Information technology — Business operational view — Part 1: Operational aspects of open-edi for implementation

The Open-edi Reference Model (ISO/IEC 14662:2010, Clause 4) states: "The intention is that the sending, by an Open-edi Party, of information from a scenario, conforming to Open-edi standards, shall allow the acceptance and processing of that information in the context of that scenario by one or more Open-edi Parties by reference to the scenario and without the need for agreement. However, the legal requirements and/or liabilities resulting from the engagement of an organization in any Open-edi transaction may be conditioned by the competent legal environment(s) or the formation of a legal interchange agreement between the participating organizations. Open-edi Parties need to observe rule-based behaviour and possess the ability to make commitments in Open-edi (e.g., business, operational, technical, legal, and/or audit perspectives)." ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 addresses the fundamental requirements of the commercial and legal frameworks and their environments on business transactions, and also integrates the requirements of the information technology and telecommunications environments. In addition to the existing strategic directions of "portability" and "interoperability", the added strategic direction of ISO/IEC JTC 1 of "cultural adaptability" is supported in ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011. It also supports requirements arising from the public policy/consumer environment, cross-sectorial requirements and the need to address horizontal issues. It integrates these different sets of requirements. ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 allows constraints [which include legal requirements, commercial and/or international trade and contract terms, public policy (e.g. privacy/data protection, product or service labelling, consumer protection), laws and regulations] to be defined and clearly integrated into Open-edi through the BOV. This means that terms and definitions in ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 serve as a common bridge between these different sets of business operational requirements, allowing the integration of code sets and rules defining these requirements to be integrated into business processes electronically. ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 contains a methodology and tool for specifying common business practices as parts of common business transactions in the form of scenarios, scenario attributes, roles, Information Bundles and Semantic Components. It achieves this by 1) developing standard computer processable specifications of common business rules and practices as scenarios and scenario components; and thus 2) maximizing the re-use of these components in business transactions.

Technologies de l'information — Vue opérationnelle d'affaires — Partie 1: Aspects opérationnels de l'Edi ouvert pour application

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ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 - Information technology -- Business operational view
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STANDARD 15944-1
Second edition
Information technology — Business
Operational View —
Part 1:
Operational aspects of Open-edi for
Technologies de l'information — Vue opérationnelle d'affaires —
Partie 1: Aspects opérationnels de l'Edi ouvert pour application

Reference number
ISO/IEC 2011
©  ISO/IEC 2011
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
0 Introduction.xiii
0.1 Purpose and overview.xiii
0.2 Requirements on the business operational view aspects of Open-edi .xv
0.3 Business operational view (BOV), Open-edi and e-commerce, e-business, etc. .xvii
0.4 Use of “Person”, “person”, and “party” in the context of business transactions and
commitment exchange.xviii
0.5 Organization and description of the document.xix
0.6 Registration aspects of Open-edi scenarios, scenario attributes and scenario components.xix
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references.2
3 Terms and definitions .2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms .12
5 Characteristics of Open-edi.12
5.1 Actions based on following clear, predefined rules .13
5.2 Commitment of the parties involved .13
5.3 Communications among parties are automated .13
5.4 Parties control and maintain their states.13
5.5 Parties act autonomously.14
5.6 Multiple simultaneous transactions can be supported .14
6 Components of a business transaction .14
6.1 Introduction.14
6.1.1 Overview.14
6.1.2 Standard based on rules and guidelines .15
6.1.3 Business transaction: commitment exchange added to information exchange .16
6.1.4 Business transaction: unambiguous identification of entities.20
6.1.5 Business transaction model: key components.23
6.1.6 Business transaction model: classes of constraints .23
6.2 Rules governing the Person component .26
6.2.1 Introduction.26
6.2.2 Person, personae, identification and Person signature.26
6.2.3 Person - identity and authentication .31
6.2.4 Person and roles: buyer and seller.34
6.2.5 Person and delegation to “agent” and/or “third party".35
6.2.6 Person and external constraints: the "regulator" .36
6.2.7 Person and external constraints: individual, organization, and public administration .36
6.2.8 Person and external constraints: consumer and vendor.40
6.3 Rules governing the process component.41
6.3.1 Introduction.41
6.3.2 Planning.42
6.3.3 Identification .43
6.3.4 Negotiation .43
6.3.5 Actualization .44
6.3.6 Post-actualization .44
6.4 Rules governing the data component .45
6.4.1 Recorded information .45
6.4.2 Predefined and structured data elements.47
© ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved iii

6.5 Business requirements on the FSV (Business demands on Open-Edi Support Infrastructure).50
6.5.1 Introduction .50
6.5.2 Internal constraints (self-imposed).51
6.5.3 External constraints .52
6.5.4 BOV requirements on the FSV for security methods and techniques .53
6.5.5 Liability of repositories .53
6.6 Primitive classification and identification of Open-edi scenarios.54
6.6.1 Introduction .54
6.6.2 Classification of Open-edi scenarios.54 Requirements for classification of Open-edi scenarios.54 Market type on business boundary.55 Settlement type in business process.55 Roles in business transactions: primitive or complex.55
6.6.3 Trade models based on three classification factors.56 Trade models by market type: defined and undefined.56 Trade models by settlement type: immediate and separate.57 Trade models by participation type: bilateral and mediated .58
6.6.4 Classification and scenario types of Open-edi scenarios.58 Classification on Open-edi scenarios.58 Scenario types.59 Basic primitive trade scenario: (a) .59 Basic complex trade scenario: (b).60 Defined primitive trade scenario: (i).60 Defined complex trade scenario: (j) .60 Primitive agreement scenario: (c) .61 Defined primitive agreement scenario: (k) .61 Complex agreement scenario: (g) .61 Defined complex agreement scenario: (m).62 Separate delivery scenario: (d).62 Separate payment scenario: (e).62 Authentication scenario: (f) .62 Defined authentication scenario: (l).63 Remarks on scenario classification.63 Continuous transaction:.63 Services transaction:.63 Auction transaction: .63 Bidding transaction: .63 Credit payment transaction: .63 Regulatory constraints:.63
7 Guidelines for scoping Open-edi scenarios .64
7.1 Introduction and basic principles .64
7.2 Rules for scoping Open-edi scenarios.65
7.3 Template for specifying scope of an Open-edi scenario.67
7.3.1 Introduction to template.67
7.3.2 Template .68
8 Rules for specification of Open-edi scenarios and their components .71
8.1 Introduction and basic principles .

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