carried out using the methods specified in annexes A and B.
6 Packaging
The packaging material shall not transmit any smell or taste, and shall not contain substances which may damage
the product or
Deuxième édition
Riz — Spécifications
Rice — Specification
Numéro de référence
ISO 7301:2002(F)
ISO 2002
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ISO 7301:2002(F)
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Imprimé en Suisse
ii ISO 2002 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7301:2002(F)
Sommaire Page
1 Domaine d'application . 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions . 1
4 Spécifications . 4
4.1 Spécifications générales, organoleptiques et sanitaires . 4
4.2 Spécifications physiques et chimiques . 4
4.3 Spécifications contractuelles . 5
5 Méthodes d'essai . 5
6 Emballage . 5
A Méthodes d'analyse des spécifications du riz. 6
A.1 Principe . 6
A.2 Appareillage . 6
A.3 Échantillonnage . 6
A.4 Mode opératoire . 6
A.5 Expression des résultats . 9
A.6 Rapport d'essai . 10
B Détermination du riz gluant dans le riz étuvé. 15
B.1 Principe . 15
B.2 Appareillage . 15
B.3 Réactifs . 15
B.4 Échantillonnage . 15
B.5 Détermination . 15
Bibliographie. 17
ISO 2002 – Tous droits réservés iii
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ISO 7301:2002(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée aux
comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du comité
technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison
avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique
internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 3.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour
vote. Leur publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments de la présente Norme internationale peuvent faire l'objet
de droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne pas
avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
La Norme internationale ISO 7301 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 34, Produits alimentaires, sous-
comité SC 4, Céréales et légumineuses.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO 7301:1988), dont elle constitue une révision
Les annexes A et B constituent des éléments normatifs de la présente Norme internationale.
iv ISO 2002 – Tous droits réservés
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Riz — Spécifications
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Norme internationale fixe les spécifications minimales pour le riz (Oryza sativa L.) faisant l'objet d'un
commerce international. Elle est applicable aux types de riz suivants: riz décortiqué et riz usiné, étuvé ou non,
destiné à l'alimentation humaine. Elle n’est pas applicable à d'autres produits dérivés du riz, ni au riz gluant.
2Références normatives
Les documents normatifs suivants contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui y est faite,
constituent des dispositions valables pour la présente Norme internationale. Pour les références datées, les
amendements ultérieurs ou les révisions de ces publications ne s'appliquent pas. Toutefois, les parties prenantes
aux accords fondés sur la présente Norme internationale sont invitées à rechercher la possibilité d'appliquer les
éditions les plus récentes des documents normatifs indiqués ci-après. Pour les références non datées, la dernière
édition du document normatif en référence s'applique. Les membres de l'ISO et de la CEI possèdent le registre des
Normes internationales en vigueur.
ISO 712, Céréales et produits céréaliers — Détermination de la teneur en eau — Méthode de référence pratique
ISO 5223, Tamis de contrôle pour céréales
ISO 13690:1999, Céréales, légumineuses et produits de mouture — Échantillonnage des lots statiques
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins de la présente Norme internationale, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.
riz paddy
riz muni de sa balle après battage
riz décortiqué
riz cargo
riz paddy dont la balle seule a été éliminée
NOTE Les procédés de décorticage et de manutention peuvent entraîner quelques pertes de son.
riz usiné
riz décortiqué dont la totalité ou une partie du son et du germe a été éliminée par usinage
NOTE Le riz usiné peut être classé selon les degrés d'usinage suivants.
riz demi-usiné
riz obtenu par usinage du riz décortiqué mais à un degré insuffisant pour être qualifié de riz bien usiné
ISO 2002 – Tous droits réservés 1
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ISO 7301:2002(F)
riz bien usiné
riz obtenu par usinage du riz décortiqué de façon telle que la majeure partie du son et une partie du germe ont été
riz très bien usiné
riz obtenu par usinage du riz décortiqué de façon telle que tout le son et presque tout le germe ont été éliminés
riz étuvé
riz décortiqué ou usiné, obtenu à partir de riz paddy ou décortiqué ayant été trempé dans l'eau et soumis à un
traitement thermique de telle sorte que l'amidon soit entièrement gélatinisé, puis à une opération de séchage
riz gluant
variété de riz dont les grains ont un aspect blanc et opaque
NOTE L'amidon du riz gluant est presque entièrement constitué d'amylopectine. Les grains ont tendance à se prendre en masse
après la cuisson.
