Covered conductors for overhead lines and the related accessories for rated voltages above 1 kV a.c. and not exceeding 36 kV a.c. - Part 2: Accessories for covered conductors - Tests and acceptance criteria

This document contains the requirements for accessories that are for use with covered conductors, see EN 50397 1. They are for applications in overhead lines with rated voltages U above 1 kV a.c. and not exceeding 36 kV a.c. NOTE This document describes the requirements and tests only for the accessories installed on the covered conductor itself.

Kunststoffumhüllte Leiter und zugehörige Armaturen für Freileitungen mit Nennspannungen über 1 kV und nicht mehr als 36 kV Wechselspannung - Teil 2: Armaturen für kunststoffumhüllte Freileitungsseile - Prüfungen und Anforderungen

Dieses Dokument beinhaltet die Anforderungen an Armaturen, die für kunststoffumhüllte Freileitungsseile nach EN 50397-1 verwendet werden. Sie werden bei Freileitungen mit einer Bemessungsspannung U über 1 kV Wechselspannung bis max. 36 kV Wechselspannung eingesetzt. ANMERKUNG Dieses Dokument beschreibt die Anforderungen und Prüfungen nur für die Armaturen, die an der Freileitung selbst montiert sind.

Conducteurs gainés pour lignes aériennes et accessoires associés pour des tensions assignées supérieures à 1 kV en courant alternatif et ne dépassant pas 36 kV en courant alternatif - Partie 2: Accessoires pour conducteurs gainés - Essais et critères d'acceptation

Le présent document contient les exigences relatives aux accessoires destinés aux conducteurs gainés (voir l'EN 50397 1). Il s'applique aux lignes aériennes de tensions assignées U supérieures à 1 kV en courant alternatif et ne dépassant pas 36 kV en courant alternatif. NOTE Le présent document décrit les exigences et les essais exclusivement pour les accessoires installés sur les conducteurs gainés eux-mêmes.

Oplaščeni vodniki za nadzemne vode in ustrezni pribor za naznačene izmenične napetosti nad 1 kV, ki ne presegajo 36 kV - 2. del: Pribor za oplaščene vodnike - Preskusi in prevzemni pogoji

V tem 2. delu standarda EN 50397 so zahteve za pribor, ki je namenjen uporabi z oplaščenimi vodniki v skladu s standardom EN 50397-1. Uporablja se v nadzemnih vodih z naznačenimi izmeničnimi napetostmi nad 1 kV, ki ne presegajo 36 kV.
OPOMBA:   Ta dokument opisuje zahteve in preskuse zgolj za pribor, ki je nameščen na oplaščenem vodniku.

General Information

Publication Date
Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
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6060 - Document made available - Publishing
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 50397-2:2010
Oplaščeni vodniki za nadzemne vode in ustrezni pribor za naznačene izmenične
napetosti nad 1 kV, ki ne presegajo 36 kV - 2. del: Pribor za oplaščene vodnike -
Preskusi in prevzemni pogoji
Covered conductors for overhead lines and the related accessories for rated voltages
above 1 kV a.c. and not exceeding 36 kV a.c. - Part 2: Accessories for covered
conductors - Tests and acceptance criteria
Kunststoffumhüllte Leiter und zugehörige Armaturen für Freileitungen mit
Nennspannungen über 1 kV und nicht mehr als 36 kV Wechselspannung - Teil 2:
Armaturen für kunststoffumhüllte Freileitungsseile - Prüfungen und Anforderungen
Conducteurs gainés pour lignes aériennes et accessoires associés pour des tensions
assignées supérieures à 1 kV en courant alternatif et ne dépassant pas 36 kV en courant
alternatif - Partie 2: Accessoires pour conducteurs gainés - Exigences et essais
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50397-2:2022
29.060.20 Kabli Cables
29.240.20 Daljnovodi Power transmission and
distribution lines
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

