ISO/IEC PRF 23360-6-2
(Main)Linux Standard Base (LSB)
Linux Standard Base (LSB)
Noyau de base normalisé Linux (LSB)
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
STANDARD 23360-6-2
First edition
Linux Standard Base (LSB) —
Part 6-2:
Core specification for PowerPC 64
Reference number
ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
ISO/IEC 2021
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
© ISO/IEC 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
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ii © ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity.
ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of document should be noted (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details
of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see or the IEC list of patent
declarations received (see trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the World
Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT),see In the IEC, see
This document was prepared by the Linux Foundation [as Linux Standard Base (LSB): Core specification
for PowerPC 64 architecture] and drafted in accordance with its editorial rules. It was assigned to Joint
Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 22, Programming
languages, their environments and system software interfaces, and adopted by National Bodies.
This first edition of ISO/IEC 23360-6-2 cancels and replaces ISO/IEC 23360-6:2006, which has been
technically revised.A list of all parts in the ISO/IEC 23660 series can be found on the ISO and IEC websites.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at and
committees.© ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ vi
I Introductory Elements ............................................................................................................................. 1
1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................................ 2
2 References ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Normative References ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Informative References/Bibliography......................................................................................... 5
3 Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Relevant Libraries ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.2 LSB Implementation Conformance............................................................................................... 8
3.3 LSB Application Conformance ........................................................................................................ 9
4 Terms and Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 11
5 Documentation Conventions ...................................................................................................................... 13
II Executable and Linking Format (ELF) ............................................................................................ 14
6 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
7 Low Level System Information .................................................................................................................. 16
7.1 Machine Interface ............................................................................................................................... 16
7.2 Function Calling Sequence ............................................................................................................. 17
7.3 Traceback Tables ................................................................................................................................ 17
7.4 Process Initialization ........................................................................................................................ 17
7.5 Coding Examples................................................................................................................................. 17
8 Object Format .................................................................................................................................................... 19
8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 19
8.2 ELF Header ............................................................................................................................................ 19
8.3 Special Sections ................................................................................................................................... 19
8.4 TOC ............................................................................................................................................................ 21
8.5 Symbol Table ........................................................................................................................................ 21
8.6 Relocation .............................................................................................................................................. 21
9 Program Loading and Dynamic Linking ................................................................................................ 22
9.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 22
9.2 Program Loading ................................................................................................................................ 22
9.3 Dynamic Linking ................................................................................................................................. 22
III Base Libraries ........................................................................................................................................ 23
10 Libraries ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
10.1 Program Interpreter/Dynamic Linker ................................................................................... 24
10.2 Interfaces for libc ............................................................................................................................. 24
10.3 Data Definitions for libc ................................................................................................................ 45
10.4 Interfaces for libm ........................................................................................................................... 63
10.5 Data Definitions for libm .............................................................................................................. 70
10.6 Interface Definitions for libm ..................................................................................................... 71
10.7 Interfaces for libpthread ............................................................................................................... 72
10.8 Data Definitions for libpthread .................................................................................................. 78
10.9 Interfaces for libgcc_s..................................................................................................................... 79
10.10 Data Definitions for libgcc_s ..................................................................................................... 80
10.11 Interface Definitions for libgcc_s ............................................................................................ 80
10.12 Interfaces for libdl ........................................................................................................................ 81
10.13 Data Definitions for libdl............................................................................................................ 82
10.14 Interfaces for libcrypt ................................................................................................................. 82
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
10.15 Data Definitions for libcrypt..................................................................................................... 83
IV Utility Libraries ..................................................................................................................................... 84