grain entier
grain décortiqué ou usiné sans aucune partie manquante ou partie de grain dont la longueur est supérieure ou égale
aux neuf dixièmes de la longueur moyenne (3.12) des grains de l'échantillon pour essai
NOTE Voir la Figure 1.
grain considéré comme entier
grain entier (3.6) ou partie de grain dont la longueur est supérieure ou égale aux trois quarts de la longueur moyenne
(3.12) des grains de l'échantillon pour essai
NOTE Voir la Figure 1.
grosse brisure
partie de grain dont la longueur est inférieure aux trois quarts mais supérieure à la moitié de la longueur moyenne
(3.12) des grains de l'échantillon pour essai
NOTE Voir la Figure 1.
brisure moyenne
partie de grain dont la longueur est inférieure ou égale à la moitié mais supérieure au quart de la longueur moyenne
(3.12) des grains de l'échantillon pour essai
NOTE Voir la Figure 1.
brisure fine
partie de grain dont la longueur est inférieure ou égale au quart de la longueur moyenne (3.12) des grains de
l’échantillon pour essai, mais ne passant pas au travers d’un tamis métallique à trous ronds de 1,4 mm de diamètre
NOTE Voir la Figure 1.
partie de grain passant au travers d'un tamis métallique à trous ronds de 1,4 mm de diamètre
2 ISO 2002 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7301:2002(F)
Ne passe pas au travers d’un trou rond de 1,4 mm de diamètre.
est la longueur moyenne (3.12)
Figure 1 — Taille des grains, des brisures et des fragments
longueur moyenne
moyenne arithmétique de la longueur des grains de l'échantillon pour essai qui ne sont pas immatures ou mal formés
(3.16), et sans aucune partie brisée (3.8, 3.9 et 3.10)
NOTE La méthode de calcul de la longueur moyenne est fournie en A.4.3.2.
matières étrangères
éléments organiques et inorganiques autres que les grains de riz
NOTE 1 Les matières étrangères organiques sont: les graines étrangères, les balles, le son, les fragments de paille, etc.
NOTE 2 Les matières étrangères inorganiques sont: les petits cailloux, le sable, les poussières, etc.
grain échauffé
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure dont la coloration naturelle a changé sous l'effet d'un chauffage
NOTE Cette catégorie inclut les grains de couleur jaune à jaune foncé dans le cas du riz non étuvé et les grains de couleur
orange à orange foncé dans le cas du riz étuvé, en raison d'une altération microbiologique.
grain endommagé
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure présentant une détérioration apparente provoquée par l'humidité, les
prédateurs, les maladies ou autres causes, à l'exclusion des grains échauffés (3.14)
ISO 2002 – Tous droits réservés 3
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ISO 7301:2002(F)
grain immature
grain mal formé
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure non mûr(e) et/ou mal développé(e)
grain crayeux
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure non étuvé(e), à l'exception du riz gluant (3.5), dont la totalité de la surface
présente un aspect opaque et farineux
grain rouge
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure dont le son rouge couvre plus d'un quart de la surface
grain strié de rouge
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure présentant des stries rouges dont la longueur est supérieure ou égale à la
moitié de celle du grain entier, mais dont la surface couverte par les stries rouges est inférieure au quart de la surface
grain partiellement gélatinisé
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure de riz étuvé n'ayant pas été entièrement gélatinisé(e) et présentant une
zone distincte blanche et opaque
grain noir d'étuvage
grain considéré comme entier ou brisure de riz étuvé dont plus d'un quart de la surface présente une coloration
brune ou noire suite au processus d'étuvage
4.1 Spécifications générales, organoleptiques et sanitaires
Les grains de riz, décortiqués ou usinés, entiers ou brisés, doivent être sains, propres, exempts d'odeurs étrangères
ou révélant une détérioration. Ils doivent également être exempts de toute matière toxique ou susceptible d'être
Les additifs, les résidus de pesticides et autres contaminants ne doivent pas excéder les limites maximales admises
par la réglementation nationale du pays de destination ou, à défaut, par la Commission mixte FAO/OMS du Codex
La présence d'insectes vivants visibles à l'œil nu n'est pas tolérée.