ICS 29.240.20 Supersedes EN 50397-2:2009
English Version
Covered conductors for overhead lines and the related
accessories for rated voltages above 1 kV a.c. and not
exceeding 36 kV a.c. - Part 2: Accessories for covered
conductors - Tests and acceptance criteria
Conducteurs gainés pour lignes aériennes et accessoires Kunststoffumhüllte Leiter und zugehörige Armaturen für
associés pour des tensions assignées supérieures à 1 kV Freileitungen mit Nennspannungen über 1 kV und nicht
en courant alternatif et ne dépassant pas 36 kV en courant mehr als 36 kV Wechselspannung - Teil 2: Armaturen für
alternatif - Partie 2: Accessoires pour conducteurs gainés - kunststoffumhüllte Freileitungsseile - Prüfungen und
Essais et critères d'acceptation Anforderungen
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2022-06-27. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50397-2:2022 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Requirements . 8
4.1 General requirements . 8
4.2 Specific requirements for fittings used on covered conductor . 9
4.3 Marking . 10
5 Quality assurance . 10
6 Classification of tests – Type tests, sample tests, routine tests . 10
6.1 Type tests . 10
6.2 Sample tests . 11
6.3 Routine tests . 11
7 Tests . 11
7.1 General . 11
7.2 Visual examination . 12
7.3 Dimensional and material verification . 12
7.4 Test for permanent marking . 12
7.5 Mechanical tests . 12
7.6 Hot dip galvanizing test . 29
7.7 Water tightness test . 29
7.8 Electrical ageing test for connectors and Joints . 30
7.9 Short-circuit test on APD or EPD . 30
7.10 Power arc test . 31
7.11 Environmental test for suspension and tension clamps . 32
7.12 Environmental tests for connectors and joints . 35
7.13 Endurance test for joints (optional) . 36
Annex A (normative) Type tests, sample tests and routine tests . 37
Annex B (informative)  Example of sampling with inspection by attributes . 39
Annex C (informative) Example of sampling with inspection by variable . 40
Annex D (normative) Special national conditions . 41
Bibliography . 42

Figure 1 — Test arrangement for damage and failure load test . 13
Figure 2 — Test arrangement of slip test at ambient temperature . 14
Figure 3 — Slip test arrangement at low temperature . 16
Figure 4 — Lift and side load test . 18
Figure 5 — Tensile test arrangement . 20
Figure 6 — Arrangement for the low temperature zone . 21
Figure 7 — Test arrangement . 26
Figure 8 — Mechanical stresses on earth parking device . 28
Figure 9 — Test arrangement for water tightness test . 30
Figure 10 — Resistance measurement . 31
Figure 11 — Example of power arc test arrangement for arc protection system . 32

Table 1 — Specified minimum loads . 18
Table A.1 . 37

European foreword
This document (EN 50397-2:2022) has been prepared by CLC/TC 20 “Electric cables”.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has to be (dop) 2023-06-27
implemented at national level by publication of
an identical national standard or by
• latest date by which the national standards (dow) 2025-06-27
conflicting with this document have to be
This document will supersede EN 50397-2:2009 and all of its amendments and corrigenda (if any).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national committee. A complete
listing of these bodies can be found on the CENELEC website.

Covered conductors consist of a conductor surrounded by a covering made of insulating material as protection
against accidental contacts with other covered conductors and with grounded parts such as tree branches, etc.
In comparison with insulated conductors, this covering has reduced properties, but is able to withstand the
phase-to-earth voltage temporarily.
Since covered conductors are unscreened, they are not touch-proof, i.e. they must be treated as bare
conductors with respect to electric shock.
This document does not cover aspects related to the installation of overhead lines such as determination of
clearances, spans, sags, etc.
1 Scope
This document contains the requirements for accessories that are for use with covered conductors, see
EN 50397-1. They are for applications in overhead lines with rated voltages U above 1 kV a.c. and not
exceeding 36 kV a.c.
NOTE This document describes the requirements and tests only for the accessories installed on the covered conductor
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the
latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 50397-1:2020, Covered conductors for overhead lines and the related accessories for rated voltages above
1 kV AC and not exceeding 36 kV AC — Part 1: Covered conductors
EN 50483-5, Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories — Part 5: Electrical ageing
EN 50483-6:2009, Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories — Part 6: Environmental
EN 61284:1997, Overhead lines — Requirements and tests for fittings
EN 61467, Insulators for overhead lines - Insulator strings and sets for lines with a nominal voltage greater than
1 000 V — AC power arc tests
EN ISO 1461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles — Specifications and test
methods (ISO 1461)
ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by
acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
ISO 2859-2, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting
quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection
ISO 3951 (series), Sampling procedures for inspection by variables
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
type test
test required to be made before supplying a type of product covered by this document on a general commercial
basis in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to meet the intended application
Note 1 to entry: Symbol T.
Note 2 to entry: These tests are of such nature that, after they have been made, they need not be repeated un

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