ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd 1:2019
(Amendment)Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments — Part 8: Conformance specification for HEVC — Amendment 1: Conformance testing for HEVC screen content coding (SCC) extensions and non-intra high throughput profiles
Information technology — High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments — Part 8: Conformance specification for HEVC — Amendment 1: Conformance testing for HEVC screen content coding (SCC) extensions and non-intra high throughput profiles
Technologies de l'information — Codage à haute efficacité et livraison des medias dans des environnements hétérogènes — Partie 8: Spécification de conformité du codage video à haute efficacité — Amendment 1: Titre manque
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 23008-8
Second edition
Information technology — High
efficiency coding and media delivery
in heterogeneous environments —
Part 8:
Conformance specification for HEVC
AMENDMENT 1: Conformance testing
for HEVC screen content coding
(SCC) extensions and non-intra high
throughput profiles
Technologies de l'information — Codage à haute efficacité et livraison
des medias dans des environnements hétérogènes —
Partie 8: Spécification de conformité du codage video à haute
Reference number
ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E)
ISO/IEC 2019
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ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E)
© ISO/IEC 2019
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ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E)
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ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E)
Information technology — High efficiency coding and
media delivery in heterogeneous environments —
Part 8:
Conformance specification for HEVC
AMENDMENT 1: Conformance testing for HEVC screen content
coding (SCC) extensions and non-intra high throughput profiles
NOTE The conformance bitstreams added by this Amendment are available at: https:// standards .iso .org/
iso -iec/ 23008/ -8/ ed -2/ en/ amd/ -1.
Replace paragraph 9 with the following:
A decoder that conforms to the High Throughput 4:4:4 16 Intra, High Throughput 4:4:4, High Throughput
4:4:4 10 and High Throughput 4:4:4 14 profiles (as specified in Rec. ITU-T H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2:2017,
A.3.6), which are collectively referred to as the high throughput profiles, at specific level shall be
capable of decoding the specified bitstreams in Table 4.
At the end of 4.5.7, add the following paragraph:
A decoder that conforms to the Screen-Extended Main, Screen-Extended Main 10, Screen-Extended Main
4:4:4, Screen-Extended Main 4:4:4 10, Screen-Extended High Throughput 4:4:4, Screen-Extended High
Throughput 4:4:4 10 or Screen-Extended High Throughput 4:4:4 14 profiles (as specified in Rec. ITU-T
H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2:2017, A.3.7), which are collectively referred to as the screen content coding
extensions profiles, shall be capable of decoding the specified bitstreams in Table 7. A decoder that
conforms to some screen content coding extensions profiles is also required to be capable of decoding
bitstreams that conform to particular other profiles. Thus, in addition to the specified bitstreams in Table 7,
a decoder that conforms to a screen content coding extension profile shall also be capable of decoding the
bitstreams specified in Table 1 or Table 4 that conform to the decoding requirements specified for the
screen content coding extensions profile in Rec. ITU-T H.265 | ISO/IEC 23008-2:2017, A.3.7.
At the end of, add the following additional subclauses: Test bitstreams #WPP_AND_TILE_10Bit422Test_HIGH_TP_444_10BIT_RExt
Specification: All slices are coded as I or P slices. The value of bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to
2. The value of bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 2. The value of chroma_format_idc is set equal
to 2. There are 3 pictures in the bitstream. The cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag and extended_
precision_processing_flag are set equal to 0.
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ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E)
Functional stage: Test parsing and reconstruction process with various combinations of tools.
Purpose: The purpose of the stream is to exercise the combination of simultaneously using wavefronts
and tiles in the specified profile (the High Throughput 4:4:4 10 profile) when cabac_bypass_alignment_
enabled_flag and extended_precision_processing_flag are set equal to 0. Test bitstreams # WPP_AND_TILE_AND_CABAC_BYPASS_ALIGN_0_HIGH_
Specification: All slices are coded as I or P slices. The value of bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to
0. The value of bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. The value of chroma_format_idc is set equal
to 1. There are 3 pictures in the bitstream. The cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag and extended_
precision_processing_flag are set equal to 0. The video_full_range_flag is set equal to 1 in VUI.
Functional stage: Test parsing and reconstruction process with various combinations of tools.