11 Libraries ............................................................................................................................................................ 85
11.1 Interfaces for libz ............................................................................................................................. 85
11.2 Data Definitions for libz ................................................................................................................ 85
11.3 Interfaces for libncurses ............................................................................................................... 86
11.4 Data Definitions for libncurses .................................................................................................. 86
11.5 Interfaces for libncursesw ........................................................................................................... 86
11.6 Data Definitions for libncursesw .............................................................................................. 87
11.7 Interfaces for libutil ........................................................................................................................ 87
V Base Libraries .......................................................................................................................................... 89
12 Libraries ............................................................................................................................................................ 90
12.1 Interfaces for libstdcxx .................................................................................................................. 90
12.2 Interface Definitions for libstdcxx ......................................................................................... 222
VI Package Format and Installation ................................................................................................. 223
13 Software Installation................................................................................................................................. 224
13.1 Package Dependencies ............................................................................................................... 224
13.2 Package Architecture Considerations .................................................................................. 224
Annex A Alphabetical Listing of Interfaces by Library .............................................................. 225
A.1 libc ................................................................................................................................................................... 225
A.2 libcrypt .......................................................................................................................................................... 241
A.3 libdl ................................................................................................................................................................. 241
A.4 libgcc_s ........................................................................................................................................................... 241
A.5 libm ................................................................................................................................................................. 242
A.6 libpthread ..................................................................................................................................................... 248
A.7 librt .................................................................................................................................................................. 251
A.8 libutil .............................................................................................................................................................. 252
© 2021 ISO/IEC – All rights reserved v---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
The LSB defines a binary interface for application programs that are compiled
and packaged for LSB-conforming implementations on many different hardware
architectures. A binary specification must include information specific to the
computer processor architecture for which it is intended. To avoid the complexity
of conditional descriptions, the specification has instead been divided intogeneric parts which are augmented by one of several architecture-specific parts,
depending on the target processor architecture; the generic part will indicate
when reference must be made to the architecture part, and vice versa.
This document should be used in conjunction with the documents it references.
This document enumerates the system components it includes, but descriptions
of those components may be included entirely or partly in this document, partly
in other documents, or entirely in other reference documents. For example, the
section that describes system service routines includes a list of the system
routines supported in this interface, formal declarations of the data structures
they use that are visible to applications, and a pointer to the underlying
referenced specification for information about the syntax and semantics of each
call. Only those routines not described in standards referenced by this document,
or extensions to those standards, are described in the detail. Informationreferenced in this way is as much a part of this document as is the information
explicitly included here.
The specification carries a version number of either the form x.y or x.y.z. This
version number carries the following meaning:
1. The first number (x) is the major version number. Versions sharing the same
major version number shall be compatible in a backwards direction; that is,
a newer version shall be compatible with an older version. Any deletion of
a library results in a new major version number. Interfaces marked as
deprecated may be removed from the specification at a major version
2. The second number (y) is the minor version number. Libraries and
individual interfaces may be added, but not removed. Interfaces may be
marked as deprecated at a minor version change. Other minor changes may
be permitted at the discretion of the LSB workgroup.
3. The third number (z), if present, is the editorial level. Only editorial changes
should be included in such versions.Since this specification is a descriptive Application Binary Interface, and not a
source level API specification, it is not possible to make a guarantee of 100%backward compatibility between major releases. However, it is the intent that
those parts of the binary interface that are visible in the source level API will
remain backward compatible from version to version, except where a featuremarked as "Deprecated" in one release may be removed from a future release.
Implementors are strongly encouraged to make use of symbol versioning to
permit simultaneous support of applications conforming to different releases of
this specification.
LSB is a trademark of the Linux Foundation. Developers of applications or
implementations interested in using the trademark should see the Linux
Foundation Certification Policy for details.
vi © 2021 ISO/IEC – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
I Introductory Elements
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
1 Scope
The Linux Standard Base (LSB) defines a system interface for compiled
applications and a minimal environment for support of installation scripts. Its
purpose is to enable a uniform industry standard environment for high-volume
applications conforming to the LSB.
These specifications are composed of two basic parts: a common part describing
those parts of the interface that remain constant across all implementations of the
LSB, and an architecture-specific part describing the parts of the interface that
vary by processor architecture. Together, the common part and the relevantarchitecture-specific part for a single hardware architecture provide a complete
interface specification for compiled application programs on systems that share
a common hardware architecture.
