Health informatics — Framework of event data and reporting definitions for the safety of health software

This document provides a model framework for improving the surveillance and reporting of events with respect to the safety of health software. This document defines those data elements needed for identification of particular events including incidents, near-misses and unsafe conditions, as well as outlining good principles, relevant concepts and a process model for the recording, analysis and reporting of event-specific information related to the safety of health software.

Informatique de santé — Cadre des données relatives aux événements et de compte-rendu des définitions pour la sécurité des logiciels de santé

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ISO/TS 20405:2018 - Health informatics -- Framework of event data and reporting definitions for the safety of health software
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First edition
Health informatics — Framework of
event data and reporting definitions
for the safety of health software
Informatique de santé — Cadre des données relatives aux événements
et de compte-rendu des définitions pour la sécurité des logiciels de santé
Reference number
ISO 2018
© ISO 2018
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Principles, data concepts and process model . 2
4.1 General . 2
4.2 Principles . 3
4.2.1 General. 3
4.2.2 Proactivity . 3
4.2.3 Objectivity . 3
4.2.4 Accountability . 3
4.2.5 Transparency . 3
4.2.6 Preparedness . 3
4.2.7 Comprehensiveness . 4
4.3 Data concepts . 4
4.3.1 General. 4
4.3.2 Accuracy . 4
4.3.3 Timeliness. 4
4.3.4 Comparability . 4
4.3.5 Usability . 4
4.3.6 Relevance . . 5
4.4 Process model . 5
4.4.1 General. 5
4.4.2 Recording . 5
4.4.3 Analysing . 5
4.4.4 Reporting . 5
5 Patient safety data elements . 6
5.1 General . 6
5.2 Event information . . 6
5.2.1 General. 6
5.2.2 Event identification . 6
5.2.3 Event date and time . . 6
5.2.4 Report date . 6
5.2.5 Event reporter information . 6
5.2.6 Event supplementary information . 7
5.3 Event categorization. 7
5.4 Event classification . 7
5.4.1 General. 7
5.4.2 Information input/output errors . 8
Annex A (informative) Information on various health software surveillance systems .13
Bibliography .15
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Patient safety is a major, worldwide concern in healthcare.
Individuals and organizations representing an array of roles, responsibilities, interests and
relationships have become involved, including clinical professionals, academic researchers and patient
advocates, as well as government and health regulatory authorities, and of course public and private
sector corporations delivering healthcare.
Since 1999, patient safety has been a consistent focus of deliberation and action at national and
international levels, including at ISO and IEC. Existing standards have been revised and new ones
developed to incorporate recognized and emerging best practices in patient safety, in particular with
respect to risk analysis, prevention and mitigation.
While these efforts have been supported by local, regional and global initiatives to improve patient
safety, a consensus-based framework approach to the identification and reporting of incidents, near-
misses and unsafe conditions with respect to the safety of health software has not been articulated.
This is a significant gap when considering:
1) the rapidly increasing use of health information technology (HIT) in healthcare delivery,
2) the greater uptake and implementation of products on a more global basis, and
3) the rapidly expanding endeavour towards achieving greater interoperability, based on standards
and specifications, of previously 'stand-alone' or otherwise heterogeneous health software
Considering this gap, it is useful to return to the Institute of Medicine's report which noted that
improved surveillance mechanisms are needed to identify, capture, and investigate adverse events to
continually improve the safety of HIT.
In the context of achieving a framework approach, it is important to understand that the use of the
term “Identification” in this document refers to the capacity to describe health software safety events,
in suitable quantitative and qualitative fashion through concepts, definitions, and processes, so as to
provide the most useful information in support of current and future efforts to avoid or mitigate patient
safety incidents.
Indeed several nations already have a variety of general and specific reporting regimes with respect
to the safety of health software, including but not limited to the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality's (AHRQ) common formats approach, the National Health Service (NHS) England's National
Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), Japan's Medical Near-Miss/Adverse Event Reporting Project,
among many others (see Annex A). Academic research in this area is also growing, including the
classification for problems associated with IT systems in healthcare. These regimes as well as academic
research have helped greatly in the preparation of this document.
This document is based upon a primary focus of patient safety. It is therefore principally concerned with
setting out suitable definitions that describe data in most/all events where health software performs
adversely (either in a stand-alone sense, or when interoperability is involved between distinct systems)
and thereby poses a risk to patients.
Using this framework approach, it is anticipated that incidents, near-misses and unsafe conditions

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