Purpose: The purpose of the stream is to exercise the combination of simultaneously using wavefronts
and tiles in the specified profile (the High Throughput 4:4:4 14 profile) when cabac_bypass_alignment_
enabled_flag and extended_precision_processing_flag are set equal to 0. Test bitstreams #WPP_AND_TILE_AND_CABAC_BYPASS_ALIGN_1_HIGH_
Specification: All slices are coded as I or P slices. The value of bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0.
The value of bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. The value of chroma_format_idc is set equal to
1. There are 3 pictures in the bitstream. The cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag is set equal to 1. The
extended_precision_processing_flag is set equal to 0. The video_full_range_flag is set equal to 1 in VUI.
Functional stage: Test parsing and reconstruction process with various combinations of tools.
Purpose: The purpose of the stream is to exercise the combination of simultaneously using wavefronts
and tiles in the specified profile (the High Throughput 4:4:4 14 profile) when cabac_bypass_alignment_
enabled_flag is set equal to 1 and the extended_precision_processing_flag is set equal to 0. Test bitstreams #WPP_AND_TILE_AND_CABAC_EXT_PREC_1_HIGH_TP_444_14BIT_
Specification: All slices are coded as I or P slices. The value of bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0.
The value of bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. The value of chroma_format_idc is set equal to
1. There are 3 pictures in the bitstream. The cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag is set equal to 0. The
extended_precision_processing_flag is set equal to 1. The video_full_range_flag is set equal to 1 in VUI.
Functional stage: Test parsing and reconstruction process with various combinations of tools.
Purpose: The purpose of the stream is to exercise the combination of simultaneously using wavefronts
and tiles in the specified profile (the High Throughput 4:4:4 14 profile) when cabac_bypass_alignment_
enabled_flag is set equal to 0 and the extended_precision_processing_flag is set equal to 1. Test bitstreams #WPP_AND_TILE_HIGH_TP_444_8BIT_RExt
Specification: All slices are coded as I or P slices. The value of bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0.
The value of bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. The value of chroma_format_idc is set equal to
1. There are 3 pictures in the bitstream. The cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag and the extended_
precision_processing_flag are set equal to 0. The video_full_range_flag is set equal to 1 in VUI.
Functional stage: Test parsing and reconstruction process with various combinations of tools.
Purpose: The purpose of the stream is to exercise the combination of simultaneously using wavefronts
and tiles in the specified profile (the High Throughput 4:4:4 profile) when the cabac_bypass_alignment_
enabled_flag and the extended_precision_processing_flag are set equal to 0.
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ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E) Test bitstreams # WPP_HIGH_TP_444_8BIT_RExt
Specification: All slices are coded as I or P slices. The value of bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0.
The value of bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. The value of chroma_format_idc is set equal to
1. There are 3 pictures in the bitstream. The cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag and the extended_
precision_processing_flag is set equal to 0. The video_full_range_flag is set equal to 1 in VUI.
Functional stage: Test parsing and reconstruction process with various combinations of tools.
Purpose: The purpose of the stream is to exercise use wavefronts in the specified profile (the High
Throughput 4:4:4 profile) when the cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag and the extended_precision_
processing_flag are set equal to 0.
At the end of 4.6.17, add the following subclause and subordinate subclauses:
4.6.18 Test bitstreams – screen content coding extensions Test bitstreams #PPI_A
Specification: All slices are coded as P or B slices. bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0 and bit_
depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. chroma_format_idc is set to 3. There are a total of 33 pictures.
In the bitstream, the palette predictor initializers in both SPS and PPS are enabled. The bitstream
consists of one SPS and three PPS's:
— The first part of the bitstream contains the first SPS with sps_palette_predictor_initializer_
present_flag equal to 1 and the first PPS with pps_palette_predictor_initializer_present_flag equal
to 0. Therefore, the pictures in the first part of the bitstream use the palette predictor initializer
signalled in the SPS.
— The second part of the bitstream contains the second PPS with pps_palette_predictor_initializer_
present_flag set equal to 1. Therefore, the pictures in the second part of the bitsream use the palette
predictor initializers as signalled in the second PPS.
— The third part of the bitstream contains the third PPS with pps_palette_predictor_initializer_
present_flag equal to 1 and pps_num_palette_predictor_initializer equal to 0. Therefore, the pictures
in the third part of the bitstream use an empty palette predictor initializer.
