IEC/TC 114 - Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters
To prepare international standards for marine energy conversion systems. The primary focus will be on conversion of wave, tidal and other water current energy into electrical energy, although other conversion methods, systems and products are included. Tidal barrage and dam installations, as covered by TC 4, are excluded. The standards produced by TC 114 will address: - terminology; - management plans for technology and project development; - performance measurements of marine energy converters; - resource assessments; - design and safety including reliability and survivability; - deployment, commissioning, operation, maintenance, retrieval and decommissioning; - electrical interface, including array integration and / or grid integration; - testing laboratory, manufacturing and factory acceptance; - additional measurement methodologies and processes.
Energie hydraulique - Convertisseurs de l'énergie des vagues, des marées et des courants marins
To prepare international standards for marine energy conversion systems. The primary focus will be on conversion of wave, tidal and other water current energy into electrical energy, although other conversion methods, systems and products are included. Tidal barrage and dam installations, as covered by TC 4, are excluded. The standards produced by TC 114 will address: - terminology; - management plans for technology and project development; - performance measurements of marine energy converters; - resource assessments; - design and safety including reliability and survivability; - deployment, commissioning, operation, maintenance, retrieval and decommissioning; - electrical interface, including array integration and / or grid integration; - testing laboratory, manufacturing and factory acceptance; - additional measurement methodologies and processes.