Electroacoustics - Measurement of real-ear acoustical performance characteristics of hearing aids

IEC 61669:2015 gives recommendations and requirements for the measurement and estimation of the real-ear acoustical performance characteristics of air-conduction hearing aids and for the measurement of certain acoustic properties of the ear related to the application of hearing aids. Measurements of real-ear acoustical characteristics of hearing aids which apply non-linear or analytical processing techniques are valid only for the test signals used and conditions employed. The purpose of this standard is to ensure that measurements of real-ear acoustical performance characteristics of a given hearing aid on a given human ear can be replicated in other locations with other test equipment. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61669:2001 and the first edition of ISO 12124:2001. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

Électroacoustique - Mesure des caractéristiques de performances acoustiques des appareils de correction auditive sur une oreille réelle

L'IEC 61669:2015 donne les recommandations et les exigences relatives au mesurage et à l'estimation des caractéristiques de performances acoustiques sur une oreille réelle des appareils de correction auditive à conduction aérienne, et au mesurage de certaines propriétés acoustiques de l'oreille liées à l'application des appareils de correction auditive. Les mesurages des caractéristiques acoustiques des appareils de correction auditive sur une oreille réelle qui appliquent des techniques opératoires non linéaires ou analytiques sont valables uniquement pour les signaux d essai utilisés et les conditions expérimentales. La présente norme a pour objet de s'assurer que les mesurages des caractéristiques de performances acoustiques sur une oreille réelle d'un appareil de correction auditive donné, effectués sur une oreille humaine donnée peuvent être répétés dans d autres emplacements avec un autre appareillage d'essai. Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition de l'IEC 61669:2001 et la première édition de l'ISO 12124:2001. Cette édition consiste en une révision technique.

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IEC 61669:2015+AMD1:2025 CSV - Electroacoustics - Measurement of real-ear acoustical performance characteristics of hearing aids Released:17. 01. 2025 Isbn:9782832701515
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72 pages
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IEC 61669:2015 - Electroacoustics - Measurement of real-ear acoustical performance characteristics of hearing aids
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 61669 ®
Edition 2.1 2025-01
Electroacoustics – Measurement of real-ear acoustical performance
characteristics of hearing aids

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IEC 61669 ®
Edition 2.1 2025-01
Electroacoustics – Measurement of real-ear acoustical performance
characteristics of hearing aids
ICS 17.140.50 ISBN 978-2-8327-0151-5
REDLINE VERSION – 2 – IEC 61669:2015+AMD1:2025 CSV
© IEC 2025
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Test setup diagrams . 13
5 Limitations . 15
6 Test equipment . 16
6.1 Safety requirements . 16
6.2 Ambient conditions. 16
6.3 Test signal . 16
6.4 Sound field source . 17
6.5 Coupled sound source . 17
6.6 Test signal range . 17
6.7 Test signal level indication . 17
6.8 Equalization . 17
6.9 Frequency . 17
6.10 Harmonic distortion . 17
6.11 Probe microphone measurement . 17
6.12 Noise floor of probe microphone measurement . 17
6.13 Attenuation of probe microphone to external signals . 18
6.14 Analysis characteristics. 18
6.15 Output indication . 18
6.16 Graphical printout . 18
7 Test conditions . 19
7.1 Ambient conditions in the test space . 19
7.2 Background noise . 19
7.3 Acoustical properties . 19
7.4 Sound field characteristics . 19
7.5 Calibration . 19
7.6 Equalization . 19
7.6.1 General . 19
7.6.2 Substitution method . 19
7.6.3 Modified pressure method – Stored equalization . 20
7.6.4 Modified pressure method – Concurrent equalization . 20
7.7 Test signal level . 20
7.8 Location of the subject . 20
7.9 Location of the tester . 20
7.10 Location of the field reference point . 20
7.11 Location of the measurement point . 21
7.12 Instructions to the subject . 21
7.13 Location and coupling of the hearing aid . 21
7.14 Operating conditions for the hearing aid . 21
8 Measurements . 21
8.1 General . 21
8.2 Real-ear unaided response (REUR) curve. 21

© IEC 2025
8.3 Real-ear unaided gain (REUG) curve . 22
8.4 Real-ear occluded response (REOR) curve . 22
8.5 Real-ear occluded gain (REOG) curve . 22
8.6 Real-ear aided response (REAR) curve. 22
8.7 Real-ear aided gain (REAG) curve . 23
8.8 Real-ear insertion gain (REIG) curve . 23
8.9 Real-ear to coupler difference (RECD) curve . 23
8.10 Real-ear to dial difference (REDD) curve . 23
9 Measurement uncertainty for the performance requirements of Clause 6 . 24
Annex A (informative) Positioning the probe microphone sound inlet at the
measurement point . 25
A.1 General . 25
A.2 Visual positioning . 25
A.3 Acoustically-assisted positioning . 25
A.4 Acoustic positioning – Method 1 . 26
A.5 Acoustic positioning – Method 2 . 26
A.6 Geometrical positioning . 26
Annex B (informative) Issues in RECD measurement and application . 27
B.1 General . 27
B.2 Influence of the coupled sound source . 27
B.3 Estimating ear canal SPL produced by a hearing aid. 30
B.4 Correcting an HL audiogram obtained with an insert earphone and a
standard eartip . 32
B.5 Correcting an HL audiogram obtained with an insert earphone and a custom
earmould. 33
Annex C (informative) Relationship between tolerance interval, corresponding
acceptance interval and the maximum permitted uncertainty of measurement . 35
Bibliography . 36