Coding structure: Hierarchical B-pictures with GOP size of 16.
Functional stage: Test palette predictor initializer in SPS and/or PPS
Purpose: Test that the decoder correctly parses and decodes pictures when a palette predictor is
initialized using different types of palette predictors such as from SPS or PPS or the palette predictor is
initialized 0. Test bitstreams #PPI_B
Specification: All slices are coded as P or B slices. bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0 and bit_
depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. chroma_format_idc is set to 1. There are a total of 33 pictures.
In the bitstream, the palette predictor initializers in both SPS and PPS are enabled. The bitstream
consists of one SPS and three PPS's:
— The first part of the bitstream contains the first SPS with sps_palette_predictor_initializer_
present_flag equal to 1 and the first PPS with pps_palette_predictor_initializer_present_flag equal
to 0. Therefore, the pictures in the first part of the bitstream use the palette predictor initializer
signalled in the SPS.
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ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E)
— The second part of the bitstream contains the second PPS with pps_palette_predictor_initializer_
present_flag set equal to 1. Therefore, the pictures in the second part of the bitsream use the palette
predictor initializers as signalled in the second PPS.
— The third part of the bitstream contains the third PPS with pps_palette_predictor_initializer_
present_flag equal to 1 and pps_num_palette_predictor_initializer equal to 0. Therefore, the pictures
in the third part of the bitstream use an empty palette predictor initializer.
Coding structure: Hierarchical B-pictures with GOP size of 16.
Functional stage: Test palette predictor initializer in SPS and/or PPS
Purpose: Test that the decoder correctly parses and decodes pictures when a palette predictor is
initialized using different types of palette predictors such as from SPS or PPS or the palette predictor is
initialized 0. Test bitstreams #Zero_and_One_Palette_Size_A
Specification: The bitstream consists of a single picture that is coded as a single slice. bit_depth_luma_
minus8 is set equal to 0 and bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. chroma_format_idc is set to 3.
Several CUs within the picture are coded using the palette mode with palette size of 0 and 1.
Coding structure: The single picture is coded as a P-picture with the current picture as the only
reference picture.
Functional stage: Test the decoding and reconstruction of a palette block for palette sizes of 0 and 1.
Purpose: Test that the decoder correctly parses and decodes a palette block when the palette size
is 0 or 1. Test bitstreams #Slice_ACT_QP_Offsets_A
Specification: There are two pictures with each picture containing a single slice. The first slice is
coded as a P slice with the current picture as the only reference picture. The second slice is coded as a B
slice. bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0 and bit_depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. chroma_
format_idc is set equal to 3.
There are two PPSs. The first picture uses the first PPS and the second picture uses the second PPS. For
each PPS, pps_act_y_qp_offset_plus5, pps_act_cb_qp_offset_plus5, and pps_act_cr_qp_offset_plus3 are
set to 2, −1, and 1, respectively. For the first PPS, pps_slice_act_qp_offsets_present_flag is set equal to
0. For the second PPS, pps_slice_act_qp_offsets_present_flag is set equal to 1 and slice_act_y_qp_offset,
slice_act_cb_qp_offset, and slice_act_cr_qp_offset are set to −2, −1, and 1, respectively.
Coding structure: The first slice is a P slice with the current picture as the only reference picture. The
second slice is a B slice.
Functional stage: Test the ACT QP offsets at the PPS and slice level.
Purpose: Check that ACT QP offsets can be specified in the PPS and modified at the slice level. Test bitstreams #Bipred_8x8_A
Specification: All slices are coded as P or B slices. bit_depth_luma_minus8 is set equal to 0 and bit_
depth_chroma_minus8 is set equal to 0. chroma_format_idc is set equal to 1. There are 3 pictures. In the
3rd picture, there 5 8×8 non-merge blocks for which the signalled motion vector is bi-directional. It is
converted to unidirectional during the decoding process.
Coding structure: Low delay B configuration with hierarchical B pictures.
Functional stage: Test the decoding process for 8×8 blocks when a bi-directional motion vector is
converted to a uni-directional motion vector.
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ISO/IEC 23008-8:2018/Amd.1:2019(E)
Purpose: Check the decoder correctly converts a bi-directional motion vector for an 8×8 block to a uni-
directional motion vector when
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