ISO/PAS 24565:2022
(Main)Petroleum and natural gas industries — Ceramic lined tubing
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Ceramic lined tubing
This document specifies requirements for ceramic lined tubing (CLT) used in the petroleum and natural gas industries, including configuration and materials, manufacturing, inspection and testing, marking, packaging, transportation, and storage. This document is applicable to CLT manufactured by centrifugal self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. The applicable outside diameter of CLT ranges from 42,16 mm (1,66 inch) to 114,3 mm (4-1/2 inch). The steel grades include H40, J55, and N80 type 1. NOTE Applicability of this document to other sizes and higher steel grades can be by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser. CLT is suitable for extracting multiphase fluid, hydrocarbon gas, hydrocarbon liquid, and water under corrosive, abrasive, wax deposition, scaling, and high temperature environments.
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel — Tubes de production avec revêtement céramique
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Petroleum and natural gas
industries — Ceramic lined tubing
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel — Tubes de production avec
revêtement céramique
Reference number
© ISO 2022
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms . 2
3.1 Terms and definitions . 2
3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 3
3.2.1 Symbols. 3
3.2.2 Abbreviated terms . 3
4 CLT configuration and materials .4
4.1 Configuration . 4
4.2 Pipe ends . 5
4.3 Connection type . 5
4.4 Material requirements. 6
4.4.1 Backing pipe . 6
4.4.2 Thermite . 6
4.4.3 End cap and CB ring . 6
5 Manufacturing . 6
5.1 Treatment of backing pipe . . 6
5.1.1 Distinguishing of the used tubing . 6
5.1.2 Blast-cleaning . 7
5.1.3 Straightening of the used tubing . 7
5.2 Manufacture of CLT . 7
5.2.1 Thermite mixing . 7
5.2.2 Filling . 7
5.2.3 Lining . 7
5.2.4 Heat treatment . 7
5.2.5 Installation of the end cap . 7
5.2.6 Threading . 7
5.3 Manufacture of CB Ring . 8
5.4 Installation of CB Rings . 8
5.5 Traceability . 8
5.6 Purchaser inspection . 8
6 Inspection and testing .8
6.1 General . 8
6.2 Inspection of backing pipe . 8
6.3 Inspection of ceramic liner . 9
6.3.1 Surface . 9
6.3.2 Thickness . 9
6.3.3 Hardness and density . 9
6.4 Inspection of CLT . 9
6.4.1 Dimensions test . 9
6.4.2 Length measurement . 9
6.4.3 Straightness evaluation. 10
6.4.4 Thread and end cap inspection . 10
6.4.5 Drift test . 11
6.4.6 Hydrostatic test . 11
6.4.7 Corrosion test . 11
6.4.8 Tensile and impact test .12
6.4.9 Connection test .12
6.5 Additional tests .12
6.5.1 General .12
6.5.2 Impact test .12
6.5.3 Crushing strength test .12
6.5.4 Bonding strength test .12
6.5.5 Bending test .13
6.5.6 Thermal shock test . 14
6.6 CB ring test . 14
6.7 End cap test . 14
6.8 Inspection frequency and acceptance criteria . 14
6.8.1 Lot . 14
6.8.2 Inspection frequency . . 14
6.8.3 Acceptance criteria . 15
7 Documentation .15
7.1 Documents provided by the purchaser . 15
7.2 Documents provided by the manufacturer . 16
8 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage.16
8.1 Marking . 16
8.2 Packaging . 17
8.3 Transportation . 17
8.4 Storage . 17
Annex A (informative) Testing m
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