Figure 1 – Test set-up . 14
Figure 2 – Real-ear measurement arrangement . 15
Figure B.1 – Computer-simulated ECLD for an average adult ear . 29
Figure B.2 – Computer-simulated ECLD for an average 3-month old child’s ear . 29
Figure B.3 – Computer-simulated error in estimating SPL in an average adult ear . 31
Figure B.4 – Computer-simulated error in estimating SPL in an average 3-month old
child’s ear . 32
Figure B.5 – Computer-simulated HL correction for an average 3 month old child’s ear . 34
Figure C.1 – Relationship between tolerance interval, corresponding acceptance
interval and the maximum permitted uncertainty of measurement . 35

Table 1 – Tolerance limits, acceptance limits and U for basic measurements . 24
REDLINE VERSION – 4 – IEC 61669:2015+AMD1:2025 CSV
© IEC 2025

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IEC 61669 ®
Edition 2.0 2015-11
Electroacoustics – Measurement of real-ear acoustical performance
characteristics of hearing aids

Électroacoustique – Mesure des caractéristiques de performances acoustiques
des appareils de correction auditive sur une oreille réelle

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IEC 61669 ®
Edition 2.0 2015-11
Electroacoustics – Measurement of real-ear acoustical performance

characteristics of hearing aids

Électroacoustique – Mesure des caractéristiques de performances acoustiques

des appareils de correction auditive sur une oreille réelle

ICS 17.140.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-2994-1

– 2 – IEC 61669:2015 © IEC 2015
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Test setup diagrams . 13
5 Limitations . 15
6 Test equipment . 16
6.1 Safety requirements . 16
6.2 Ambient conditions. 16
6.3 Test signal . 16
6.4 Sound field source . 17
6.5 Coupled sound source . 17
6.6 Test signal range . 17
6.7 Test signal level indication . 17
6.8 Equalization . 17
6.9 Frequency . 17
6.10 Harmonic distortion . 17
6.11 Probe microphone measurement . 17
6.12 Noise floor of probe microphone measurement . 17
6.13 Attenuation of probe microphone to external signals . 18
6.14 Analysis characteristics. 18
6.15 Output indication . 18
6.16 Graphical printout . 18
7 Test conditions . 19
7.1 Ambient conditions in the test space . 19
7.2 Background noise . 19
7.3 Acoustical properties . 19
7.4 Sound field characteristics . 19
7.5 Calibration . 19
7.6 Equalization . 19
7.6.1 General . 19
7.6.2 Substitution method . 19
7.6.3 Modified pressure method – Stored equalization . 20
7.6.4 Modified pressure method – Concurrent equalization . 20
7.7 Test signal level . 20
7.8 Location of the subject . 20
7.9 Location of the tester . 20
7.10 Location of the field reference point . 20
7.11 Location of the measurement point . 21
7.12 Instructions to the subject . 21
7.13 Location and coupling of the hearing aid . 21
7.14 Operating conditions for the hearing aid . 21
8 Measurements . 21
8.1 General . 21

8.2 Real-ear unaided response (REUR) curve. 21
8.3 Real-ear unaided gain (REUG) curve . 22
8.4 Real-ear occluded response (REOR) curve . 22
8.5 Real-ear occluded gain (REOG) curve . 22
8.6 Real-ear aided response (REAR) curve. 22
8.7 Real-ear aided gain (REAG) curve . 23
8.8 Real-ear insertion gain (REIG) curve . 23
8.9 Real-ear to coupler difference (RECD) curve . 23
8.10 Real-ear to dial difference (REDD) curve . 23
9 Measurement uncertainty for the performance requirements of Clause 6 . 24
Annex A (informative) Positioning the probe microphone sound inlet at the
measurement point . 25
A.1 General . 25
A.2 Visual positioning . 25
A.3 Acoustically-assisted positioning . 25
A.4 Acoustic positioning – Method 1 . 26
A.5 Acoustic positioning – Method 2 . 26
A.6 Geometrical positioning . 26
Annex B (informative) Issues in RECD measurement and application . 27
B.1 General . 27
B.2 Influence of the coupled sound source . 27
B.3 Estimating ear canal SPL produced by a hearing aid.

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