4.2 Spécifications physiques et chimiques
4.2.1 La fraction massique d'humidité ne doit pas être supérieure à 15,0 %[auparavant désigné ].15,0 %(m/m)
NOTE Des fractions massiques d'humidité plus faibles peuvent être exigées pour certaines destinations, en fonction du climat,
de la durée du transport et du stockage. Pour des informations complémentaires, voir l’ISO6322-1, l’ISO6322-2, et
l’ISO 6322-3 [2][3][4].
4.2.2 Pour les catégories considérées, les défauts tolérés, déterminés conformément à la méthode décrite dans
l’annexe A, ne doivent pas dépasser les limites données dans le Tableau 1.
4 ISO 2002 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 7301:2002(F)
Tableau 1 — Spécifications du riz
Riz décortiqué Riz usiné Riz décortiqué Riz usiné
non étuvé non étuvé étuvé étuvé
Référence à la
max. max. max. max.
Catégories définition
%%% %
(fraction (fraction (fraction (fraction
massique) massique) massique) massique)
Matières étrangères:
organiques 3.13, note 1 1,0 0,5 1,0 0,5
inorganiques 3.13, note 2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Riz paddy 3.1 2,5 0,3 2,5 0,3
Riz décortiqué non étuvé 3.2 Non applicable 1,0 1,0 1,0
Riz usiné non étuvé 3.3 1,0 Non applicable 1,0 1,0
Riz décortiqué étuvé 3.2 et 3.4 1,0 1,0 Non applicable 1,0
Riz usiné étuvé 3.3 et 3.4 1,0 1,0 1,0 Non applicable
Fragments 3.11 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
a a
Grains échauffés 3.14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Grains endommagés 3.15 4,0 3,0 4,0 3,0
Grains immatures et/ou
3.16 8,0 2,0 8,0 2,0
mal formés
Grains crayeux 3.17 5,0 5,0 Non applicable Non applicable
Grains rouges et grains
b b
3.18 et 3.19 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0
striés de rouge
Grains partiellement
3.20 Non applicable Non applicable 11,0 11,0
Grains noirs d'étuvage 3.21 Non applicable Non applicable 4,0 2,0
a a
Riz gluant 3.5 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Après usinage.
Seul le riz (cargo) rouge entièrement décortiqué est considéré ici.
4.3 Spécifications contractuelles
Chaque contrat commercial doit indiquer de façon claire:
a) le pourcentage total autorisé de brisures, classées selon les catégories retenues, et les proportions relatives de
chacune de ces catégories,
b) le pourcentage total autorisé des catégories décrites au Tableau 1, déterminé conformément à la méthode
décrite dans l’annexe A.
5Méthodes d'essai
La fraction massique d'humidité doit être déterminée conformément à l'ISO 712.
Les autres essais doivent être réalisés à l'aide des méthodes spécifiées dans les annexes A et B.
6 Emballage
Les matériaux utilisés pour l'emballage ne doivent communiquer aucune odeur et aucun goût à leur contenu et ne
doivent pas contenir de substances susceptibles d'endommager le produit ou de présenter un
november 2003
Riž – Specifikacija
(enakovreden ISO 7301:2002)
Rice – Specification
Riz – Spécifications
Referenčna oznaka
ICS 67.060
SIST ISO 7301:2003 (sl)
Nadaljevanje na straneh od 2 do 20
© 2004-04. Slovenski prevod standarda je izdal in založil Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 7301 : 2003
Standard SIST ISO 7301 (sl), Riž – Specifikacija, 2003, ima status slovenskega standarda in je
enakovreden mednarodnemu standardu ISO 7301 (en), Rice – Specification, 2002-05-15.
Mednarodni standard ISO 7301:2002 je pripravil tehnični odbor Mednarodne organizacije za
standardizacijo ISO/TC 34 Kmetijski pridelki in živilski proizvodi.
Slovenski tehnični odbor SIST/TC KŽP Kmetijski pridelki in živilski proizvodi je dne 2003-11-00 privzel
mednarodni standard ISO 7301:2002 po metodi ponatisa. Standard v slovenskem jeziku je le njegova
jezikovna različica.