The LSB contains both a set of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and
Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs). APIs may appear in the source code of
portable applications, while the compiled binary of that application may use the
larger set of ABIs. A conforming implementation provides all of the ABIs listed
here. The compilation system may replace (e.g. by macro definition) certain APIs
with calls to one or more of the underlying binary interfaces, and may insert calls
to binary interfaces as needed.The LSB is primarily a binary interface definition. Not all of the source level APIs
available to applications may be contained in this specification.This is the PPC64 architecture specific part of the Core module of the Linux
Standard Base (LSB). This part supplements the common part of the LSB Core
module with those interfaces that differ between architectures.
This part should be used in conjunction with LSB Core - Generic, the common
part. Whenever a section of the common part is supplemented by architecture-
specific information, the common part includes a reference to the architecture-
specific part. This part may also contain additional information that is not
referenced in the common part.
Interfaces described in this part of the LSB Core Specification are mandatory
except where explicitly listed otherwise. Interfaces described in the LSB Core
module are supplemented by other LSB modules. All other modules depend on
the presence of LSB Core.
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
2 References
2.1 Normative References
The following specifications are incorporated by reference into this specification.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the
latest edition of the referenced specification (including any amendments) applies.
Note: Where copies of a referenced specification are available on the World WideWeb, a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is given, for informative purposes only.
Such URL might at any given time resolve to a more recent copy of the specification,
or be out of date (not resolve). Reference copies of specifications at the revision level
indicated may be found at the Linux Foundation's Reference Specifications( site.
Table 2-1 Normative References
Name Title URL
LSB Core - Generic Linux Standard Base - http://www.linuxbase.
Core Specification - org/spec/
64-bit PowerPC™ ELF 64-bit PowerPC™ ELF http://www.linux-
ABI Supplement ABI Supplement,
Version 1.9 LF/ppc64/
Filesystem Hierarchy Filesystem Hierarchy http://refspecs.linuxba
Standard Standard (FHS) 3.0
ISO C (1999) ISO/IEC 9899:1999 -
Languages -- C
ISO/IEC 14882: 2003 ISO/IEC 14882: 2003
C++ Language Programming
languages --C++
Itanium™ C++ ABI Itanium™ C++ ABI http://refspecs.linuxfo
(Revision 1.86)
Large File Support Large File Support http://www.UNIX-
Libncursesw API Libncursesw API http://invisible-
Libncursesw Libncursesw http://refspecs.linux-
Placeholder Specification
Placeholder sesw/libncurses.html
POSIX 1003.1-2001
ISO/IEC 9945-1:2003
(ISO/IEC 9945-2003) version3/
Information technology
-- Portable Operating
System Interface
© 2021 ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 3
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
Name Title URL
(POSIX) -- Part 1: Base
ISO/IEC 9945-2:2003
Information technology
-- Portable Operating
System Interface
(POSIX) -- Part 2:
System Interfaces
ISO/IEC 9945-3:2003
Information technology
-- Portable Operating
System Interface
(POSIX) -- Part 3: Shell
and Utilities
ISO/IEC 9945-4:2003
Information technology
-- Portable Operating
System Interface
(POSIX) -- Part 4:
Including Technical
Cor. 1: 2004
POSIX 1003.1-2008 Portable Operating
(ISO/IEC 9945-2009) System Interface version4/
(POSIX®) 2008 Edition
/ The Open Group
Technical Standard
Base Specifications,
Issue 7
SUSv2 CAE Specification, http://www.opengrou
January 1997, System
Interfaces and Headers alog/un.htm
(XSH),Issue 5 (ISBN: 1-
85912-181-0, C606)
SVID Issue 3 American Telephone
and Telegraph
Company, System V
Interface Definition,
Issue 3; Morristown, NJ,
UNIX Press, 1989.
