Software and systems engineering — Software testing — Part 5: Keyword-Driven Testing

ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-5:2016 defines an efficient and consistent solution for Keyword-Driven Testing by: giving an introduction to Keyword-Driven Testing; providing a reference approach to implement Keyword-Driven Testing; defining requirements on frameworks for Keyword-Driven Testing to enable testers to share their work items, such as test cases, test data, keywords, or complete test specifications; defining requirements for tools that support Keyword-Driven Testing. These requirements could apply to any tool that supports the Keyword-Driven approach (e.g., test automation, test design and test management tools); defining interfaces and a common data exchange format to ensure that tools from different vendors can exchange their data (e.g. test cases, test data and test results); defining levels of hierarchical keywords, and advising use of hierarchical keywords. This includes describing specific types of keywords (e.g. keywords for navigation or for checking a value) and when to use "flat" structured keywords; providing an initial list of example generic technical (low-level) keywords, such as "inputData" or "checkValue". These keywords can be used to specify test cases on a technical level, and may be combined to create business-level keywords as required. NOTE This standard is applicable to all those who want to create keyword-driven test specifications, create corresponding frameworks, or build test automation based on keywords.

Ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes — Essais du logiciel — Partie 5: Essais axés sur des mots-clés

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-5:2016 - Software and systems engineering -- Software testing
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First edition
Software and systems engineering —
Software testing —
Part 5:
Keyword-Driven Testing
Ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes — Essais du logiciel —
Partie 5: Essais axés sur des mots-clés
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2016
IEEE 2016
© ISO/IEC 2016, Published in Switzerland
© IEEE 2016
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ii © IEEE 2016 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Conformance .1
2.1 Intended usage .1
2.2 Full conformance .1
2.3 Tailored conformance .2
3 Normative references .2
4 Terms and definitions .2
5 Introduction to Keyword-Driven Testing .4
5.1 Overview .4
5.2 Layers in Keyword-Driven Testing .7
5.2.1 Overview .7
5.2.2 Domain layer .8
5.2.3 Test interface layer .9
5.2.4 Multiple layers .9
5.3 Types of keywords. 10
5.3.1 Simple keywords. 10
5.3.2 Composite keywords . 11
5.3.3 Navigation/interaction (input) and verification (output) . 14
5.3.4 Keywords and test result . 14
5.4 Keywords and Data. 15
6 Application of Keyword-Driven Testing . 16
6.1 Overview . 16
6.2 Identifying keywords . 16
6.3 Composing test cases . 17
6.4 Keywords and data-driven testing . 18
6.5 Modularity and refactoring . 18
6.6 Keyword-Driven Testing in the Test Design Process . 19
6.6.1 Overview . 19
6.6.2 TD1 Identify Feature Sets . 20
6.6.3 TD2 Derive Test Conditions . 20
6.6.4 TD3 Derive Test Coverage Items . 20
6.6.5 TD4 Derive Test Cases . 21
6.6.6 TD5 Assemble Test Sets . 22
6.6.7 TD6 Derive Test Procedures . 22
6.7 Converting non keyword-driven test cases into Keyword-Driven Testing . 22
7 Keyword-Driven Testing Frameworks . 22
7.1 Overview . 22
7.2 Components of a Keyword-Driven Testing framework. 23
7.2.1 Overview . 23
7.2.2 Keyword-driven Editor . 25
7.2.3 Decomposer . 26
7.2.4 Data sequencer . 26
7.2.5 Manual test assistant . 26
7.2.6 Tool bridge . 26
7.2.7 Test execution environment and execution engine . 26
7.2.8 Keyword library . 27
7.2.9 Data . 27
7.2.10 Script repository . 27
7.3 Basic attributes of the Keyword-Driven Testing framework . 27
7.3.1 General information on basic attributes . 27
7.3.2 General attributes . 27
7.3.3 Dedicated keyword-driven editor (tool) . 28
7.3.4 Decomposer and data sequencer . 29
© ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved iii
© IEEE 2016 – All rights reserved

7.3.5 Manual test assistant (tool) . 29
7.3.6 Tool bridge . 29
7.3.7 Test execution engine . 29
7.3.8 Keyword library . 30
7.3.9 Script repository . 30
7.4 Advanced attributes of frameworks . 30
7.4.1 General information on advanced attributes . 30
7.4.2 General attributes . 30
7.4.3 Dedicated keyword-driven editor (tool) . 31
7.4.4 Decomposer and data sequencer . 31
7.4.5 Manual test assistant . 31
7.4.6 Tool bridge . 31
7.4.7 Test execution environment and execution engine . 32
7.4.8 Keyword library . 33
7.4.9 Test data support . 33
7.4.10 Script repository . 33
8 Data interchange . 33
Annex A (normative) Conventions . 34
Annex B (informative) Benefits and Issues of Keyword-Driven Testing . 35
B.1 General benefits of Keyword-Driven Testing . 35
B.2 Benefits of Keyword-Driven Testing for test automation . 35
B.3 Benefits of Keyword-Driven Testing for manual testing . 36
B.4 Possible issues with Keyword-Driven Testing . 36
Annex C (informative) Getting started with Keyword-Driven Testing . 37
C.1 General . 37
C.2 Identifying Keywords . 37
C.3 Composing test cases . 38
Annex D (informative) Roles and Tasks . 39
D.1 Overview – Roles and Tasks . 39
D.2 Domain expert . 39
D.3 Test designer . 39
D.4 Test automation expert . 40
Annex E (informative) Basic keywords . 41
E.1 Overview . 41
E.2 Basic keywords for a GUI . 41
E.3 Example application of basic keywords . 45
Annex F (informative) Examples. 49
F.1 Overview .

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