S privzemom tega mednarodnega standarda veljajo za omejeni namen referenčnih standardov vsi
standardi, navedeni v izvirniku, razen tistih, ki so že sprejeti v nacionalno standardizacijo:
SIST ISO 712:1999 (en) Žito in proizvodi iz žita – Določevanje vsebnosti vlage – Rutinska
referenčna metoda
SIST ISO 13690:2000 (en) Žito, stročnice in mlevski proizvodi – Vzorčenje stoječih partij
SIST ISO 7301:1996 Riž - Specifikacija
– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz ’’mednarodni standard’’, v
SIST ISO 7301:2003 to pomeni ’’slovenski standard’’.
– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
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SIST ISO 7301 : 2003
1 Namen .5
2 Zveza z drugimi standardi .5
3 Izrazi in definicije .5
4 Specifikacije .7
4.1 Splošne, organoleptične in zdravstvene specifikacije .7
4.2 Fizikalne in kemične specifikacije .7
4.3 Pogodbene specifikacije .7
5 Preskusne metode .8
6 Embaliranje .8
Dodatek A: Analizne metode za specifikacije riža .9
A.1 Načelo .9
A.2 Oprema .9
A.3 Vzorčenje .9
A.4 Postopek .9
A.5 Izražanje rezultatov .12
A.6 Poročilo o preskusu .13
Dodatek B: Določevanje glutenskega riža v rižu parboiled.18
B.1 Načelo .18
B.2 Oprema .18
B.3 Reagenti .18
B.4 Vzorčenje.18
B.5 Določevanje.18
Bibliografija .20
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SIST ISO 7301 : 2003
ISO (Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo) je svetovna zveza nacionalnih organov za
standarde (članov ISO). Mednarodne standarde ponavadi pripravljajo tehnični odbori ISO. Vsak član,
ki želi delovati na določenem področju, za katero je bil ustanovljen tehnični odbor, ima pravico biti
zastopan v tem odboru. Pri delu sodelujejo mednarodne vladne in nevladne organizacije, povezane z
ISO. V vseh zadevah, ki so povezane s standardizacijo na področju elektrotehnike, ISO tesno
sodeluje z Mednarodno elektrotehniško komisijo (IEC).
Mednarodni standardi so pripravljeni v skladu s pravili, podanimi v 3. delu Direktiv ISO/IEC.
Osnutki mednarodnih standardov, ki jih sprejmejo tehnični odbori, se pošljejo vsem članom v
glasovanje. Za objavo mednarodnega standarda je treba pridobiti soglasje najmanj 75 odstotkov
članov, ki se udeležijo glasovanja.
Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da je lahko nekaj elementov tega mednarodnega standarda predmet
patentnih pravic. ISO ne prevzema odgovornosti za identifikacijo katerihkoli ali vseh takih patentnih
Mednarodni standard ISO 7301 je pripravil tehnični odbor ISO/TC 34 Kmetijski pridelki in živilski
Ta druga izdaja razveljavlja in nadomešča prvo izdajo (ISO 7301:1988), ki je bila tehnično revidirana.
Dodatka A in B sta obvezni del tega mednarodnega standarda.
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SIST ISO 7301 : 2003
Riž – Specifikacija
1 Namen
Ta mednarodni standard podaja minimalne specifikacije za riž (Oryza sativa L.), ki je predmet
mednarodne trgovine. Standard se uporablja za naslednje vrste riža: oluščen riž in brušen riž
parboiled ali neparboiled, namenjen za neposredno prehrano ljudi. Standard se ne uporablja za druge
proizvode, pridobljene iz riža, in ne za glutenski riž.
2 Zveza z drugimi standardi
Naslednji normativni dokumenti vsebujejo določila, ki s sklicevanjem v tem besedilu določajo tudi
vsebino tega mednarodnega standarda. Pri datiranem sklicevanju se njihova kasnejša dopolnila in
spremembe ne upoštevajo. Vendar naj stranke v pogodbah, ki temeljijo na tem mednarodnem
standardu, uporabljajo najnovejše izdaje spodaj navedenih normativnih dokumentov. Pri nedatiranem
sklicevanju se uporablja zadnja izdaja normativnega dokumenta. Člani IEC in ISO vzdržujejo sezname
trenutno veljavnih mednarodnih standardov.
