ASTM F1777-97
(Practice)Standard Practice for Paintball Field Operation
Standard Practice for Paintball Field Operation
1.1 This practice establishes minimum safety requirements for the operation of paintball playing fields, and provides for certain materials and procedures required.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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An American National Standard
Designation: F 1777 – 97
Standard Practice for
Paintball Field Operation
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1777; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (ϵ) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This practice sets forth procedures for operating a paintball playing field. The goal is to assist
paintball field operators in running a safe business. Like any other physical activity, paintball presents
a potential for injury. No procedural practice can prevent all injuries, especially when paintball players
do not follow safety instructions. The ultimate responsibility for preventing injury lies with the
paintball player. This practice, however, intends to promote safe paintball field operation through
standardization of operating practice.
1. Scope 3.2 Field Orientation and Safety Briefing—Prior to their
first game of the day, every player shall be given a formal
1.1 This practice establishes minimum safety requirements
briefing on safety rules, risk of injury, game rules, field
for the operation of paintball playing fields, and provides for
orientation, and equipment operation.
certain materials and procedures required.
3.3 Barrel Plug Regulation—Allplayersshallberequiredto
2. Terminology
have paintball gun barrels plugged with a device specifically
designed for that purpose at all times other than while on the
2.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
playing field during games, at the chronograph, or at the target
2.1.1 bulk cylinder, n—a gas storage vessel used to fill gas
propellant vessels on paintball guns.
3.4 Eye, Ear, and Face Protection—All players shall be
2.1.2 ear protection, n—devices that cover the ear cavities
required to wear ear protection and paintball goggles with full
and prevent direct entry of paintballs into the ear canals.
face protection at all times while they are in areas designated
2.1.3 filling apparatus, n—equipment used to properly fill
as “goggles on areas.” The goggles shall be designed specifi-
gas propellant vessels on paintball guns from bulk cylinders.
cally for use in paintball games. Goggle lenses with cracks
2.1.4 game area, n—an area in which paintball games are
visible to the naked eye shall not be permitted.
conducted and in which goggles are required to be worn.
3.5 Chronographing Procedures—All paintball guns shall
2.1.5 goggles on areas, n—areas in which all persons are
be chronographed. All field rental paintball guns shall be
required to wear paintball goggles, including playing fields,
chronographed daily prior to being used at the field. All other
game areas, chronograph areas, and target ranges.
paintball guns shall be chronographed at the field prior to being
2.1.6 playing field, n—an area delineated by a boundary
used on the field. Paintball gun velocities shall be adjusted so
marker, in which paintball games are conducted.
as to not exceed 300 ft/s.
2.1.7 staging area, n—an area protected against stray entry
3.6 Required Signs:
of paintballs, in which paintball players organize themselves
3.6.1 The following signs shall be posted conspicuously:
for a game. “Goggles On” signs shall be posted at the exits of
3. Operational Procedures
the staging area along routes to the playing fields, and at the
entrances to any other areas that paintball gun discharge might
3.1 Safety Rules Posted—Player safety rules, printed in
be permitted.
12-point type or larger, shall be posted conspicuously at the “Barrel Plugs” signs shall be posted at the exits from
registration area. Every player shall be instructed to read the
the playing fields, chronograph area, target range, and any-
safety rules.
where else that paintball gun discharge might be permitted. “Paintball Game Area, Eye Protection Required”
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