ISO/IEC 24824-3:2008
(Main)Information technology — Generic applications of ASN.1: Fast infoset security — Part 3:
Information technology — Generic applications of ASN.1: Fast infoset security — Part 3:
ISO/IEC 24824-3:2008 specifies the application of encryption and integrity (either separately or in combination) to a fragment of an XML infoset that is serialized using the fast infoset specification in ISO/IEC 24824-1. The specification of encryption uses the W3C Recommendation XML Encryption Syntax and Processing. The specification of integrity uses the W3C Recommendations W3C Canonical XML Version 1.0, W3C Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0, and XML-Signature Syntax and Processing.
Technologies de l'information — Applications génériques de l'ASN.1: Sécurité d'Infoset rapide — Partie 3:
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 24824-3
First edition
Information technology — Generic
applications of ASN.1: Fast infoset
Technologies de l'information — Applications génériques de l'ASN.1:
Sécurité d'Infoset rapide
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2008
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ii © ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references . 1
2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards. 1
2.2 Additional references. 1
3 Definitions . 2
3.1 Imported definitions . 2
3.2 Additional definitions . 2
4 Abbreviations . 2
5 Notation . 2
6 Canonical Fast Infoset algorithms . 3
6.1 Requirements on canonical Fast Infoset algorithms. 3
6.2 Requirements on canonical XML algorithms for use by a canonical Fast Infoset algorithm. 3
6.3 Restrictions when serializing an XML infoset to a canonical fast infoset document . 3
6.4 Canonical Fast Infoset algorithms. 4
7 W3C XML Signature and Fast Infoset . 4
8 W3C XML Encryption and Fast Infoset . 5
8.1 Application-level extensions for encryption. 5
8.2 Generation of a complete XML infoset from part of an XML infoset. 5
8.3 Application-level extensions for decryption. 6
Annex A Examples of signing and encrypting an XML infoset. 7
A.1 Introduction of examples . 7
A.2 Signing and verifying the SOAP message infoset . 7
A.3 Encrypting and decrypting the SOAP message infoset. 10
Annex B – Signed SOAP message infoset. 12
Annex C – Signed and encrypted SOAP message infoset . 13
Bibliography. 14
© ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved iii
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
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ISO/IEC 24824-3 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 6, Telecommunications and information exchange between systems, in collaboration with
ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T Rec. X.893 (05/07).
iv © ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies:
a) the application of integrity to one or more parts of an XML infoset using Fast Infoset serialization and
W3C XML Signature;
b) the application of encryption to one or more parts of an XML infoset using Fast Infoset serialization and
W3C XML Encryption.
W3C XML Signature specifies a means of generating W3C XML Signature information items that contain (inter alia):
a) explicit (using URIs) or implicit (dependent on the use of the XML infoset signature information item)
identification of one or more data objects (a data object is anything that either already is, or can be
transformed into, a string of octets);
b) a (possibly empty) list of sequential transforms (specified by URIs for the algorithm to be used in
performing the transform) from those data objects to a sequence of octets; these transforms can select all
or part of the identified data objects, but are required to result in a sequence of octets;
c) digest and encryption information for the production of a signature of the resulting sequence of octets;
d) the resulting signature.
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies four (canonical Fast Infoset) algorithms that can be referenced
in a W3C XML Signature transform (and provides URIs for them) and can also be (independently) used as the
algorithm for the W3C XML Signature canonicalization method.
NOTE 1 – The same Fast Infoset algorithm could be used for both the transform and the canonicalization method, but use of two
different Fast Infoset algorithms (or a Fast Infoset algorithm and some other algorithm) is not excluded.
In all four cases, the input to the canonical Fast Infoset algorithm is either an XML infoset, or an XPath node set
(restricted, in accordance with 6.1.4 b, to those node sets that produce a well-formed XML document when serialized).
The output of all four canonical Fast Infoset algorithms is a sequence of octets (the octets of a fast infoset document,
see ITU-T Rec. X.891 | ISO/IEC 24824-1) that are suitable for digest and hashing in order to provide a signature in
accordance with W3C XML Signature.
NOTE 2 – This will usually be the last transform in the sequential list of W3C XML Signature transforms, but need not be.
A typical use will be to sign one or more parts of a single XML infoset.