ISO 712 Žito in proizvodi iz žita - Določevanje vsebnosti vlage - Rutinska referenčna
ISO 5223 Preskušalna sita za žito
ISO 13690:1999 Žito, stročnice in mlevski proizvodi - Vzorčenje stoječih partij
3 Izrazi in definicije
V tem mednarodnem standardu se uporabljajo spodaj navedene definicije.
3.1 Riž paddy, neoluščen riž: Riž, ki po mlatenju ohrani plevo.
3.2 Oluščen riž, nebrušen riž, rjavi riž, riž cargo: Riž paddy, kateremu je bila odstranjena le pleva.
OPOMBA: Pri postopkih luščenja in ravnanja se lahko odstrani del otrobov.
3.3 Brušen riž, beli riž: Oluščen riž, kateremu so bili z brušenjem odstranjeni vsi ali del otrobov in
celoten ali del kalčka.
OPOMBA: Brušen riž se lahko naprej razvršča glede na stopnjo brušenja.
3.3.1 Manj brušen riž: Riž, ki se dobi z brušenjem oluščenega riža, vendar ne do stopnje, določene
za dobro brušen riž.
3.3.2 Dobro brušen riž: Riž, ki se dobi z brušenjem oluščenega riža tako, da se odstrani večina
otrobov in del kalčka.
3.3.3 Ekstra brušen riž: Riž, ki se dobi z brušenjem oluščenega riža tako, da se odstranijo vsi otrobi
in skoraj celoten kalček.
3.4 Riž parboiled: Riž, oluščen ali brušen, ki se dobi iz riža paddy ali iz oluščenega riža, ki je bil
namočen v vodi in toplotno obdelan, tako da se škrob popolnoma zakleji, nato sledi postopek sušenja.
3.5 Glutenski riž: Sorta riža, katerega zrna imajo bel in neprozoren videz.
OPOMBA: Škrob glutenskega riža je sestavljen skoraj izključno iz amilopektina. Zrna imajo to lastnost, da se po kuhanju
med seboj zlepljajo.
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SIST ISO 7301 : 2003
3.6 Celo zrno: Zrno, oluščeno ali brušeno, brez odlomljenega dela, ali del zrna z dolžino, večjo ali
enako devetim desetinam povprečne dolžine (3.12) zrn preskusnega vzorca.
OPOMBA: Glej sliko 1.
3.7 Zrno, ki se šteje za celo: Celo zrno (3.6) ali del zrna z dolžino, večjo ali enako trem četrtinam
povprečne dolžine (3.12) zrn preskusnega vzorca.
OPOMBA: Glej sliko 1.
3.8 Veliko lomljeno zrno: Del zrna z dolžino, manjšo od treh četrtin, toda večjo od polovice
povprečne dolžine (3.12) zrn preskusnega vzorca.
OPOMBA: Glej sliko 1.
3.9 Srednje veliko lomljeno zrno: Del zrna z dolžino, manjšo ali enako polovici, toda večjo od
četrtine povprečne dolžine (3.12) zrn preskusnega vzorca.
OPOMBA: Glej sliko1.
3.10 Majhno lomljeno zrno: Del zrna z dolžino, manjšo ali enako četrtini povprečne dolžine (3.12) zrn
preskusnega vzorca, vendar ne gre skozi kovinsko sito z okroglimi odprtinami s premerom 1,4 mm.
OPOMBA: Glej sliko 1.
3.11 Drobec: Del zrna, ki gre skozi kovinsko sito z okroglimi odprtinami s premerom 1,4 mm.
Veliko lomljeno Srednje veliko
Majhno lomljeno
zrno (3.8) lomljeno zrno (3.9) zrno (3.10)
Celo zrno (3.6)
Zrno, ki se šteje za celo (3.7)
Lomljeno zrno
Ne gre skozi okrogle odprtine s premerom 1,4 mm.
L povprečna dolžina (3.12)
Slika 1: Velikost zrn, lomljenih zrn in drobcev
3.12 Povprečna dolžina: Aritmetična sredina dolžine zrn preskusnega vzorca, ki niso nezrela in/ali
nerazvita (3.16) in brez lomljenih delov.