(ISBN 0201566524)
SVID Issue 4 System V Interface http://refspecs.linuxfo
Definition, Fourth
System V ABI System V Application
Binary Interface, developers/devspecs/g
Edition 4.1 abi41.pdf
4 © 2021 ISO/IEC – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
Name Title URL
System V ABI Update System V Application
Binary Interface - developers/gabi/2003-
DRAFT - 17 December
The PowerPC™ The PowerPC™ http://refspecs.linux-
Microprocessor Family Microprocessor Family:
The Programming m.2005mar31.pdf
Environment Manual
for 32 and 64-bit
X/Open Curses, Issue 7 X/Open Curses, Issue 7 https://www2.opengro
(ISBN: 1-931624-83-6,
The Open Group, C094
November 2009)
2.2 Informative References/Bibliography
The documents listed below provide essential background information to
implementors of this specification. These references are included for information
only, and do not represent normative parts of this specification.Table 2-2 Other References
Name Title URL
DWARF Debugging DWARF Debugging http://www.dwarfstd.
Information Format, Information Format, org/doc/DWARF4.pdf
Version 4 Version 4 (June 10,
IEC 60559/IEEE 754 IEC 60559:1989 Binary
Floating Point floating-point
arithmetic for
microprocessor systems
ISO/IEC Technical
Report 14652:2002
Specification method
for cultural conventions
ITU-T V.42 International
Telecommunication /recommendation.asp?t
Union ype=folders&lang=e&p
Recommendation V.42 arent=T-REC-V.42
(2002): Error-correcting
procedures for DCEs
using asynchronous-to-
Li18nux Globalization LI18NUX 2000 http://www.openi18n.
Specification Globalization org/docs/html/LI18N
Specification, Version UX-2000-amd4.htm
1.0 with Amendment 4
© 2021 ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 5
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
Name Title URL
Linux Allocated Device LINUX ALLOCATED http://www.lanana.or
Registry DEVICES g/docs/device-
Linux Assigned Names Linux Assigned Names http://www.lanana.or
And Numbers And Numbers g/
Authority Authority
Mozilla's NSS SSL Mozilla's NSS SSL http://www.mozilla.or
Reference Reference g/projects/security/pk
NSPR Reference Mozilla's NSPR http://refspecs.linuxfo
PAM Open Software http://www.opengrou
Foundation, Request
For Comments: 86.0 , rfc/rfc86.0.txt
October 1995, V. Samar
& R.Schemers (SunSoft)
RFC 1321: The MD5 IETF RFC 1321: The
Message-Digest MD5 Message-Digest c/rfc1321.txt
Algorithm Algorithm
RFC 1833: Binding IETF RFC 1833: Binding
Protocols for ONC RPC Protocols for ONC RPC c/rfc1833.txt
Version 2 Version 2
Compressed Data Compressed Data c/rfc1950.txt
Format Specication Format Specification
Compressed Data DEFLATE Compressed c/rfc1951.txt
Format Specification Data Format
Specification version 1.3
RFC 1952: GZIP File IETF RFC 1952: GZIP
Format Specification file format specification c/rfc1952.txt
version 4.3
RFC 2440: OpenPGP IETF RFC 2440:
Message Format OpenPGP Message c/rfc2440.txt
RFC 2821:Simple Mail IETF RFC 2821: Simple
Transfer Protocol Mail Transfer Protocol c/rfc2821.txt
RFC 2822:Internet IETF RFC 2822: Internet
Message Format Message Format c/rfc2822.txt
RFC 5531/4506 RPC & IETF RFC 5531 & 4506
6 © 2021 ISO/IEC – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
Name Title URL
RFC 791:Internet IETF RFC 791: Internet
Protocol Protocol Specification c/rfc791.txt
RPM Package Format
RPM Package Format
V3.0 max-rpm/s1-rpm-file-
zlib Manual zlib 1.2 Manual
© 2021 ISO/IEC – All rights reserved 7
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ISO/IEC 23360-6-2:2021(E)
3 Requirements
3.1 Relevant Libraries
The libraries listed in Table 3-1 shall be available on PPC64 Linux Standard Base
systems, with the specified runtime names. These names override or supplementthe names specified in the generic LSB (LSB Core - Generic) specification. The
specified program interpreter, referred to as proginterp in this table, shall be used
to load the shared libraries specified by DT_NEEDED entries at run time.Table 3-1 Standard Library Names
Library Runtime Name
proginterp /lib64/
These libraries will be in an implementation-defined directory which the
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