NOTE 3 – Use to sign parts of multiple XML infosets is not excluded.
It is expected, but not required, that the resulting W3C XML Signature information items will be used either as a
detached signature, or as an enveloping or enveloped signature (see W3C XML Signature) for the XML infoset that is
signed, and that the resulting XML infoset will be serialized using ITU-T Rec. X.891 | ISO/IEC 24824-1.
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies application-level extensions (see 3.2.1) to W3C XML
Encryption. These application-level extensions enable encryption to be applied to part of an XML infoset using octets
provided by a Fast Infoset serialization, rather than to the octets provided by an XML serialization of those parts.
NOTE 4 – W3C XML Encryption can be applied to a complete fast infoset document as specified in W3C XML Encryption, 3.1,
without the use of this Recommendation | International Standard. The MimeType attribute will have the value
The means of identifying the parts of the XML infoset that are encrypted is specified by W3C XML Encryption and
allows the encryption of:
a) an element information item and its properties, including any direct or indirect child information items
(and their properties); and
b) the child information items of the child property of an element information item and their properties,
including any direct or indirect child information items (and their properties).
Encryption requires that those parts of an XML infoset that are to be encrypted have to be first serialized into a string of
octets for input to an encryption algorithm.
The ability to produce a serialization of a and b above is not supported by ITU-T Rec. X.891 | ISO/IEC 24824-1, but is
specified in clause 8 of ITU-T Rec. X.893 | ISO/IEC 24824-3 (using ITU-T Rec. X.891 | ISO/IEC 24824-1). This is
done by converting such fragments (in a defined way) to a complete XML infoset and then applying ITU-T Rec. X.891 |
ISO/IEC 24824-1 to the complete XML infoset.
This Recommendation | International Standard also specifies two URIs, one for a above and one for b above, that are
used in XML Encryption to identify the application-level extensions which determine the use of Fast Infoset
serialization rather than XML serialization for the production of the octets to be input to an encryption algorithm.
© ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved v
Use of Fast Infoset serialization to determine the octets for input to an encryption algorithm in general reduces the
number of octets that have to be encrypted and decrypted, and would be normal (but not necessary) if the XML infoset
is transferred using a Fast Infoset serialization.
NOTE 5 – It is also possible (but would be unusual) to use Fast Infoset serialization to determine the octets for input to an
encryption algorithm when the XML infoset is to be transferred using an XML serialization.
The serialization of an XML infoset containing W3C XML Signature information items and/or W3C XML Encryption
information items to a fast infoset document has the following advantages over serialization to an XML document:
a) repeating information such as multiple signed references or multiple encrypted parts with the same XML
tags or content will be encoded more efficiently; and
b) the (binary) octets associated with signature values, digest values, cipher values or keys may be encoded
directly (see ITU-T Rec. X.891 | ISO/IEC 24824-1, 10.3) if a (binary) fast infoset document is used to
serialize the XML infoset; when serializing an XML infoset to an XML document (which is a string of
characters), such octets are required to be base64 encoded, increasing processing speed and size.
Clause 6 specifies four canonical Fast Infoset algorithms that can be referenced in a W3C XML Signature transform.
Clause 7 specifies the use of W3C XML Signature with canonical Fast Infoset algorithms.
Clause 8 specifies the use of W3C XML Encryption for the encryption of parts of an XML infoset that are serialized to
fast infoset documents.
Annex A does not form an integral part of this Recommendation | International Standard and provides examples of
signing and validating a SOAP XML infoset (that makes use of canonical Fast Infoset algorithms), and encrypting and
decrypting a SOAP message infoset (that makes use of the encryption of part of the SOAP message infoset that is
serialized to a fast infoset document).
Annexes B and C do not form an integral part this Recommendation | International Standard, and provide examples of a
signed SOAP message infoset and a signed and encrypted SOAP message infoset, respectively.
vi © ISO/IEC 2008 – All rights reserved
Information technology – Generic applications of ASN.1:
Fast infoset security
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies four (canonical Fast Infoset) algorithms that can be used in the
application of W3C XML Signature (and provides URIs for them).
It also specifies application-level extensions to the W3C XML Encryption processing rules for the encryption of part of
an XML infoset
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