OPOMBA: Izračun povprečne dolžine je podan v A.4.3.2.
L x 9/10
L x 3/4
L x 1/2
L x 1/4
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SIST ISO 7301 : 2003
3.13 Tuje snovi: Organske ali anorganske komponente, razen riževih zrn.
OPOMBA 1: Organske tuje snovi so: tuja semena, pleve, otrobi, deli slame itd.
OPOMBA 2: Anorganske tuje snovi so: majhni kamni, pesek, prah itd.
3.14 Toplotno poškodovano zrno: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno, ki je zaradi
mikrobiološkega segrevanja spremenilo svojo normalno barvo.
OPOMBA: Ta kategorija vključuje zrno, ki je zaradi mikrobiološkega segrevanja pri rižu neparboiled rumene do temno
rumene barve in pri rižu parboiled oranžne do temno oranžne.
3.15 Poškodovano zrno: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno, ki kaže očitne spremembe
zaradi vlage, škodljivcev, bolezni ali drugih vzrokov, vendar pri tem niso upoštevana toplotno
poškodovana zrna (3.14).
3.16 Nezrelo zrno, nerazvito zrno: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno, ki je nedozorelo in/ali
slabo razvito.
3.17 Kredasto zrno: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno riža neparboiled, razen glutenskega
riža (3.5), katerega površina ima neprozoren in moknat videz.
3.18 Rdeče zrno: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno z rdečo otrobno plastjo, ki pokriva več
kot četrtino njegove površine.
3.19 Zrno z rdečimi progami: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno z rdečimi progami, katerih
dolžina je večja ali enaka polovici celega zrna. Površina, pokrita z rdečimi progami, mora biti manjša
od četrtine celotne površine zrna.
3.20 Delno zaklejeno zrno: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno riža parboiled, ki ni popolnoma
zaklejeno in ki kaže izrazito belo neprozorno površino.
3.21 Zrno s temnimi pegami: Zrno, ki se šteje za celo, ali lomljeno zrno riža parboiled, ki ima več kot
četrtino površine temno rjave ali črne barve zaradi postopka "parboiling".
4 Specifikacije
4.1 Splošne, organoleptične in zdravstvene specifikacije
Riževa zrna, oluščena ali brušena, cela ali lomljena, morajo biti zdrava, čista in brez tujega vonja ali
vonja, ki je posledica kvarjenja. Zrna morajo biti tudi brez strupenih ali katerihkoli zdravju škodljivih
Aditivi in ostanki pesticidov ter drugih onesnaževal ne smejo preseči največjih mejnih vrednosti, ki jih
dovoljujejo nacionalni predpisi države, kateri je riž namenjen; če teh predpisov ni, veljajo predpisi
Codex Alimentarius Commission pri FAO/WHO.
Živi insekti, vidni s prostim očesom, ne smejo biti prisotni.
4.2 Fizikalne in kemične specifikacije
4.2.1 Masni delež vlage ne sme biti večji od 15,0 % /prvotno označen kot 15,0 % (m/m)/.
OPOMBA: Nižje vsebnosti vlage se lahko zahtevajo za določena področja, kar je odvisno od podnebja, trajanja transporta
in skladiščenja. Za dodatna pojasnila glej ISO 6322-1, ISO 6322-2 in ISO 6322-3 /2/, /3/, /4/.
4.2.2 Dopustnost napak ocenjevanih kategorij, določenih v skladu z metodo, opisano v dodatku A, ne
sme preseči mejnih vrednosti, podanih v preglednici 1.
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4.3 Pogodbene specifikacije
Vse trgovske pogodbe morajo nedvoumno navajati naslednje:
a) skupen odstotek dovoljenih lomljenih zrn, razvrščenih glede na dogovorjene kategorije, in
relativna razmerja med posameznimi kategorijami;
b) skupen odstotek dovoljenih kategorij, navedenih v preglednici 1 in določenih v skladu z metodo,
opisano v dodatku A.
Preglednica 1: Specifikacija riža
Oluščen riž Brušen riž Oluščen riž Brušen riž
neparboiled neparboiled parboiled parboiled
Kategorije Definicija št.
max. max. max. max.
% % % %
(masni delež) (masni delež) (masni delež) (masni delež)
Tuje snovi:
organske 3.13, opomba 1 1,0 0,5 1,0 0,5
anorganske 3.13, opomba 2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Riž paddy 3.1 2,5 0,3 2,5 0,3
Oluščen riž neparboiled 3.2 ni uporabno 1,0 1,0 1,0
Brušen riž neparboiled 3.3 1,0 ni uporabno 1,0 1,0
Oluščen riž parboiled 3.2 in 3.4 1,0 1,0 ni uporabno 1,0
Brušen riž parboiled 3.3 in 3.4 1,0 1,0 1,0 ni uporabno
Drobci 3.11 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1
a a
Toplotno poškodovana 3.14 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0
Poškodovana zrna 3.15 4,0 3,0 4,0 3,0
Nezrela in/ali nerazvita 3.16 8,0 2,0 8,0 2,0
Kredasta zrna 3.17 5,0 5,0 ni uporabno ni uporabno
b b
Rdeča zrna in zrna z 3.18 in 3.19 12,0 12,0 12,0 12,0
rdečimi progami
Delno zaklejena zrna 3.20 ni uporabno ni uporabno 11,0 11,0
Zrna s temnimi pegami 3.21 ni uporabno ni uporabno 4,0 2,0
a a
Glutenski riž 3.5 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
po brušenju
tu se upošteva le popolnoma rdeč oluščen riž (cargo)
5 Preskusne metode
Vsebnost vlage se mora določiti v skladu z ISO 712.
Ostali preskusi se morajo izvesti po metodah, specificiranih v dodatkih A in B.
6 Embaliranje
Embalažni materiali ne smejo oddajati nobenih vonjev ali okusov in vsebovati snovi, ki lahko
poškodujejo proizvod ali so zdravju nevarni. Če se uporabljajo vreče, morajo biti čiste, dovolj močne in
dobro zašite.
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Dodatek A
Analizne metode za specifikacije riža
A.1 Načelo
Ročno izločevanje in tehtanje lomljenih zrn in kategorij v preglednici 1.
A.2 Oprema
A.2.1 Priprava za razdeljevanje vzorca, stožčast model ali model z več režami z razdeljevalnim
sistemom, v skladu z ISO 13690
A.2.2 Kovinsko sito z okroglimi odprtinami s premerom 1,4 mm, v skladu z ISO 5223
A.2.3 Pinceta, skalpel in čopič
A.2.4 Manjše čaše
A.2.5 Tehtnica s točnostjo tehtanja 0,01 g
A.2.6 Pladenj ali drugo sredstvo, obarvano v kontrastu z barvo riža, ki se ocenjuje
A.2.7 Mikrometer ali druga merilna naprava, ki ne deformira zrn in je primerna za odčitavanje, s
točnostjo 0,01 mm
A.3 Vzorčenje
Vzorčenje ni del metod, ki so navedene v tem mednarodnem standardu. Priporočena metoda
vzorčenja je podana v ISO 13690.
Pomembno je, da laboratorij dobi vzorec, ki resnično predstavlja partijo in ki se ni poškodoval ali
spremenil med transportom ali skladiščenjem.
A.4 Postopek
A.4.1 Splošno
Zabeleži se prisotnost posebnega ali tujega vonja, prav tako prisotnost vseh nepravilnosti.
Vizualno se preveri prisotnost živih ali mrtvih insektov in navede njihovo število.
A.4.2 Priprava vzorca za preskušanje
Laboratorijski vzorec se stehta in pazljivo premeša, tako da je čim bolj enoten; po potrebi se nato s
pripravo za razdeljevanje vzorca (A.2.1) zreducira do približne količine 800 g.
Preskusni vzorec se s pripravo za razdeljevanje vzorca (A.2.1) razdeli v dva enaka dela preskusnega
vzorca po približno 400 g.
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A.4.3 Določevanje
A.4.3.1 Splošno
Če ima zrno več napak, mora biti uvrščeno v kategorijo, kjer je največja dopustna vrednost najnižja
(glej preglednico 1).
Vsi deli zrn, ki obtičijo v odprtinah sita, se štejejo za zrna, ki
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